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Discarding the Shackles of Fear
2006-08-20Teacher told us in Zhuan Falun, "matter and mind are one thing." I felt that the matter of my fear continuously accumulated in other dimensions. Plus, the human notions I had formed in human society presented a barrier, wrapped me up as if I was inside a shell, controlled me, and made me unable to think independently. Although I studied the Falun Gong teachings every day, I was not able to break through the obsession of fear.
A Young Practitioner's Experience Sharing
2006-08-19Today I read that Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang had detained more than 6,000 Falun Dafa practitioners to harvest their organs for profit. I shared with other practitioners and found some problems. Although it was already very late into the incident when we learned about this, I still hope that everyone can learn from our sharing.
Discovering Many Attachments While Purchasing a New Computer
2006-08-19I did not listen as I thought I'd heard enough advice and that I knew enough about computers, so I didn't need to hear any more. (This was due to my attachment to self-approval and stubbornness. This is the manifestation of my attachment to self. The attachments were so strong and yet I still didn't notice.) In the end, I chose a Chinese brand. It's an expensive brand and the specifications are low, and they come with a lot of problems.
Falun Gong Practitioner Nie Ge's Story -- People of Singapore: Please say "No" to Manipulation by the CCP
2006-08-15After I was released from imprisonment, I heard about Nie Ge, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Singapore. I was saddened when I was told that she had her work permit and five-year Certificate of Social Activities (residency permit) revoked on June 2nd and that she had gone to Malaysia on June 5th, seeking asylum. I'm very worried about her current situation.
What I Learned from Getting Upset as Soon as Others Criticize
2006-08-14My inability to take criticism also has its historical roots. I’ve always been the leader since I started working, whether it was a small unit or a large unit. And most of the units were organizations of authority. In addition, I was instilled with the Chinese Communist party (CCP) culture since birth. Hence, the inability to take criticism was deeply ingrained in me.
Letting Go of the Attachment to "My Happiness"
2006-08-14Before practicing Falun Dafa , I didn’t have many dreams in life; I cared very little for fame and self-interest, and I could easily treat others nicely. However, I took "my happiness" very seriously. I once secretly made a resolution that I must study hard and leave the countryside; then I could rush about diligently to seek "my happiness." There is nothing wrong with this goal for human beings, but a cultivator should have a different goal.
It Is a Practitioner’s Obligation to Write Cultivation Experience Sharing Articles
2006-08-13Some are unconfident of their writing skills, some consider their experiences unworthy of writing, and others are illiterate, etc. Despite all kinds of excuses, these practitioners have obstacles to overcome which have blocked them from sharing their cultivation experiences. The roots of the obstacles are that practitioners have not realized that it is a practitioner’s obligation to write cultivation experience sharing articles.
Cultivate Ourselves Diligently so as to Improve as One-Body
2006-08-13Sometimes when mother refused to take my criticism, I would become very judgmental and reproach her, forcing her to admit her attachments and accept my criticism. Yet, with other practitioners, I would express my concern in a friendly manner, acceptable to them. If they didn’t want to listen, I wouldn’t pass judgment or hold a negative opinion of them. I realized the different attitudes reflected my sentimentality
My Mother and I Were Fortunate Enough to Meet Teacher Three Times
2006-08-10My mother and I attended the first lecture Teacher gave in Dalian. My mother was in very poor health. She had all kinds of diseases, particularly tuberculosis, which made walking very difficult for her. My brother had heard that Falun Gong was very popular in Beijing. When Teacher came to Dalian, my brother bought tickets for my mom and me so we could attend Teacher's seminar.
Don't Indulge Even One Thought that is not In Line With the Falun Gong Teachings
2006-08-10Because I indulged myself in leisure, I became slack in doing the three things well. When I realised it, I had already lost lots of precious time. Now, I want to write down my experience so that our fellow practitioners who have similar attachments will wake up and not have regrets about the past.
Eliminating Anxiety and Apprehension to Memorise Zhuan Falun
2006-08-09One evening while reading Zhuan Falun, my granddaughter suddenly asked me, "Grandma, did you memorise the whole book?" I realised right away that Teacher was hinting for me to memorise the Fa. In January 2006, I was motivated and awakened by the many experience sharing articles by fellow practitioners on memorising the Fa. Only then did I make up my mind to memorise Zhuan Falun.
Our Experiences and Sharing After the Southeast Van Tour
2006-08-08In order to promote an independent investigation of the Chinese Communist Party's live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China and call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China, some of us practitioners launched a van tour. Our van tour lasted nine days and travelled to seventeen cities in seven states. Along the way, nine newspaper, ten TV stations and one Radio station reported our tour.
A Few Words Regarding Righteous Thoughts
2006-08-08Having righteous thoughts, strong righteous thoughts and sufficient righteous thoughts differ in their degrees and also in their results. Master always asks us to keep sufficient righteous thoughts. This is my personal understanding: What is "sufficient"? It is a full, 100 percent, and it is without a tiny bit of doubt or waver.
Believe in Master and the Fa - Do the Three Things Well
2006-08-05They used the power of the government to slander Falun Gong and promote hatred. I was confused at that time, and wondered what was going on. We had never done any bad things, and we cultivated Falun Dafa to be good people and have a healthy body. I told myself in my heart that no matter what tribulation I had, that I would still cultivate in Falun Dafa.
A Dream Leads me to Falun Dafa
2006-08-05One night in 2004, I dreamt I was arguing with a woman in her thirties. I was very agitated and cursed at her. However, she was very kind and smiled at me without saying a word. I woke up from my dream and thought to myself that I must try to find that person and apologise to her.