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Recollections of Teacher's Lectures in Guangzhou, China
2004-12-30On the night of the 28th of December in 1994, the Guangzhou Lecture Session ended. Teacher said to us, "My visa is ready." All of us knew Teacher would travel around the world to introduce Falun Gong. We did not know when we would be able to see him in the future. During the eight days of lectures, Teacher taught us the universal law and cleansed our bodies. When it was time to say goodbye, everybody felt sad.
An Australian Falun Dafa Practitioner's Journey to Tanzania
2004-12-29The practise site had become a landmark on scenic Ocean Drive, alongside the beautiful Indian Ocean. Even the taxi drivers asked whether we can do a Falun Gong program in their local language on the radio stations, so that they can learn about Falun Dafa while driving. When we handed out leaflets on the streets, people came up to us and said they had received our leaflets, and looked at the website. They said they couldn't believe the brutality of the persecution! Thanks to the media's continuing positive reports about the practise, Falun Dafa has become widely known.
Not Moving One’s Heart and Righteous Thoughts
2004-12-29I came across a situation in the early days of my cultivation: During a group sharing session, one practitioner pointed out the shortcomings of another practitioner, who then instinctively defended herself with angry words. A young female practitioner sitting next to me whispered to me: “See, her heart moved.” I wasn’t aware of the deeper meaning of those words at the time. But as my cultivation progressed, those words echoed again and again in my mind.
I Am a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2004-12-29When talking about interference by the demon of lust in Zhuan Falun (the core text of Falun Gong teachings), Master mentioned a story of a practitioner from Wuhan city. The practitioner saw Buddha Amitabha and Laozi while he was doing the sitting meditation. Then Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara showed up and tested him by creating some flying heavenly girls. In the past I only realised that this was for teaching us how to deal with demon of lust. Recently, I suddenly enlightened to something more.
I Practise Falun Gong; The Persecution Can't Affect Me (Part 4)
2004-12-27I again had blood in my urine and my whole body was in pain. On the seventh day, I suddenly started to vomit huge amounts of blood. At the time, the prisoners were very scared. They banged on the door and asked for the police and prison doctor. Meanwhile, Falun Dafa practitioners in different cells were also alerted. Yet, after vomiting blood, my stomach soon felt better and I was no longer in pain. After that, I was in a semi-conscious state. It was as if I had reached the limit of enduring the mental and physical torture.
A Small Practise Site in Mainland China: Studying the Fa and Clarifying the Truth Together
2004-12-27During the past five years, with Master's help, we have continued with our group Fa study and sending forth righteous thoughts. No matter what the weather is, no matter if we were busy or not, we have continued post to materials. When there was no electricity we would use candles, and we'd wear boots and carry umbrellas in the rain in order to continue putting up materials. Currently, there are four new practitioners in our village.
I Practise Falun Gong; The Persecution Can't Affect Me (Part 3)
2004-12-26An officer then squatted behind the stool where I sat and stretched his hand inside the overcoat to drag my hair back so that my head was lifted. Another officer stood behind me to force me to look as if I was tearing a book with both hands. I grasped my fists to my chest so that they could not get their way. One officer tore a book and threw it onto me, another seized the chance to sprinkle water on my face to concoct a tear. I closed my eyes without any expression. I thought that as long as I refuse to open my mouth they could not fabricate any facts.
Clarifying the Truth for Four Years; Each Day Is Like the First Day
2004-12-26"...After practising Falun Gong for only two and half a months, I restored my health and could carry a sack of flour weighing 55 lbs by myself to the fourth floor." The General Manager said, "Our finance department told me that you haven't made any health insurance claim for the past six years since you started practising Falun Gong." I added, "Do you remember that, before I practised Falun Gong, I was admitted to the hospital and cost our company 17,000 yuan in medical expenses?" "Yes. Yes. I remember."
Correcting the Environment Around Us With Righteous Thoughts
2004-12-24Slowly my husband changed. He started to help me buy supplies for making materials that highlight why the persecution against Falun Dafa is wrong, and helped me solve computer problems related to Falun Dafa work. His work unit once organised an exhibition. I sensed it would be a Falun Dafa slandering exhibit and asked him, "Would you go if it attacks Dafa?" He said, "Absolutely not!" He not only did not go but he also asked his friends not to go.
Imprisoned Falun Dafa Practitioner Cai Zidong from Shiyan City is Steadfast in His Belief
2004-12-24I witnessed Falun Dafa practitioners from Shiyan City validate the Fa by risking their lives in the Detention Centre. On trial, we did not consider our lives. We explained the truth about Falun Gong to the judges in a dignified manner, appealed for the rights of Falun Dafa, exposed the evil nature of Jiang and his regime, and proclaimed our innocence. Although the judges went mad and sentenced us, we did not plead guilty, and appealed the sentence. Officials at the intermediate court dared not even to correct the wrong dates that had been put on the sentencing statement.
I Practise Falun Gong; No Evil Can Harm Me (Part 2)
2004-12-23Each passing day brought news about practitioners' homes being ransacked. To be safe, we bought several tents and went to Jiulong Mountain. We lived on the mountain for 58 days. During the day, we still went to Tiananmen Square to talk to other practitioners, and at night we brought practitioners who had no place to stay back to the mountain. Some practitioners didn't have much money, and some were forced to eat leftover food from restaurants. The weather was getting colder, and practitioners who left home early were wearing thin clothes, and some slept on the streets at night. We gave almost all of the money we brought to fellow practitioners.
The Most Beautiful Song
2004-12-23She looked at these former practitioners with her bright and pure eyes. I lowered my head. Many people shed tears. She started singing the song "Falun Dafa is Good." Her pure and beautiful voice was singing this precious song from her heart, awakening the memory and righteous thoughts of others who were surrounding her. Everyone was listening quietly, moved and purified by the heavenly song. Tears flowed from our eyes. The police officer was horrified and rushed to cover her mouth with a cloth. What happened next was something unforgettable for everyone.
Sharing the Ways I Talk to People About Falun Gong and the Persecution
2004-12-22At the beginning when I first started to talk about Falun Gong with people face-to-face, due to lack of experience, I would often try very hard but I still could not explain things clearly. Sometimes I missed opportunities due to over apprehension and excessive worrying. As I talk to more and more people, the path of clarifying the truth about Falun Gong face-to-face is getting broader and easier for me. Now it is very easy for me to lead a conversation towards a topic on which I can clarify the truth and I can naturally bring the topic back when it is interrupted.
I Practise Falun Gong; No Evil Can Harm Me (Part I)
2004-12-22One day, my husband suddenly called me on the phone and said, "I was wrong and I am sorry. Now I want to learn Falun Gong and I will try to be a good person. Wait for me at home and we won't get divorced." At that time I did not believe him at all. What kind of cultivation practice was so effective that it could really turn him into a good person? After he came back home, I saw that my husband really had changed; he had changed into a totally different person.
Clarifying the Truth About the Persecution is A Falun Dafa Practitioners' Sacred Mission
2004-12-22One day I went to a shop to buy a paper shredder. A customer who had made his purchase stayed back to watch how the storeowner tested my machine. At that moment two young people came into the shop. I knew this was an opportunity not to be missed, so I began by explaining why I needed a paper shredder, and went on to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. One of the young girls cut in, "That's right. I don't believe that Falun Gong is bad. I won't be misled so easily!" I said, "Yes, we should use our heads. Would the state-controlled media show you the truth about Falun Gong?"