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Informing People with the Correct Information about Falun Gong Helps Stop the Persecution
2004-10-26Recently I found that some fellow practitioners do not have a clear understanding about the relationship among the three things that Teacher requires us to do and their relationship to stopping the persecution. Some practitioners expect an end to the persecution as soon as possible, but they do not take initiative in clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to people.
Some Thoughts after Studying Teacher's Recent Article, "Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People"
2004-10-25I think, "How good it would be if all these new and veteran practitioners alike would step forward. That way, in a short time, all people across the whole country would know the truth." I have found that the best method for declaring the truth to people is to be able to adapt my speech according to their specific differences, so they will know that I am speaking directly to them as individuals rather than just "making a speech" to them. Among the many effective techniques for clarifying the truth, this one is unsurpassed.
Have We Found Our True Selves Amidst Our Cultivation?
2004-10-25Every being that can enter the new cosmos must achieve the state of selflessness and unselfishness, considering others first before himself. My personal understanding is that a cultivator and an enlightened being should completely assimilate to "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance." He treats every being with compassion and he will not have his heart moved by anything. The purpose of his existence is for the good of others.
Why Should One Fulfil His Commitment?
2004-10-24From ancient times until around 100 to 200 years ago, people would take a commitment or a promise seriously, no matter if it was a formal pact or just an oral promise. People were careful about what they committed themselves to and once they did, they would stand to it forever, no matter how long it would be or how great a price it would cost. The Chinese idiom "keeping a promise is worth a thousand ounces of gold" is no exaggeration and is a most suitable description for how a promise was regarded.
Rectifying the Foundation Will Help One Study and Recite the Great Law
2004-10-24Happiness has different levels of meaning. In any life, what I understand to be the highest level of happiness is to be able to study the Great Law. In my deepest thoughts, I know that I feel happiest when I am studying the Law, so I love doing it. It takes more than one hour for me to go to work every day. I recite one lecture of Zhuan Falun1 on my way to work and I recite another when I come back home.
Dealing with Domestic Disputes According to the Fa is Part of Fa-Rectification Cultivation (Part 2)
2004-10-23Every time her husband came back from business trips, she would complain of her father-in-law. Her husband could no longer bear it and replied angrily, "With such an attitude, you still want to become an enlightened person?" At first, she was angry with her husband, but then came to see her problem. A week later she came to see the root cause and dug it out. She studied the Fa with a peaceful heart.
Thoughts on Talking About Falun Gong to People in Manhattan
2004-10-23Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful and persistent resistance against the persecution during the past five years has proven that the belief they hold dear is the true hope for China. Since Falun Gong originated in China and is connected with Chinese culture, the people of China can mostly accept these beliefs quite comfortably. Supporting Falun Gong is actually being responsible for bringing stability to the 1.3 billion Chinese people and is also being responsible for the stability of the future world.
Dealing with Domestic Disputes According to the Teachings in Falun Gong is Part of Cultivation
2004-10-22For some time, a few fellow Falun Gong practitioners have been preoccupied with domestic disputes of varying degrees. They had difficulty distancing themselves from the situations, and thus the conflicts grew bigger and bigger. In this special period of Fa-rectification, dealing properly with domestic disputes is not as simple as dealing with personal problems. If we do not deal with these situations properly, they will not only affect ourselves, but also the image and reputation of Falun Dafa.
The Disparity Between Several Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners and Me
2004-10-22Indeed, "They can see us if we practice here." This is the very purpose. In order to have the Chinese tourists see the Falun Gong exercises with their own eyes and understand the nature of Falun Gong, these elderly practitioners in their 60's and 70's gave up practicing the Falun Gong exercises in the quiet park and have been demonstrating the exercises on the noisy sidewalk day after day, rain or shine.
Clarify the Facts About Falun Gong With a Benevolent Heart
2004-10-21I am a Falun Dafa practitioner who as a result has been tortured by police officers at a forced labour camp. I was shocked on the head for lengthy periods with an electric baton. As a result, I am disabled, as the nerves controlling my lower limbs were damaged and I can no longer walk. I will narrate my personal experience thoroughly so as to share with fellow practitioners, in a hope that this will enable all of us to do better in our efforts to let the worlds people know about Falun Gong and the persecution.
My Understanding of "Be Diligent Without Slacking Off"
2004-10-21Although I studied Master Li's new articles every day, I was not as diligent in reading Zhuan Falun as I had been in the first few years. It is not the number of times that I have read the book that matters; it is the fact that I had slacked off inadvertently. Although there is a lot more work to do now than there was five years ago, the requirements of the Fa are higher, and I should not have slacked off in my Fa study. This shows that I was not very diligent.
Clarifying the Facts About Falun Gong to the Economic Community During the World Economic Forum in New York City Two Years Ago
2004-10-20There were numerous opportunities to meet various kinds of people in restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops in big hotels. Some were renowned professors, reporters, members of NGOs, or even high-ranking military officials from other countries. However, after a few days of walking around, sending forth righteous thoughts and giving out packages, I felt like we had not received any notable results. The notion of talking with a key figure from a world-class company never left my mind.
My Experience in Making Materials that Contain the True Facts about Falun Dafa
2004-10-20One day, a practitioner suggested setting up a Falun Dafa information centre at my home, which would involve myself and another practitioner. She promised to teach us to use the computer. But where would I find a person who could work with me? Some practitioners were too afraid. Finally, I found a female practitioner who we will refer to as Angie, who was responsible for material delivery, just like me. But she was disabled and was also less educated. Nevertheless, the Falun Dafa information centre was created.
Some Thoughts on the Activities in New York City
2004-10-19First, a number of fellow practitioners were gathering together on several streets, and we noticed especially that many Falun Gong practitioners had congregated in a particular area on a narrow street. From a distance, we certainly appeared as a rather large group; however, we were unsuccessful in distributing materials. On the contrary, having a group of two to three practitioners doing the same job on other streets with photo displays and exercise demonstrations was very effective.
A Suggestion for the Anti-Torture Exhibitions
2004-10-19The anti-torture exhibition has generated great results, as it has given citizens of many different countries a direct understanding of the persecution. Many people are shocked by it, and they have condemned the persecution. One thing many Falun Gong practitioners have pointed out is that it should also demonstrate the practitioners' perseverance and their righteous belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" under those conditions of brutal persecution.