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Enlightening to Falun Dafa's Principles after Suffering from Severe Interference
2005-01-28Yielding under pressure from my family members who did not practice, I received an infusion at my brother's home. At that moment, I knew I did not have a disease, but a lack of righteous thoughts. I hoped it might provide temporary relief and help me break through this after studying the Falun Gong teachings more diligently. But it didn't help.
Trial of Strength
2005-01-28A local practitioner in charge has spent thousands of yuan (Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China) on materials containing the true facts about Falun Dafa over the past years. Recently she has been short of money and would like other capable fellow practitioners to take part of the responsibility. But she is afraid to give an impression of collecting fees. The work cannot be stopped, but she has a dilemma. I realized that the Jiang regime's policy of "bankrupting them financially" targets every practitioner.
The Cultivation Experiences of a Professional Soldier in Taiwan
2005-01-25Then I had a final exam. Since I did not do well in balancing the relationship between cultivation and work, I did not prepare for the final well and had to take the course over. Thus, my classmates formed negative opinions about me again. They think that I have kept running into trouble ever since I started cultivating, so they had some negative thoughts about Falun Dafa. Tests that I thought I had already passed showed up again.
Searching Inward During Conflicts
2005-01-25One practitioner stated that she did not like a certain practitioner who spoke untruthfully and behaved as an ordinary person, and while mentioning mistakes made several years ago by others, she would still be very emotional. The practitioners who were criticised might sometimes react the same way. Thus, in certain areas, practitioners have become divided into various subgroups and are not interacting with one-another.
Using our European Falun Dafa Website as a Tool to Inform People About Falun Dafa and the Persecution
2005-01-22Clearharmony was to be a website to echo the righteous voice of Falun Dafa practitioners and the support from Europe, to reveal the evil nature of the persecution, to let the people in Europe know about Falun Gong and to provide them with a chance to position themselves well for their future.
The Cultivation Experiences of Falun Dafa Practitioner Lao Zhao
2005-01-22I noticed that Lao Zhao was still very thin though his facial complexion was quite good. Being curious, I asked him the reason for his weight-loss. He just nodded his head, saying nothing and looking gloomy. His wife next to him could not help but tell me, “This year in 2004 he was confronted with another test between that of life and death, the process of which was marked by hardships.” I was surprised at this because his previous tribulation was quite horrifying. I was curious about his second test.
Cultivating Selfless Compassion
2005-01-19To my great astonishment, I realized that my cultivation status had serious problems. What was wrong with me? What kind of attachment had caused me to deviate from the Fa? That night Teacher's article, "My Version of a 'Stick Wake-up'," was published on the Clearwisdom website. I felt as if a stick had hit me heavily. First, I realized that my orientation towards letting people know the truth about Falun Gong and the perseuction wasn't correct.
A Former Buddhist Starts to Practise Falun Dafa, Spreads the Practise and Inform People why the Persecution is Wrong
2005-01-19After my relative left, I opened Zhuan Falun and read it tirelessly without stopping. After I read the nine lectures in Zhuan Falun, all of the questions in my mind were answered. I felt every sentence in the book was a truth. Telling people to cultivate their hearts, to let go of all kinds of thoughts of personal fame and interests, and not to fight with the world is the genuine Law in the Buddha school!
Conflicts Shouldn't Be Hidden but Dealt With Honestly and Openly For the Benefit of Everyone
2005-01-17Practitioner Cing did not talk back. But when they moved to the next village, she asked the coordinator if she could work with someone else. So she began to work with practitioner Bau instead. They soon finished their work and returned home safely. Cing didn't feel quite right about what had happened and began to look within. She couldn't quite figure out what she had done wrong and so she talked it over with me.
Remembering the Falun Dafa Conference Held in Kunming On April 17th, 1999
2005-01-17On this day it was unexpectedly very hot in Kunming. But even with the scorching sun directly overhead, nobody opened an umbrella. Practitioners sat with their legs crossed on the ground as the sun beat down on them, yet alleviating their discomfort were frequently felt, cool and gentle breezes. From the oldest to the youngest practitioner, nobody suffered sunstroke. Certain government organisations were surprised and impressed by this.
Despite the Arduous Path, Under Teacher's Protection I Maintain Unwavering Determination
2005-01-15In 1999, the persecution against Falun Dafa officially started. Many practitioners gave up their cultivation under such huge pressure. My mind felt heavy. I quietly told Teacher, "Your disciple will steadfastly cultivate in Falun Dafa to the very end." At the time, I only knew that Falun Dafa had been attacked and Teacher had been slandered, and that I should take a firm stand against such actions. On the 9th of June in 1999, fellow practitioners and I went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for a stop to the persecution.
Our Righteous Thoughts Must Be Strong When We Introduce Falun Dafa and the Persecution to People
2005-01-15I started practising Falun Dafa in August of 1997. Even though I have being practising for quite a while, I have not been doing well with regard to letting people know about the persecution that is taking place against those who practise Falun Gong. It seemed that I had very few breakthroughs in clarifying the true facts about Falun Gong.
A Mountain District Farmer's Experience in Practising Falun Gong
2005-01-15The town officials, knowing that we were firm practitioners, wanted to persecute us. They made four signs and hung them on us, then paraded us down the street. They put two signs on me, one of them saying, "Falun Gong Core Member." We had to stand for a long time on the road while people watched us. I thought that this was a good opportunity to promote the practise, so I smiled at the others and I was not cowed by the public humiliation.
Understandings of "Maintaining Security" and "Fear"
2005-01-13After reading the Falun Gong teachings in the book Zhuan Falun, all of my illnesses were healed, and my moral standard also improved. I became a completely different person. I strongly believe that every person who practices and genuinely follows the teachings will benefit both physically and spiritually. Falun Gong benefits the people and the nation and harms no one. However, out of jealousy, Jiang Zemin launched the persecution against Falun Gong, slandered our Teacher, made that which is good seem bad, and bad seem good, and trampled the most wonderful principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."
Give Teachers and Students a Chance to Learn the Facts
2005-01-13After the class, the young practitioner wrote a long letter to the teacher and told him the truth about Falun Gong. After reading the letter, the teacher said to the young practitioner, "You are the first student I have met who wrote to the teacher with an honest and sincere heart. I have remembered your words and from now on I will not say those things again." One time the teacher distributed test papers. The young practitioner noticed that one question on the paper defamed Dafa and she immediately pointed it out to the teacher. The teacher said, "Everyone, you don't need to answer that question."