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Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Xianxin From Kunming City in China Released in Four Days Due to Her Righteous Thoughts and Actions
2004-11-03On the morning of the 24th of September, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Xianxin was arrested in Kunming City of Yunnan Province for distributing factual information about Falun Gong. Ms. Sun continuously spoke out to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the real factors behind the start of the persecution to the police and the public while being to taken to the police station and during her stay there.
Some Understandings Regarding the Relationship Between Falun Gong Informational Materials and Talking to People Face-to-Face
2004-11-03Actually, clarifying the truth about Falun Gong is not a situation of "the more materials the better." The key is whether we can thoroughly clarify the facts of Falun Gong and the persecution. I ask fellow practitioners (except those under special situations) to please think about this. Let's say you distributed or posted 100 items today, but do you know how many people can really understand the truth?
Handling Family Conflicts According to Dafa's Standards Is Also a Part of Cultivation (Part 4)
2004-11-01I never thought of searching within myself, and I just believed that my husband never thought about the family and was not in agreement with me. I even had resentment towards my husband's brother, feeling that they had asked for too much. My "sorrow" and "grievances" had all been brought about when my warped notions were challenged and when the interests of my "painstakingly managed" family were challenged. They were brought about by my attachments, which had existed subconsciously.
Rectifying Myself
2004-11-01I always thought that I was an introverted person, as I did not like to talk and was also poor at expressing myself. When it came to talking to people face to face, I didn;t do so well because I was afraid that I could not talk well. As a result, I created many obstacles in my efforts to inform people with the correct facts about Falun Gong.
The Attachment of Pursuit Is a Big Obstacle in Cultivation
2004-10-31The attachment of pursuit can appear in almost any conflict or obstacle of people. Many troubles and tribulations Falun Gong cultivators have faced were also the result of not giving up past notions, which in turn resulted in undesired results.
Insights on Eliminating the Attachment of Lust
2004-10-31As Fa-rectification progresses forward, practitioners who truly cultivate Falun Dafa are continuously improving within Dafa. Many practitioners, however, are still troubled by the attachment of lust. There are even some practitioners who are thought to be very diligent by everyone, yet, they still have this predicament to different extents. When sharing experiences with a group, it's difficult to address this subject. Therefore, I wish to share my experience and understanding about this issue.
My Understanding from Studying Master's New Article "In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human"
2004-10-30From Master's Fa, I understand that how Falun Dafa practitioners treat Falun Dafa, how they see Dafa, how they see every thing in human society, and how they place themselves correctly in relation to Dafa and human society is fundamental and very important. If one doesn't have a clear understanding about these issues, then it will become an issue of whether one can truly assimilate to Dafa, reach consummation, and return to one's original self.
Break Away from Fixed Notions and Show the Greatness of Falun Gong with Honor and Dignity
2004-10-30The third day, I was interrogated again. I remained silent. All I did was send forth righteous thoughts and request strength from Master. The interrogators left again. Through these days, I abstained from water and food from the moment I was abducted. On the third day, the guards and the head of the detention centre had a conversation with me, asking me to have food and water. I said that I committed no crime, and it was against the law for the police to arrest innocent people.
Cultivating A Garden of Life: How I Promote Falun Dafa As a Journalist
2004-10-29I love writing. I write essays and poems. I wrote a lot before I started to practice, and I continued afterward as well. However, the things I wrote were all for everyday society and with everyday people's thoughts. Of course, as a Falun Gong practitioner my writings naturally carry purity and glow. As a result, some people commented that my writings purify their heart and soul. They commented that they feel very peaceful and tranquil when reading my writings. Even so, I still didn't know how to make the connections between my writing and my cultivation during this special period of time.
Looking for Falun Dafa Books in China
2004-10-29When we visited the first waste collection station, we did not tell them exactly what we were looking for. As a result, we didn't find even one Falun Dafa book after searching through a very large pile of books. Learning from our experience, we then spoke about Falun Gong and the real reasons behind the persecution to the owners of the station when we visited the second one. They were very sympathetic and began to help look for Falun Dafa books for us. We visited a third, a fourth and even visited very distant waste collection stations to find Falun Dafa books.
Two Positive Incidents from Activities Held on Wall Street
2004-10-28"...the people in New York can be as nice and kind as you with regards to understanding and supporting us, then I will return home. If this result cannot be achieved, then I will continue my stay in New York." Aunt Tao said these English words very naturally, which was beyond her own expectations. Right after she said these words, tears started flowing from the woman's eyes. She tightly grasped both of Aunt Tao's hands as her tears streamed down her face. She could not say anything for quite a while. Before leaving, she kept asking Aunt Tao to take care of herself.
Cultivation Experiences Shared by a Falun Gong Practitioner in Taiyuan City of China
2004-10-28Why did the Falun Gong that I learnt sound so different from what was on TV? I was very confused. So I stayed at home to read Falun Gong books. I didn't communicate with other practitioners or look inward for my own attachments, yet I thought I was cultivating. In August of 2003, I received an email from another practitioner and learnt how to access Falun Gong websites. I downloaded Teacher's lectures, and started to seriously study the Fa [universal teachings, the principles taught in Falun Gong] and truly cultivate myself. Here are some of my experiences I have had whilst removing these attachments during my cultivation.
The Chinese Embassy in Holland Refuses my Application to Renew my Passport
2004-10-27My passport was stolen when I travelled to Denmark in September 2002. In early November of the same year, I went to the Chinese Embassy at the Hague and applied for a passport renewal. I was told that the passport would be ready for a collection within three weeks. At that time, I thought nobody was aware that I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I received a phone call from the Embassy on November 15th, saying that my passport was ready for collection. Two days later, I received a second phone call, in which a staff member of the Embassy told me my passport wasn’t ready yet.
European Falun Gong practitioners in Manhattan
2004-10-27The key point is the leader is the main terrorist. They also know treating good people with this cruel torture can not be known to the public; therefore they don’t allow the media to disclose it. Exposing cruel torture will be treated with this cruel torture by the nation’s policemen. It even shows the terror in China as well as the horror of the Chinese autocrats.
Three Insights
2004-10-26There is a saying among people, "more haste, less speed." Some fellow practitioners always try to achieve quick results. They end up with little achievement instead. When a good practitioner or an enlightened being are faced with a difficult situation, I believe that they calmly and peacefully analyse their situations and handle them well with the wisdom they have learnt from the Dafa principles. They will calmly and unhurriedly work out what they are supposed to do and accomplish their missions.