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What does the Media in Mainland China Really Say?
2003-01-19As a matter of fact, the words and phrases used by the media in China are a complete reversal of the facts. The writer of this article has re-written a media report on the arrest of a Falun Gong practitioner to unravel the lies that the state-controlled media machine has created in an attempt to defame Falun Gong.
Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Northwest China
2003-01-19On National Day of 2000, this practitioner went to Tiananmen Square to appeal for Falun Dafa, and was arrested. She used her personal experiences to show that Falun Dafa is magnificent and sacred. The police officer was so moved that he personally accompanied this practitioner to the bus stop and told her to continue her cultivation after she got back home.
Righteous Determination in Falun Dafa Leads to Harmony in My Home Environment
2003-01-19Before my cultivation, we used to quarrel with each other all day long, but now you see how harmonious our family is. The illnesses that haunted me for over 30 years have also disappeared...
The Importance of Our Conduct Outside The Chinese Embassy
2003-01-19Although I was righteously asking for an end to the persecution and for practitioners in China to have their human rights returned I was troubled afterwards because I raised my voice and was not calm enough. Troubled that the embassy staff might have a negative regard of Dafa because of this incident, when most practitioners left and only myself and one other remained I asked the embassy staff if I could come in and talk to them about Falun Gong.
How a Pure Heart Moved the Gods
2003-01-19This is a story of long ago about my great grandfather and his father, my great great grandfather. It is a well known story in my home town. It is most important in traditional Chinese culture that the young fulfil their parents’ expectations that they will be cared for in old age, and that they will be regarded with respect and listened to. This story is about this kind of virtue.
A Person I Met in Jail
2003-01-18Wen was arrested and sent to detention centres and prisons so many times that it seemed he did not care about anything anymore. However, I noticed he was changing. Sometimes other inmates took advantage of him, yet he endured quietly. I strongly felt that laws could not change a person...
How My Commuting To Work Changed
2003-01-18About a year ago I almost exclusively used my car to get to work, a drive of approximately 15 minutes. Using public transport would take one hour. Every time my wife had need of the car, I used the train. Since my working schedules varied, I discovered that at certain times, ever more Chinese students were travelling by train. A good opportunity, I thought, for me to tell them about Falun Dafa and explain the truth about the persecution to them.
Cultivating a Compassionate Heart to Sincerely Contribute For The Sake of Others
2003-01-18I started to complain about however good I was at home, my husband would not be satisfied. He especially did not have a right understanding of Dafa. As I incessantly gave examples, I realised my lack of compassion towards my husband. In fact, everything I did for him was hidden behind a selfish heart.
Germany: An experience of “One’s practice benefits the entire family”
2003-01-17A real example of “one’s practice benefits the entire family” reflected in actual life is that those in my family who are not practitioners seldom become sick, and I have gradually become used to this. However when I thought more about this, I realized this attitude is incorrect; I then thought that this is an opportunity given me to validate Dafa.
Practitioners Righteous Thoughts in Hebei Province Lead to positive Outcomes
2003-01-16After receiving notice of being sentenced to forced labour, they ripped the notice into pieces. A wicked official said, "You won't be able to go home until the 16th Party Congress is over." The Falun Dafa practitioners firmly said, "Your words mean nothing to us."
Dafa's Gentle Mercy Touches My Elderly Mother
2003-01-16After she and I had a nasty argument one time, I had left the house with the situation unresolved. I had been ashamed when she told me how she'd cried when some flowers delivered shortly afterwards turned out not to be from me. I therefore decided that this year I would have some flower's delivered to her...
To place the Fa first, always
2003-01-15One day while my mind was calm I read Master Li’s latest article “Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.” and “Essentials for further advancement” over and over again, I then found that the attachment of vanity which prevented me from looking inside myself was holding me back.
Impact of the "Rescue Our Family Members" Campaign on Mainland China
2003-01-14Falun Dafa practitioners and other people outside of China have been appealing to world governments and people to rescue practitioners under persecution in Mainland China. This has greatly encouraged practitioners and the general population in Mainland China. It has also sent a stern warning to the police and their accomplices that have undertaken the task of persecuting Dafa practitioners. Here is an example of the power of the efforts made by everyone in the "Rescue Our Family Members" Campaign
Australia: The Chinese People are Coming to Realise the Truth about the Persecution of Falun Dafa
2003-01-14Many Chinese people are coming to realise the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa in china even though the propaganda trying to defame it is still showing. They can now see past Jiang Zemin's lies and know that Falun Dafa is good. These are several experiences from a practitioner in Sydney when clarifying the truth to people in China.
My Brother's Mind is Opened
2003-01-14Before learning Falun Dafa my family relationships were very poor and we all had much bitterness from old 'injustices ' in our hearts. As Dafa's light illuminated this situation for me, I made peace with four of my five siblings. One by one I moved them by simple acts of kindness.