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One Righteous Thought
2003-01-14I am going to talk about an experience I had In London. We demonstrate 24 hours a day at the Chinese Embassy and one night at about 2.30 am I was reading Zhuan Falun on my own. I remember it was very cold so I had a blanket around my legs. As I was sitting there a car pulled up in the middle of the street and out got a man with a knife in his hand he came very close and then looked to see whether anybody was around the corner.
The Story of Some T-Shirts
2003-01-13There are the postman, salesmen, fund-raisers, strangers who ask for directions and even the beggars, people from all walks of life. As long as they press our door bell, and when I am kept busy, my husband in his SOS T-shirt will open the door to greet them. Wearing the T-shirt is a more efficient way to advertise Falun Gong than handing out Dafa newspapers or fliers in a hurry.
A Few Words About Buddha Light
2003-01-12The millions of Dafa practitioners are like lights in this world. Our kind and righteous words and conduct are the shining rays of light. The more people we encounter, the broader the region bathed in light. Lets make all the people in every corner on this planet feel the warmth of Buddha light, make them feel the greatness and solemnity of Buddha Fa!
Learning From a Dream
2003-01-11Then I woke up from hearing my own voice. With my mouth wide open and finger pointing ahead, I could still hear my voice clearly ringing out. Suddenly I realised I shouldnt get angry so easily. A cultivator should keep calm and tranquil under any circumstance...
Remaining Steadfast in My Belief after Going Through Two Years of Inhumane Persecution
2003-01-09For two years and one month, from October 8, 1999 to November 11, 2001, I was detained illegally. These two years of inhumane persecution were only a moment in the history of this persecution. However, this period represented a solid page in history, in which I assisted in clarifying the truth and upholding the principles of Falun Gong.
Validating Falun Dafa with Our Behaviour
2003-01-09My younger brother-in-law's marriage had declined to the stage of being close to a divorce. Later, my sister practised Falun Gong; she let go of what had happened before and started treating her husband kindly. Their marriage became better. My brother-in-law was deeply moved as he witnessed the changes in his wife brought about by Falun Dafa. Thereafter, he became interested in Dafa and soon started to practise himself.
Falun Dafa Allowed me to Come through the Persecution
2003-01-08On the way back, the deputy kept asking me how I was able to leave the police station when all the doors were locked. I told him that a small police station is incapable of holding a Falun Dafa practitioner!
A Day In The Life Of A UK practitioner: My Husband and Son
2003-01-08Mum, dont yell like that. Its not good to do that. If Dad is wrong, please tell him nicely. Yellings not ok. I blinked and sensed that my son was right and this is what I had taught him before tell someone nicely if he does something wrong. Do not get angry. Do not fight or we are also wrong. That is what I had learned from reading Teacher Lis book.
The Importance of Experience Sharing Amongst Practitioners
2003-01-08Through talking with each other, practitioners can discover their own problems, some of which are XinXing [the nature of the mind or the heart, moral character] problems and some are things overlooked in work. When practitioners remind each other of their shortcomings, mistakes can be corrected in a timely manner and less unnecessary steps need to be taken.
Some Further Thoughts About the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-01-06This is not merely a lawsuit, but is one of the vital actions taken by Falun Dafa practitioners. The fact that we lodged a complaint, open and aboveboard, in a federal court of a foreign country, against the head of the evil regime for the crimes it has committed in persecuting people who practice Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, really shocked Jiang and his accomplices.
Put Down the Mentality of Being "Above Others," Treat Fellow Practitioners Benevolently
2003-01-05Who has certain special skills? Which university did so and so graduate from? What titles did someone carry in everyday people's society? On one hand, I felt very happy about the fact that many are talented among Dafa practitioners, but on the other hand, it reflects my hidden attachment to seeking fame. Once an opportunity arises, after I get something that others don't have, I can easily develop some pride and the mentality of "being above others."
Resisting All Persecution with Righteous Thoughts, I Left the Brainwashing Centre Openly and with Dignity
2003-01-03The persecutors wanted to break down my determination to get information about our local Falun Dafa activities in order to further persecute fellow practitioners and destroy our truth-clarifying material site. I held one single thought: I will not cause any loss to Falun Dafa or fellow practitioners.
Techniques, Methods and Cultivation
2003-01-03What can really make techniques work is the realm and wisdom practitioners have enlightened to in their cultivation, not our studying and exploring the techniques. For example, a fellow practitioner did not know much about techniques, and she had few concerns about techniques in mind, but by relying on common sense and her intuition as a cultivator, she was able to accomplish the task very well.
Understanding the Fa from the Fa: Appropriately Handling Tribulations within Our Families
2003-01-02Gradually, my husband felt the changes in me, and he witnessed a Falun Dafa practitioners' breadth of mind, great benevolence and great forbearance. He said to me, "You have changed. If it is the same Fa that made you change to the current you, I should say that you didn't do well before because you didn't understand the Fa well before. If this is the case, why should I be against your practicing Falun Gong?"
Many Fellow Practitioners, Friends, and People Are Waiting
2003-01-02Over the course of a long conversation, I shared with him why I want to cultivate and the situation of many people outside China practicing Falun Dafa freely. In the end he said, "Thank you for letting me know the truth. I'm moved by your honesty. I will certainly let my friend know about the Dafa materials on the Internet. I also want to read the book."