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Introducing People to Falun Dafa on my Travels
2002-12-26During my recent trip to the US, I had the chance to clarify the truth in depth to several travellers. As I was travelling alone, I had a greater opportunity to speak to strangers about Falun Dafa and clarify the truth to them. Whenever appropriate, I would talk to the passengers seated next to me and explain to them the inhumane persecution of Falun Dafa in China and my reason for travelling to Houston.
Being Disease Free Feels Great!
2002-12-26A Falun Dafa practitioner shares his experiences of turning from a disease ridden and ill tempered man into a healthy and compassionate person.
The Relationship Between Practitioners
2002-12-25An extract from written correspondence between practitioners in Europe.
Not Giving in to the Persecution
2002-12-25"After practising for just a month, my body became healthy and strong. Half a year had passed when a classmate of my son came for a visit. He could not recognise me and asked my son, "Is that your mother?" "Yes, it is.", "How could she become 20 years younger?" I told him, "It is because I practise Falun Dafa."
Paying Correct Attention to the Current Situation in Hong Kong
2002-12-24'About a month ago, I learned that the European Parliament drafted a resolution against the enactment of Article 23 and that members of the Parliament would vote on the draft. If the resolution was passed, undoubtedly it would have a significant effect on blocking the implementation of the anti-subversion law in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, I was too busy to pay much attention to this issue at that time...'
Exposing the Persecution in Society
2002-12-24A Falun Gong practitioner from Germany shares understandings of how one should clarify the truth to the media and to the society as a whole by using up-to-date news.
Letter from a Practitioner to Hong Kong officials concerning Article 23
2002-12-23"I write this letter to you because I am...very concerned about the freedom and future of the H.K people. I know that the Hong Kong government plans to implement an anti subversion law called article 23...[and] I am very worried that [this] will restrict the freedom and rights of the Hong Kong people."
United States: Practitioner Tells of Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Falun Dafa in Letter to Oregon Governor
2002-12-23"I became interested in Chinese medicine after my experience with qigong, another ancient Chinese healing practise. Through my practise of a kind of qigong called Falun Gong, I recovered from serious problems in both body and mind. In body, I was healed from what doctors believed to be degenerative arthritis in my neck. In mind, I recovered from what doctors told me would be a permanent condition of manic-depression."
My Understanding of the Individual Self and the Whole Body
2002-12-23A Falun Dafa practitioner shares his/her views on why it is important to act as one body in order to overcome tribulations.
Completely Denying the Persecution
2002-12-23A Falun Dafa practitioner from China shares his/her experiences of overcoming the persecution in a forced labour camp.
Acting as one Body
2002-12-22An American practitioner shares her views on how to act as one body in order to overcome tribulations and advance as a whole.
Validating the Truth of Falun Dafa is Most Magnificent
2002-12-22An experience sharing of clarifying the truth of Falun Gong outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra, Australia.
Dont miss Such a Great Chance to Understand Falun Dafa
2002-12-21A German practitioners letter to those people who use the internet in order to further persecute Falun Dafa practitioners.
Clarifying the Truth to the Chinese Tourists in Europe
2002-12-21 -
What State of Mind Should Dafa Practitioners Have in Opposing the Article 23 Legislation?