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My Cultivation Story
2003-01-01After going back home, I tested my son: "Now daddy's salary is suspended by my work unit since I insist on practising Falun Gong. Should we still practise or not?" My son answered without hesitation: "Yes, we should practise!" I said: "Then let's break through this hardship together."
Cultivating Diligently
2003-01-01"I began practicing Falun Gong about a year ago. Because I obtained Falun Dafa later than many practitioners today, the cultivation path that has been arranged for me is relatively compressed."
Understanding the Relationship Between Cultivation and Work in a More Comprehensive Manner
2003-01-01We've read many stories of how practitioners in China set very strict moral requirements for themselves. When the evil people tried to persecute them, their bosses and colleagues stepped forward and protected them; those practitioners had harmonized their environment, positively influencing those around them.
Relentlessly Clarifying the Truth in Chinese Populated Districts
2002-12-31A Falun Gong practitioner shares experiences about clarifying the truth about the true situation of Falun Gong in a Chinese populated district of a certain big city whilst distributing newspapers.
A Truth-Clarifying Experience at the European Parliament Building
2002-12-31A Falun Gong practitioner shares his/her experiences of clarifying the truth about Article 23 of The Basic Law and the persecution in Strasbourg.
Maintain Righteous Thoughts, Take Every Opportunity
2002-12-31I posted materials to expose the facts of Article 23 on every table and the notice boards so that every person who came to drink coffee saw the truth. Looking at those people reading and coming to realise the truth, I was filled with compassion.
Twenty Minutes of Clarifying the Truth to a Member of the European Parliament
2002-12-30Some practitioners made phone calls in advance to arrange for an appointment, but the members of parliament were all very busy and their assistants frequently said that they had no time for us. We therefore went directly to knock on their doors and to reveal the truth. I realised that during this time our hearts were very righteous and the response of the members of parliament were also very positive.
I Asked Myself, "How Can I Insist on Firmly Practising Falun Dafa?"
2002-12-30When my cultivation encountered a large number of hardships, I asked myself, "How can I insist on firmly Practising Falun Dafa?". The following article is my experiences of been determined in my cultivation.
Hong Kong is the Last Free Place in China
2002-12-29'My family has already been bitterly persecuted by the despotic power of the Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin. Now he is attempting to extend his terror tactics to the six million innocent people in Hong Kong. He wants to make the Hong Kong people, who originally had a life of freedom, live under his terrible shadow by enforcing Article 23.'
Discussions Between Practitioners on Revealing the Truth to the Chinese People in Europe
2002-12-29Recently, practitioners discussed how European countries could cooperate and coordinate with one another in our efforts to reveal the truth about Falun Dafa to the Chinese people. Here are some of the points of our discussion to share with everyone.
Hong Kong Government Bows to Beijing By Pushing Through Article 23 Despite Widespread Opposition
2002-12-28It should not be a surprise that the Hong Kong people, who have been used to democracy, freedom, and an open society, reacted strongly to Article 23...the implementation of Article 23 ..will likely become the biggest threat to Hong Kong people's freedoms of thought, belief, speech, freedom of the press and literature, freedom of information, freedom to carry out academic research, and even the freedom of association.
Reflections on My Trip to Houston
2002-12-28Exactly one month has passed since my trip to Houston. As I reflected on the events and insights I gained from the trip, I realised that if not for Teacher's infinite compassion in helping me to see the situation, I would have missed this great opportunity to carry out my responsibility as a Falun Dafa practitioner.
Looking Inward and Letting Nature Take Its Course
2002-12-28A Falun Dafa practitioner shares his/her views on how to overcome tribulations and the effect of looking inward.
During the Festive Season, take Advantage of this Great Opportunity to Clarify the Truth
2002-12-27The health and harmony that practitioners receive from practising Falun Dafa will naturally arouse peoples interest in these benefits. Then we can also tell them about the truth of persecution. Furthermore, the Christmas holiday period is longer than the others. I hope we have all planned to make good use of this very special moment.
Being Clear on the Fa Principles as a Group Is the Key to Negating the Enactment of Article 23
2002-12-27In everything we do, what really matters is our Falun Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts. In anything we do, we must have the right mind and stand on the right fundamental point. Moreover, we must purify our minds when doing things and should not be attached to the outcome; all that we do is to reveal the truth to people.