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Western Practitioner: Cultivating Like a Turtle Crossing the Highway
2010-05-27Thus, in cultivation practice, there is really no standing still: if we are not advancing, we are in retreat. When I thought I was just huddling in my shell, I was in fact going backwards into humanness, retreating from my goal of returning to my true home.
Improving Oneself While Reciting the Fa
2010-05-27Because my level is limited, I could not fully understand the Fa principles of Fa-rectification while reading Zhuan Falun. So I started to recite Teacher's articles, and I right away understood many things that I did not understand before. Actually we should not worry about how slow or fast we recite the Fa. As long as we keep on reciting the Fa, we will benefit.
My Experience Cultivating and Helping Master Save Sentient Beings
2010-05-26I thought: Since a practitioner's body is purified by Master, how can I still consider myself disabled? Plus, we are cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. How truthfully am I behaving by doing this?
Chinese Communist Party Forces High School Student to Make an Impossible Choice
2010-05-26They are pressuring him to sign a statement claiming that his illness was not healed from practicing Falun Dafa, and if he refuses he will face expulsion from school or worse. They have harassed him and his family multiple times, including detaining Jianguo and his sister after a follow-up visit to the hospital.
The Righteous Thoughts of a Falun Dafa Disciple
2010-05-25Practitioner A turned around and asked her, "Are you looking for me?" The woman was surprised and replied quickly, "No, no." She immediately turned around and walked away. The evil factors behind her were eliminated by the Dafa practitioner's righteous thoughts. Later, she learned that the woman was a neighbourhood CCP official
Falun Dafa Is an Extraordinary Science: Severe Heart Problems Disappear
2010-05-25No matter what the CCP says about Falun Gong, people will admire Dafa's miraculous power upon seeing my clean bill of health. Falun Dafa is a genuine cultivation practice of mind and body, with mighty virtue that is awesome. Dafa will renew your life and bring hope to people everywhere.
Three Practitioners Bear Witness to the Greatness of Dafa
2010-05-24My view of life changed. I understood that one must follow the universal principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and the only way to avoid illnesses, aging, and to reach salvation is to upgrade one's character, let go of worldly fame and self-interests, not fight for things, study the Fa, and do the Falun Gong exercises.
Some Thoughts on Searching Inwards
2010-05-24I saw my shortcomings. I had gotten into a bad habit of enjoying stretching my back and my legs and continuing to sleep. I saw it was a desire and a reflection of selfishness. I was afraid of hardship. I did not jump out of the old cosmos. It seemed to be trivial, but such slacking off was being irresponsible to myself, showing that I did not treasure this cultivation opportunity.
Cultivation Experiences of a Rural Falun Dafa Practitioner
2010-05-22When police officers came to the house, he tried his best to clarify the facts of Falun Gong to them. When the police found that even everyday people also knew the truth about Falun Gong, they began to be afraid. When a Dafa disciple cultivates himself or herself well and acts righteously, those in the vicinity also behave themselves well, and thus the practitioner's cultivation environment also improves.
Searching Inward and Improving Ourselves from the Fa
2010-05-22I should not compete and fight like ordinary people. I must let go of my attachment to sentimentality. I should treat my son and daughter with a compassionate mind. When I had this pure thought and completely let go my attachment to sentimentality, Master removed the bad substance from me. I felt a sudden relaxation.
Remembering Our Practice Site
2010-05-21When he was rebuilding his home, the neighbour behind his house created all kinds of difficulties for him. They didn't let him put the materials there or allow his vehicle to pass by. They cursed him day and night, but the practitioner kept his temper without retaliating and just went around his neighbour. Even the builder admired him, saying, "Falun Gong is good. If they weren't practitioners, they would have already fought over it."
The Dangers of Lust
2010-05-21For everyday people, when you get to a certain age, you die. That’s absolute. People don’t live forever and it’s as absolute as that; that if you’re young, you have lust and sentimentality. Unless you can truly, completely break away from humanness, a young person will be just as likely to fall into lust and sentimentality, as the old will surely die.
Regarding Marriage, Young Practitioners Please Take Note
2010-05-19However, a year after they got married, agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ransacked their home and fined them a large amount of money. In addition, because of the CCP's implication policy, her husband lost his job. Under this pressure, her husband divorced her while she was three months pregnant.
Only When We Conform to the Fa Can Its Power Manifest Through Us
2010-05-19When I shared my experience with practitioners later, we all felt the power of cooperating as one body. Most practitioners were calm when sending righteous thoughts. They felt a strong energy field strengthening my righteous elements. It wasn't like before, when we looked for a practitioner's shortcomings first when they were being persecuted. Thinking about a practitioner that way can't strengthen that practitioner's field and righteous thoughts.
How Magical It Is!
2010-05-18“These portraits are wonderful. When I entered this place, the background music made me feel completely relaxed. I feel so comfortable that I don’t want to leave this place. Even more, I feel that I don’t need to see a doctor anymore. I have sensed a true self from these portraits. It is really magical. I have a feeling that I have seen them somewhere long ago.”