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Germany: Breaking Through Difficulties and Hardships
2022-09-14In 2022, Germany arranged a total of 48 performances in nine theatres in eight cities. The first performance in the city of Cologne was scheduled for early January. There were only two months from the day when the Cologne theatre lease was signed until the show, and before Christmas was the period when major companies were advertising heavily, and there were few good advertising spots left. We needed to communicate with salesperson ‘A’ immediately to negotiate prices and arrange advertisements.
Poland: Keeping Righteous Thoughts, Making The Impossible Possible
2022-09-14I went to other countries to help with Shen Yun and when I was seeing all the hard work local practitioners there were putting in to working on Shen Yun – from one side I was very happy to see all those practitioners in other countries to have the honor and possibility of helping Master to save sentient beings via Shen Yun, but at the same time I felt bad and sad, that as a main coordinator of Poland for several years I was not able to invite Shen Yun to Poland and thus I was not able to provide to all my Polish fellow practitioners the possibility to work for this greatest Master project. I felt this was my fault, it was all on me.
Clarifying the Truth in the Netherlands: Master Encourages Us to Do Even Better
2021-03-28Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) in 1999, Dafa practitioners have been holding peaceful activities around the world to raise awareness and save people from being poisoned by the CCP’s lies.
New Practitioner’s Experience Sharing After Cultivating For One Year
2021-03-21I emigrated to Austria more than thirty years ago. In the earlier years, because of my weak physical condition, I started to practice many healing and fitness exercises. I thought I did experience some benefits, but upon delving deeper, I realized there was no deeper meaning to it, and thus considered it useless.
Bedridden and Blind, Falun Dafa Lifted Me out of the Darkness
2021-02-28Born in a village, I'm an 89-year-old blind woman who has never set foot in a school. I am illiterate. I am still alive today thanks to the Master of Dafa, who gave me a new lease on life.
French Practitioners Express Gratitude to Master for Introducing Falun Dafa
2021-01-30To Visuddha, cultivating Falun Dafa is a process of being purified layer by layer. After the negative substances in his mind and body were removed, his mind became clearer and his surroundings became simpler.
The Story Behind a List of 10,000 Names: Supporting Goodness Brings Blessings
2021-01-30Northeastern China is the coldest place in the country. It can get as low as -20oC (or -4oF) in the winter. Most people stay indoors as much as possible to keep warm. But Huilian, a woman in her 80s, is one exception.
Turkey: Clarifying the Truth During the Pandemic -– None of Our Efforts Are in Vain
2021-01-30By March 2020, the CCP virus (coronavirus) began to wreak havoc around the world, and many countries went into quarantine. One of them was our country (Turkey). Because of the curfew, social distance rules, and people’s fearful attitude, we tried to think of new ways to clarify the truth to people.
How I Started Practising Falun Dafa
2020-11-29When I was a child I was very interested in fairy tales, heroes and legends. Many people don’t believe in supernatural phenomenon, but I did. I started to pursue spiritual advancement when I was in my 20’s. I contemplated questions like: “Who am I?” “Where am I from and where am I going?”
Eliminating Old Notions and Attachments While Cooperating with Other Practitioners to Save People
2020-11-29’d like to tell you about my experiences while participating in projects to save people. All these were arranged by Master Li for me to improve my patience, help me better understand other people, have more compassion, stay calm and maintain my inner peace. When I faced a test, I had a buffer instead of responding abruptly and irrationally.
Walking Well My Cultivation Path in My Day-to-Day Life
2020-11-29I began to practise Falun Dafa in May 2011. Under Master's protection, I have come this far. In the process of enlightening to Dafa's profound principles, I also managed to validate the Fa in my day-to-day life.
Falun Dafa Changes a Troubled Youth into a Good Man
2020-05-13A few days ago, my wife asked me whether we have had any quarrels. No, we have not had any arguments. Since practising Falun Gong, I follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and think about others. I help my wife with the household chores.
Strengthening my Righteous Thoughts and Creating an Environment for Truth Clarification
2019-09-11Shared at the 2019 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
Cultivation During Promotion of Shen Yun
2019-09-11Shared at the 2019 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
Processing the Re-translation of 2018 Zhuan Falun
2019-09-11Shared at the 2019 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference