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Final Divine Performing Arts Performance in the Hague Closes to Standing Ovation
2008-02-26On February 20th, 2008, the audience gave a resounding to goodbyes from the hosts of the Divine Performing Arts final performance at the World Forum Theatre in the Hague. "See you next year," they exclaimed. Thunderous applause demanded a second curtain call, greeted by a standing ovation.
Gaining Naturally Without Pursuit: Eleven Years of Health
2008-02-26I suffered from rhinitis, arthritis, bursitis in my shoulder, hypertension, etc., but the most worrisome were the hepatitis and diabetes. These two diseases work against each other. If I wanted to treat one of them, I couldn't treat the other. Hepatitis requires eating good food and getting a lot of rest, while plain food, eating less, and being more active are best for treating diabetes. Therefore, it was a heavy mental burden, and my poor health continued, day after day.
Miraculous Health Benefits Arise from Practising Falun Gong
2008-02-26My survival instinct propelled me to recite "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good." As soon as I said that, I did not feel the pain and I stopped vomiting! It was truly a miracle! It was something completely inconceivable! This experience dispelled all the lies I had heard on the television broadcasts.
Former National Ice Hockey Coach: Falun Dafa Totally Changed Me for the Better
2008-02-25When I was seriously ill before, some people learnt that I was still critically ill, and some thought that I had died. When I returned to Changchuan City for the meeting, they were so surprised, asking how I had made such an amazing recovery. I told them openly, "I am a cultivator of Falun Gong. It is Falun Gong that saved me and totally changed me."
A Student in Xi'an City, China: "The Truth about the Persecution of Falun Gong Has Shocked Me"
2008-02-25Comparing this information with the Chinese Communist Party's denouncements against Falun Gong, I became convinced that my original conviction was correct. The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is ruthless! When I deeply understood the truth about how Falun Gong was persecuted, I was profoundly shocked and stayed in shock for many days. I realised how indifferent I and the people surrounding me are."
"When the Chinese Communist Party Collapses, People Will Understand the Significance of Today's Spectacular Even More"
2008-02-21"One thing I feel deeply tonight is that the traditional Chinese culture depicted in the Spectacular by Divine Performing Arts has become even purer. The moral ethics and principles, cultivation and atmosphere in the Chinese tradition are all well-blended in the performances..."
Residents of Tumen City in China Prevent Police from Arresting a Falun Gong Practitioner
2008-02-21After the incident, a villager made a comment, "In this day and age, how can these people still persecute cultivators that practise 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance?' Jiang Zemin (former head of the Chinese Communist Party), the evil one that initiated the persecution of Falun Gong, is wanted by the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China. And there are almost 20 courts around the world that have accepted lawsuits against Jiang. He is infamous around the world and is condemned by many."
Falun Dafa Saved Me from Leukaemia
2008-02-20I was hospitalised in Daqing Oil Plant General Hospital. After many blood and bone marrow biopsies, I was diagnosed with "leukaemia." But it was not clear as to what type of leukaemia I had. I was given many different medications, to no avail. Finally my husband took me to the National Blood Research Centre in Tianjin. However, after another thorough examination, no definitive diagnosis was made. We had no choice but to return to Daqing City.
Divine Performing Arts Earns High Praise – Rectifying the Mind and Cultivating the Self Brings Peace to the Entire World
2008-02-18Undoubtedly, the Divine Performing Arts has overcome racial and cultural barriers and won over the minds and souls of both Eastern and Western audience members. One may ask, "So many governments and international organizations have dreamed about having an in-depth and meaningful cultural exchange between East and West and have spent huge amounts of money during the past several decades to make it come true. How did the Divine Performing Arts accomplish this in such a short period of time?"
Falun Gong Greatly Benefits my Health
2008-02-18At the moment of my greatest despair, an opportunity came along. I heard that Falun Dafa was able to cure illness, so I decided to give it a try. In the spring of 1998, I began to cultivate Falun Dafa. Zhuan Falun. Falun Dafa brought miracles to my body. In just over 10 days I went from being a medicine basket since childhood to being healthy again. I did the exercises without taking any medicine and all my diseases were cured.
A Family Drives Eleven Hours to See the Splendour
2008-02-16On February 8th, 2008, Mr. Zheng drove his family eleven hours from North Carolina to see the the thirteenth show of the Chinese New Year Splendour in New York having had the show suggested to him by a friend. Upon seen the show, they said excitedly that they liked each and every program, so much in fact that they were at a loss for words.
Turning Misfortune Into a Good Fortune
2008-02-16After listening to the fellow practitioner's words, I expected the fellow practitioner to bring the Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun the next day. After several days, the fellow practitioner brought the book. I read the entire book non-stop, from 7:00 a.m. until close to 8:00 p.m. After I finished reading, I felt that the book teaches us to be good people. Many principles in the book, which I did not understand before, help people become generous and open-minded after reading the book.
New York State Senator Bill Perkins Issues Proclamation Honouring New Tang Dynasty Television on the Occasion of Its Fifth Annual Chinese New Year Global Gala
2008-02-13New Tang Dynasty Television's Chinese New Year Splendor, performed by Divine Performing Arts, was recently staged at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. New York State Senator Bill Perkins issued the following proclamation to recognize New Tang Dynasty Television on the occasion of the Splendor. The Proclamation says: "We have an organization worthy of our highest respect and esteem."
What Is the Foundation of Morality and Real Traditional Chinese Culture?
2008-02-13Over the course of several decades, the CCP has liberally used violence to eradicate people's belief in and reverence for divine beings. Even today, they still maintain its mantra of "doing away with superstitions," which is a different way of targeting spiritual beliefs. It has gotten to the point that it is difficult to reverse the effects of the Party-driven march into atheism.
New York Audience: Savouring the Show's Images a Little Longer
2008-02-11The Chinese New Year Splendor is continuing its run at Radio City Music Hall. As the curtain rises and lowers, the audience applauds and cheers for the performances. At the conclusion of the show on February 4th, some audience members lingered in their seats and some in the lobby, not wanting to leave. They said they wanted to savour the moment.