Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Knowing the Truth Brings True Happiness

    I learned a lot in a few months. The stranger on the Internet didn't lie to me and he had no reason to lie to me. I had no choice but to believe the facts that I had learned. I appreciated and seized the opportunity to talk to the stranger on the Internet. I also obtained the electronic version of Zhuan Falun from him, not that I wanted to learn Falun Gong, but to learn more about what it was, because it is irresponsible to Falun Gong, to oneself, and to society to talk about things one knows nothing about.
  • Divine Performing Arts Performances Appeal to a Wide Audience

    On February 3rd, the Divine Performing Arts finished its sixth Chinese New Year Splendor performance in New York City. For the past few days, Radio City Music Hall has been packed with people with many people praising the Divine Performing Arts' performances as "the best," "the most beautiful," and "the purest."
  • Taiwanese Diplomat: "This Great Show Has Set an Example for the Chinese People and for the World"

    Mr. Chang Jingnan, Director of the Culture Center of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, and his wife attended the Chinese New Year Splendor, staged by the Divine Performing Arts in Radio City Music Hall on January 31st, 2008, and were very touched. Mr. Chang said, "Congratulations to NTDTV! I wish the Divine Performing Arts even greater success!"
  • It Is My Wish to Tell Everyone: "Falun Dafa is good!"

    A month later, all of my symptoms were gone. I could even perform heavy labour. This is something I would not have believed in the past, but how can I deny something that has happened to me personally, I was amazed. I want to tell all people in the world: "Falun Dafa is good! Do not believe the Chinese Communist Party's lies!"
  • "This Evening's Show is Priceless!"

    When asked how they felt about the Splendor show, they answered unanimously in Chinese, "Very good! Very good!" Mr. Kung laughed and said, "We are very proud to be Chinese! The show has depicted true Chinese history and culture. It is very inspiring!
  • Two Senior Citizens in China Experience the Miraculous Effects of Practising Falun Dafa

    One month later, all diseases that had tortured me for many years disappeared. I felt very energetic. I could eat food that had been forbidden due to my gastroenteritis and my joints no longer hurt. Since that time I have not taken any medicine. I am now over sixty years old and can work as though I were in my twenties.
  • Grand Premiere of Chinese New York Splendor Displays Divine Culture

    Professor Gao, from the chemistry department of Kean University, took his son and daughter to see the show. He said that he better understood the concept of divine culture after watching the show. He said with excitement, "It was definitely worth it! It was good for my two kids. It was better than I expected."
  • Chinese People in San Francisco Amazed by the Spectacular

    Ms. Huang from Hong Kong said she had never seen such a magnificent show. "Everyone around me was praising the show... I liked every piece, they are so vivid and real. And the dancers seem to perform difficult moves with such ease. It is really amazing."
  • "I Want to Learn Falun Gong"

    After Ms. Liu's clavicle was broken and repaired with a steel plate, she always felt cold and numb. She worried that she would never recover. But that day she raised her arms up to such a high position, it was as if she had never suffered from the injury.
  • Chinese New Year Spectacular is a Big Hit in Toronto

    Mr. Tran said, "I especially liked 'The Power of Awareness', which helped me to know more about Falun Gong. We know that evil can never defeat good. There is a similar thing occurring in Vietnam, with the Communist party always trying to control people's thinking and their freedom of expression. From my past experiences, I understood the dance well, which was a presentation of people's awareness and righteous choices."
  • Recovering from Hepatitis After Starting to Practise Falun Gong

    People around me all ask, "How come you recovered from your illness so soon? What supernormal medication did you take?" I tell them that it was Falun Gong that saved me, and I got better by practising Falun Gong. Having witnessed my miraculous recovery several of my neighbours also began to learn Falun Gong.
  • Overwhelming Audience Feedback Underscores Chinese Communist Party's Ludicrous Attempts to Interfere with Divine Performing Arts' Shows (Part 3)

    Norby later fought back publicly in the Los Angeles Times, saying that a foreign government is trying to give orders to an American official, telling him "not to support" or "not to acknowledge" a certain group. He wrote, "Your letter is officially asking the Orange County City Council to help the communist party persecute Falun Gong...this is an insult and is absolutely unacceptable."
  • Profound Chinese Culture Show in Toronto Leaves People In Awe

    Ken Coates, University of Waterloo Dean of Arts, and his wife Carin Holroyd, an Asia expert, watched the show with their son Marlon Coates and adopted Vietnamese daughter, Hanna on the evening of January 19th. Mr. Coates said that he liked the pieces which depicted legends in Chinese history. "The drum dances were absolute splendour, and the Tibetan dance was very soft and pretty."
  • All Issues Can be Resolved Simply by Looking Inward

    I began practising Falun Gong in 1999. After the illegal, ruthless and highly inhumane persecution started against the practice in China on July 20th, 1999, I used my human notions to show other that Falun Gong is something and good and shouldn't be treated in such a way, as a result I was subjected to constant harassment. Afterward I diligently studied the Falun Gong teachings and found that I needed to change my thoughts.
  • Overwhelming Audience Feedback Underscores Chinese Communist Party's Ludicrous Attempts to Interfere with Divine Performing Arts' Shows (Part 2)

    An article in the Wall Street Journal stated that in today's China, where communism had failed, "getting rich" is the belief of most Chinese. China is heading in a frightening direction because people are not bound by morality, belief, and law; the society is not monitored by a free media; and the materialistic worship of money has become the mainstream ideal and national "religion."