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A Young Woman's Psoriasis Is Cured after Practising Falun Gong
2008-01-25My mother continued to urge me to practice Falun Gong. "Don't seek any rewards when you say 'Falun Gong is good' and you will be rewarded for your sincerity," she said. I thought I might as well give it a shot because I was at the end of my rope. As soon as I started saying "Falun Gong is good," I immediately started to feel better
Overwhelming Audience Feedback Underscores Chinese Communist Party's Attempts to Interfere with Divine Performing Arts' Shows
2008-01-23The letters demanded that they not attend the Divine Performing Art shows. They asked that no congratulatory letters or letters of recognition be sent. Furthermore, they insisted that no support of any kind be given to NTDTV's Chinese New Year Spectacular. The majority of individuals who received such letters were rather annoyed. They replied with a formal response to the Chinese consulates and publicized the letters.
Chinese New Year Spectacular Debuts in Los Angeles and Wins Acclaim from Local Political Leaders
2008-01-23US Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez said in a greeting message: "I along with the US Congress commend the significant Chinese New Year celebration event through dance, background scenery, and costume, without communist culture. I warmly congratulate the event and wish everyone a thriving, happy, and healthy New Year."
Canadian Officials Ignore Interference from Chinese Consulates and Support NTDTV's New Year Spectacular
2008-01-21Rosemary Heborn, a retired teacher, highly praised the show which she went to see on January 14th. She said her friends told her that the Chinese embassy had tried to interfere with the show and she realised the reason after seeing it--the Chinese Communist Party persecutes its own people and the show exposes that persecution. She said that in Canada, the Chinese government has no right to interfere with people's freedom.
Divine Performing Arts' Chinese New Year Spectacular Came to a Close, Earning Rave Reviews in Ottawa
2008-01-19On January 14th, 2008, Divine Performing Arts' second Chinese New Year Spectacular show in Ottawa came to a successful close amidst enthusiastic applause from an audience of 2,000 attendees. The two-day performances of Divine Performing Arts graced about 4,000 audience members, and also were highly acclaimed by renowned persons in Canada.
Marketing Manager and Family Enjoy the Boston Show
2008-01-19Carol has a ballet background and a great appreciation for dance. She said that the performance was intricate and elegant, and the dancers were talented and yet reserved. She liked the presentation of cultural values through fan, chopstick and bowl dances, and was very happy to learn more about Chinese culture from different regions of the vast country.
Special Interview with Ms. Lin Xiling: NTDTV Spectacular Displays the Serene Beauty of the Harmony Between Heaven and Man
2008-01-14Girls as pure flower buds dance in between the clear springs and flowers. Their steps are as soft as clouds flowing on water, and as a breeze on the surface of a lake. They are like water fairies. The quiet and elegant movements soothe people's hearts, and the pure clean minds bring tears to people's eyes.
A Story of a Mother and Her Daughter-in-Law
2008-01-12One week later, the breast lump was gone. The entire family was very happy. The daughter said, "Finally, you should believe in hospitals." The mother smiled and said, "I believe in hospitals, but I also believe in Falun Dafa. I have done an experiment on myself." She then opened a drawer and showed the medicines prescribed by the experts. Her family saw that the medicines were untouched.
In China, People Mistaken for Falun Gong Practitioners Are Ill-Treated
2008-01-12Suddenly, several people rushed out, grabbed her tightly, and roared, "Catch this Falun Gong practitioner. Take her away and lock her up." The postal employees carefully checked all the items in the parcel, which included a letter and a photo. They finally confirmed that she was not a Falun Gong practitioner and released her. She was scared and trembling. She packed up her items and said to herself, "What is the problem? This is awful."
"This Road Will Be Called 'Falun Gong Road'"
2008-01-09Because the material the road was made of was not hard enough, vehicles using the road had created deep ditches along the sides. It was even difficult to walk down the road on sunny days. If it was raining, the muddy water in the deep ditches was knee-deep. After she saw this, she started to repair the road along with a neighbor who is also a practitioner. Not long after, a smooth and even road took shape before the villagers' eyes.
Two Miraculous Stories from China
2008-01-09Twenty-one days later, the old man had another check-up. The doctor pointed at the new x-ray and pondered: "Why is it so hard to tell which leg is now broken!" The family member went to consult with several other doctors and received the same answer. The doctor also commented: "How come an old man like him recovered that fast? Even a young man will not recover so quickly!" The old man's son replied excitedly: "It was because I asked my father to recite 'Falun Dafa is good.' That is the reason."
Confession and Apology from a Criminal Inmate Who Persecuted Practitioners in a Chinese Forced Labour Camp
2008-01-07The Party is the true villain of China. It persecutes kind and innocent Falun Gong practitioners, who spread the truth. All the heavens condemn this persecution. I was also victimized by the Communist Party. I lost all of my fortune, and my family was shattered. Having set into motion this gigantic crime, the Party is still disguising the truth, deluding the people, and persecuting Falun Gong practitioners
Three Chinese Communist Party Party Secretaries Involved in Persecuting Practitioners Die Suddenly
2008-01-07The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing.
The Epoch Times: People from All Walks of Life Enjoy Holiday Wonders Show at Atlantic City Resort
2008-01-06"The costumes were lovely. Everything is inspiring. The dancer is like a musician and they use their bodies as instruments to portray emotion. It was beautiful inside and out. It was stimulating as well. There are a lot of moral lessons to be learned and this show is good for the younger generation. The dancers are beautiful. They have a lot of heart and the emcees were lovely."
An Amazing Recovery from Leukaemia and Cancer
2008-01-06At that moment, I was so emaciated that I barely looked human. I had lost all my colour and I could not breathe evenly. My family secretly prepared a special cloth for me to wear after my passing. At that time, I did not dare to look at anyone in my family. I suffered both from the torture of my illness, and the pain of knowing that soon I would leave this world and my family.