Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • School Principal from China: "Revitalising Chinese Traditional Arts and Creating a New Era"

    Early Christmas morning, calls to the ticket hot-lines started coming in non-stop. More than an hour before the show, the audience began lining up outside the theater. Before the show began, spare tickets were hard to come by. The audience that night was made up of many different ethnicity's from various cultural backgrounds and ages. They had high praise for the show and thanked the Divine Performing Arts for an unforgettable Christmas.
  • Chinese Consulate's Interference in "Holiday Wonders" Show Reveals Chinese Communist Party's True Nature

    Nine performances of the "Holiday Wonders" show have been presented by the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) in New York City, Baltimore and cities in North Carolina. The first performance was at the Beacon Theater in New York on December 18th, 2007. The Chinese Communist Party has attempted to interfere with the shows.
  • The Power of Awareness" at Holiday Wonders

    After watching the Holiday Wonders, Mr. Cheng Xiaonong, the chief editor of "Modern China Studies" from Princeton University, called the persecution of Falun Gong a large-scale political persecution without any ground or legal basis. It is a persecution of all Chinese people.
  • Beautiful Divine Performing Arts Show Purifies the Heart

    Whether it is when I am alone, or when I am doing some everyday thing in society, always being "upright" is difficult to uphold. Sometimes when watching shows, it is almost impossible to avoid immoral things. Human morality is deteriorating daily. Many works of art only emphasise some skill instead of conveying something that will change one's soul. I was very disillusioned until I watched a performance of The Divine Performing Arts.
  • You Would Never Know that I Used to be Disabled due to Illness

    It doesn't seem that long ago when I was disabled, suffering from many different diseases, including epilepsy, mental illness, sleep walking, and being dull-witted. I also suffered from a slipped disc, bone spurs, hyperlipidemia, an arm injury, and shoulder inflammation. It wasn't cured after treatment in Shanxi Province's major hospitals. Yet, less than two years after I learned Falun Dafa, all these diseases were cured.
  • Artistic Performances That Embody Traditional Chinese Culture

    During an interview, NTDTV President Li Zhong said, "Divine Performing Arts performances convey purity, kindness and beauty, which can inspire people's longing for goodness from the depths of their hearts. As the performances promote traditional art, they resonate deeply with our audiences."
  • I Was Spared from Certain Death after Studying the Falun Gong Teachings for Just a Few Weeks

    Three days after I got home, my whole upper body became stiff and my breasts were very hard. Several days later I found my whole body was stiff, even the flesh of my tongue became hard. I stayed up all night and cried to myself. I knew that I wouldn't live for long. I took out all the photos of me and chose one of them as my "portrait of the deceased."
  • Using the Olympics as a Grounds for Extending the Persecution

    Guard Yue Qingjin sent me there, and he shouted at me, "You are against the bid for the Olympics. You don't love your country and resist reformation. Even if we kill you, we'll claim that you committed suicide." Several guards put me on a cotton quilt and tied my four limbs down with strips of fabric. They yanked the strips in four different directions, causing an unbelievable amount of pain. They shocked me with electric batons, shouted at me and ordered me to give up my belief. When they saw that I was about to faint, they stopped and forced me to drink some water. They continued shocking me, I lost consciousness after another half an hour or so.
  • Where Would we be Without Falun Dafa?

    My wife heard others say that practising Falun Dafa was good for keeping fit and improving health, so she started to practice. With my own eyes, I saw my wife's wellbeing improve greatly. Her stamina also increased. Because we no longer needed to buy expensive medications and pay for all the different medical expenses, our family's financial situation also improved greatly. The entire family truly entered a state of calm and harmony.
  • Chinese Communist Party Prohibits Citizens from Legally Appealing to the Central Government

    The document followed the stipulations from its upper level government, stating, "All those who go to the central government to complain (the so-called "disturbing visiting") should be punished and the officials have the right to punish, issue a fine, or even send them to a forced labor camp." The document further states: "All those promoting democracy or practicing Falun Gong are enemies and should be punished."
  • My Back Is Straight Again!

    Sanshen stopped meditating and gingerly moved her legs to the floor to see if she could stand properly. She found that she had grown taller. Testing herself again as she stretched, she cried out with tears of joy, "Look at me, my back is straight again!"
  • Doing Well in my Cultivation Enables me to do Well in Exposing the Persecution

    At the very beginning I was afraid that other people might know that I practised Falun Gong and so I hid the Falun Dafa books and practiced the exercises in secrecy. In doing things for Falun Gong I was always timid and felt like my heart was in my mouth. Whenever someone knocked on the door or the telephone rang, I would instantly be overcome with nervousness. Even when I saw a police officer or a police car in the street I would be terrified.
  • Benefiting from the Practice at the Age of 78

    In the middle of the night I would spit out a basin-full of black blood. No matter how terrible I felt, I never gave up studying the Falun Dafa teachings and practising the exercises. After the purification, my stomach problems that had plagued me for all these years had disappeared and I could once again eat cold, sour, and spicy foods.
  • People in China Show Support for the Truth

    One friend passed the software on to all of his friends. Another friend said to me, "You Falun Gong people are great." He shared the CD with his old friends in the army. Some of his friends told him that they visited the dynamic websites (websites that allow people in China to access Internet sites blocked by the Chinese government) every night before they went to bed.
  • A Miraculous Recovery from Cancer

    My miraculous recovery also gave the local villagers a chance to see the truth about Falun Dafa. When I had just started to practise Falun Gong some people even commented, "If she recovers from her illnesses by practising Falun Gong I will throw myself of a bridge." Now they are left speechless.