Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • How I Understand the Concept of Righteous Thoughts and My Experiences Connected with Them

    I started to practise Falun Gong at the end of 1998. The first day I had planned to learn Falun Gong I awoke at 5:00 a.m. and immediately went to the practise site. When I did the five sets of exercises that morning I was thrilled. It was a kind of wonderful feeling that I had never experienced before.
  • Export Products Made with Slave Labor at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp--We Call On the International Community to Take Action to Bring this Evil Den to Justice

    To gain time for delivering orders, the same people who processed toxic products for export were also made to peel garlic at the same time. The unprocessed bagged garlic was emptied onto the contaminated work areas, or on the ground, which was covered with poisonous chemical residue and dust and gravel. After the garlic had been peeled, the cloves were placed into the same bowls and basins that previously contained toxic arts and crafts materials, and which had not been sanitized.
  • Saying "Falun Dafa is Good" Saved My Life

    I live in Jixi City of Heilongjiang Province in China and I am 69 years old. In early May of 2006, when I was on the brink of death, simply saying "Falun Dafa is good" saved my life. I have practiced Falun Dafa ever since.
  • From Hearts and Minds Uplifted: Conflicts Lasting Decades Are Resolved after Family Practises Falun Dafa

    I was reading Zhuan Falun at the time. I understood that only Falun Dafa could resolve the deeply rooted conflicts in my family, so on several occassions I recommended the book to my father. Finally my father started reading. Right away he changed. His 58 years of bad temper improved greatly. He started being tolerant, even during conflicts with my mother. His spirit improved, and all of us benefited. There were fewer conflicts in the family.
  • A Chinese Communist Party Committee Secretary for a Research Institutes Quits His Party Membership

    As soon as he heard me mention Falun Gong, he said, "The government has told us to have the same view about Falun Gong as they do. Let's not talk about this any more." I said, "I am sure that many of your college classmates also practice Falun Gong. It is a matter of personal belief. Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted and tortured inhumanely just because they practice according to the principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.' Don't you sympathize with them?" He did not reply.
  • Miraculously Escaping the Rage of a Stampeding Bull

    Since the bull was directly heading toward my mother, the situation was critical. Once a fighting bull dashes at someone, it's extremely rare for it to back away, and would gore the person’s body with its horns. My father was so shocked that he didn’t know what to do. When he started to shake the collapsed iron fence frantically trying to distract the beast’s attention, the fighting bull had already pulled up at the back of my mother.
  • A Miracle in Medicine

    On March 22nd, 2007, the Gastroenterology Department at the hospital where I worked received a female patient who was about 20 years old. Her anus was entirely swollen, and she was restless due to the pain. She fainted once from losing too much blood when she was bleeding. She was diagnosed with a swollen rectum, serious anemia, low blood protein, external piles, low blood calcium, and Hepatitis B.
  • Falun Dafa Saved My Father--Our Entire Village Now Understands the Truth

    On August 6th, 2007, my father's situation worsened. He was hospitalised for three days, but there was no sign of improvement. His oesophagus was blocked, so no food or fluid could pass through it. He lay in bed all day long. The doctor advised us to prepare for his funeral, so we placed an order for his coffin when we returned home.
  • A Senior Citizen Shares Her Experiences of Practising Falun Gong in China

    I am 73 this year but people say I only look like I am 50. My skin is wrinkle-free and healthy, my teeth are good, and I am alert. I speak clearly and walk so well that even some young people cannot keep up with me. My husband, daughter, son-in-law, grandchild, relatives, and old classmates have seen the changes in me since I began to practise Falun Gong, and they have come to cultivate and become Falun Dafa practitioners one by one.
  • My Experiences of Moving from Australia to Cornwall

    When I had just started practising I had the sense that I would one day return to Cornwall to give the people in that area a chance to find out about the practice and the brutal persecution. Now it seemed that was coming true. However, instead of making the best use of my new found time, my attachment to comfort came up and I became lazy and found excuses for not practising the exercises or studying the Falun Gong teachings, the Fa, saying “I have to spend time applying for jobs” or “I have to fit in with my family’s routine now”.
  • A Reminder to Value Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

    Gradually I reduced my sending forth righteous thoughts to three times daily, then to twice or once a day. My excuse was I felt tired during sending forth righteous thoughts. This abnormal state continued for several months. Finally the evil took advantage of my loopholes and started persecuting me.
  • The Miraculous Transformation of My Sister's Family

    A few days ago I paid a visit to her house because I had some errands to run. When I first stepped into her house, what I saw amazed me. The chaotic environment that once consumed her home had completely reversed. The yard and her house were now clean and organised. Both my sister and her husband looked so happy. After seeing my expression, my 74-year-old sister and her 80-year-old husband told me their story.
  • A Matter of Life or Death

    Right now I must tell you that writing a sharing article like this is an accelerated cultivation process and so I am not the same person at the end of this sharing as I was when I began the first draft. As you will see, I begin full of doubt and uncertainty - to explore rather than to explain. As I am going to talk about a recent event where I was confronted with a life or death choice, I would like to say a few words about events in my life prior to this that put this specific event into some context.
  • A Brief Sharing

    Later at moments when I had a more peaceful mind, I found what annoyed me most was not so much his opinions as the fact that his opinion was different, very different in some aspects, from that of mine. At these peaceful moments when I could better let go of the ego, I could see more clearly the value of the suggestions of the other party. Even when facing the issues on which I still believed the other party was not correct, my mind state was one of more benevolence, care and respect for the other party.
  • My Fellow Practitioners in Mainland China

    The head of the security bureau said, “No wonder that there has recently been a lot more leaflets in our area. Tell the truth, was it you?” This seemingly simple question sounds completely different in the kind of evil and harsh environment of mainland China. If you admitted guilt, ordinary people would take it to mean “doubly guilty”. So many would reply, 'No, it was not me'. The lady, on the other hand, said, “I really would like to distribute leaflets across the whole world, telling everybody about Falun Gong. It’s a shame that my means are limited.”