Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Personal Experiences from Sweden’s Human Rights Torch Relay: “I did something meaningful today.”

    This was an extraordinary parade with people of all ages from white haired old men to young children - flyer distributors, runners, bicycle riders and families in their cars followed. They were from different races and genders, but came for the same purpose: to call for an immediate end to persecution in China.
  • A Family in North Korea Finds Falun Dafa and Their Illnesses Disappear

    In 2004, Xingcheng (alias), an old man from North Korea, went to China to visit his aunt and uncle, both Falun Dafa practitioners. They were in their seventies, but very healthy. Xingcheng was very envious. He is poor and had to stay busy collecting things to bring back to North Korea, so he didn't find time to learn the exercises, but he did remember one thing: "Falun Dafa is good!" Soon, his serious stomach problem disappeared. Every day he felt he had so much energy. He often walked long distances instead of taking transport. His neighbours all thought it was a miracle.
  • Gradually Maturing in Our Cultivation

    My younger brother is a doctor of Chinese medicine and very well known locally. Many patients go to him for treatments. He often tells his patients to practise Falun Gong. He says, "My elder sister suffered from so many diseases and I treated her for so many years and was not able to cure them. She practises Falun Gong and has recovered from all of them. The best thing for you would be to start practising Falun Gong."
  • Chinese Communist Party Shuts Down Organ Transplant Website and Arrests Japanese Organ Broker in China

    Obtaining fresh organs in China is disturbingly easy and quick, especially when you consider that in all other parts of the world people have to wait years for an organ transplant. Experts say that the only possible explanation is that a huge number of living people are used as convenient organ sources.
  • Finding True Peace in the Heart -- a Young Doctor's Story

    "I finished reading the entirety of Zhuan Falun in one night. The calmness I felt at that moment made me realize that this was what I had been looking for all my life. At that moment, I decided to start practising Falun Dafa." said Huijun.
  • "We Want to Help Others Learn the Truth and Quit the CCP Too"

    As soon as I sat down, my cousin's husband told me, "About the Nine Commentaries you gave us, I have recommended it to several close friends." I asked him, "Have you quit the CCP? I can help you with it if you want." They told me they had already quit."We thought about this quite a while ago. The CCP will be over sooner or later, since it is so corrupt. We do not want to pay the CCP membership fee, but it is deducted from our salary."
  • When You Feel Hurt, It Is Always Due to a Human Attachments and Emotion

    Why were we so indignant? Why did we have resentment? Why did we have hatred in our hearts? Why did we feel bullied? Why can't we be more forgiving? Why did we show displeasure? Why did we find it hard to forget the conflicts? Why...?
  • Classical Views in Science Challenged - A New World View is Evolving

    Quantum entanglement supports the existence of "spooky action at a distance," which was considered suspect by Albert Einstein. Quantum entanglement surpasses the four dimensional space we live in and is not limited by it. It is nonlocal and tells us that, in some dimensional spaces in the universe, there exists the possibility of some kinds of interaction among all things.
  • Karmic Retribution--The Disastrous Demise of the Persecutors

    Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by the wicked former Party head, Jiang Zemin and his regime, they were pushed into persecuting those who practise Falun Gong. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment.
  • An Ordinary Family's Story of Practising Falun Gong in China

    As an intellectual, he dismissed Falun Gong as superstition at first. However, he didn't have the heart to turn down my dad's advice. He was bedridden, so he read Zhuan Falun in bed. Teacher was very compassionate and made Grandfather increasingly well each day. Finally he could get out of bed to learn the Falun Gong exercises. When he was practising the third exercise, he felt incredibly comfortable from head to toe. He said he had never felt so great.
  • The Chinese Communist Party's Extreme Fear of Its Impending Doom Manifests in "Safe Stable" Work Meetings

    Liaoning Province has dispatched more than 400 police vehicles to Beijing, and Shandong Province has dispatched more than one thousand police vehicles to Beijing to pick up people from their regions making appeals. All districts in Beijing have strengthened their patrol troops, and community patrol guards with red bands on their arms have appeared everywhere.
  • "Falun Dafa is the Only Genuine Science"

    Not long after that, I called her to see how she was doing. She said that she had read the book but she could not totally believe it. However, she felt the exercises were good and decided to give them a try. About one year later, I called her again. She told me that every day during her lunch break she would practise all five sets of the exercises according to the instructions on the video tape, and that she has been completely cured. She said that "Falun Dafa is the only genuine science".
  • Bedridden for Eight Years, Sickness Free Three Months after Practising Falun Gong

    While selling fruits at an early morning market, I met a person I used to know but hadn't seen for many years. She was quite surprised that I had changed: healthier, stronger, more energetic, friendlier, and more tolerant. I had a good chat with her about the turning point of my life: Falun Gong.
  • Retibution for Police That Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in China

    Here we want to warn those organisations and related personnel of the 'Gestapo' like 610 Office, who actively participate in the persecution of practitioners in that area, that heaven is exterminating the Communist Party. Do not let lies and deceptions mislead you. Do not allow yourself to be seduced by superficial, personal interests to commit crimes and ruin your future. Good will be rewarded with good; evil will receive retribution. This is a heavenly rule, and only can you, yourself, decide your fate.
  • A Senior Policeman in China with Thirty Years' Experience Speaks His Mind

    We should serve people benevolently. However, at present, police working in China don't fulfill their roles. Instead they do immoral things they are not supposed to do, such as intimidating Chinese citizens on behalf of politicians at all levels of government. They arrest citizens who do not follow the planned pregnancy policy, they forcibly relocate citizens, they intercept citizens who attempt to appeal, and they persecute Falun Gong practitioners.