Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Stories from Ancient China: Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

    Emperor Guangwu sighed, "Although scholars have been talking about not pursuing personal gains and not seeking fame, how many of them can truly achieve this? You are a rare gentleman. You are not only modest, but even recommend others to me, without seeking power for yourself." Emperor Guangwu insisted on appointing Heng Rong as imperial tutor.
  • Falun Dafa Purifies Both Mind and Body

    In talking about what Falun Gong has given me, as far as I am concerned, on the surface I'm not only completely cured, healthy, honest, peaceful and benevolent, but I also have more wisdom. I've gained so much. I'm gradually coming to understand the truth about human life and the secrets of the universe.
  • Investigation Lead: Kidney Transplants Performed within Five to Fifteen Days at the Rende Hospital in Weifang City, China

    We call on all people of conscience to lend their help to expose the facts of this vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners inside secret concentration camps, forced labor camps, prisons and hospitals in China. The sooner this atrocity is fully exposed, the sooner this brutal persecution will end. Following is information that came to light recently.
  • Misfortune Turns into a Blessing -- A Cancer Patient's Dramatic Recovery

    The experts' conclusion is that no one can help. You should believe in science." (In my friend's mind, it was without a doubt that Mei was doomed, and they should start the funeral preparations). Right then I met this friend of Mei's and told him about the tremendous healing effects of Falun Gong. He could not accept it. He said, "Do not tell me about Falun Gong. I believe only in Science. You expect me to believe that after practising Falun Gong, one can avoid death?"
  • "Nothing Can Alter My Determination to Stop the Persecution" - The Six-Year Cultivation Path of a Young American Man

    Jared Pearman started to practise Falun Gong in 2001. He is a young fellow who works as an Internet IT Support Technician for the National Geographic Society in Washington, DC. During the past six years, Jared has been to more than a dozen cities around the globe, protesting the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist regime. Jared said, "Nothing can alter my determination to stop the persecution. Nothing can sway my firm belief in Falun Dafa."
  • What is Falun Dafa Here For? --Commemorating the Introduction of Falun Gong Fifteen Years Ago

    The cruel persecution of Falun Gong seems to persist because these material and sensory stimulations can easily lead people's minds to become excited and they are unaware of the CCP's suppression of the Chinese constitution-guaranteed freedom of belief. They appear to be disinterested in the persecution, or in a raise of morals that Falun Dafa's principles, Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, represent. In other words, the economic development has become a tool, excuse, or a cover for spiritual suppression.
  • A Righteous Deed Is Rewarded

    The elderly man noticed that some people stepped on the picture and some walked around it. When it was his turn, he loudly criticised the police by saying, "Why are you making people do bad deeds? Mr. Li Hongzhi is not an enemy of mine, nor has he deceived me. Why must I step on his picture? Take it away immediately!" The man stared at the police righteously and sternly, and then proceeded to take the picture away.
  • Recalling the Scene of Ten-Thousand People Practising Falun Gong in March of 1999

    On the morning of March 27th, 1999, roughly ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners held an experience sharing conference, which included group exercise and letter-forming. This was the largest experience sharing conference in Hubei Province prior to the start of the persecution on July 20th, 1999.
  • Thoughts Arise After an Explosion in China

    When I saw this scene it reminded me of the staged "Tiananmen self-immolation." I remembered that all the wounded people's bodies were wrapped up tightly with white gauze and they were laying down very stiffly on beds, while the reporters interviewed them in their street clothes.
  • Diseases Disappear Without Spending A Penny

    Once I got home I started to read Zhuan Falun. In less than a week, my body, and my "uterine tumour" disappeared. It was truly unbelievable, not only had my illness completely disappeared but I didn't even have to spend a penny in doing so!
  • The Three Grandparents in Our Home

    My paternal grandmother also started to practise Falun Dafa after she witnessed my maternal grandmother's improvements. Even when Falun Gong is being severely persecuted today in China, she still studies the Falun Gong teachings and does the exercises. She quit her 50-year smoking habit after practising the exercises. She has become physically strong. You can only find someone over 70 years old who has no illnesses and does not need to take medication among Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Can a Strong Economy Improve the Declining Morality?

    In China, an obvious problem in society is the declining morality. But many people think the cause of the declining morality is poverty, and mistakenly believe that morality will improve as soon as the economy is strong and the standard of living rises. Is this true? No. And why not?
  • The Chinese Communist Party's Slow Response to a UN Enquiry on Organ Harvesting Generates More Concerns

    Since the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners were exposed, though it is hard to believe such atrocities could happen in this 21st century, more and more supporting evidence has been collected suggesting that the atrocities are indeed taking place.
  • Chinese Communist Party Threat Turns into an "Advertisement" - People in Mainland China Rush to Get "New Year Spectacular" DVD

    These friends told the practitioner that so many people learnt about the DVD in this way and all of them wanted to find one. Some people said, "I want to watch it so badly!" Others said, "You'd be stupid not to watch the DVD if you had it." And yet others said, "When I happen to get the disc, I will take it home and watch it. How could the Chinese Communist Party have any control over this?"
  • Chinese Villagers Indignant After Village Leader Who Practises Falun Gong Is Arrested

    Mr. Wen Guangming is a democratically elected chief supported by 100% of the votes for three consecutive terms. During that period, he constructed two bridges and built rural roads leading to each household. He has also accumulated over 70,000 yuan for the team. He was illegally taken into custody due to practising Falun Gong and for being a good person. We, the villagers of the No. 8 Team, strongly request the related departments to release Mr. Wen.