Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • My Cultivation Journey

    He told me that the book talks about a lot of good things and to follow the principles of the book, he shouldn’t allow a divorce to happen and should instead work on improving his character. He asked me to give him a three year chance to improve his character and be a better person. How could I refuse an opportunity to save our marriage? For him to have the confidence that he would change and to make the effort, Falun Dafa must be good.
  • Experiences In Organising the Edinburgh Cavalcade In Scotland

    The Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh has tried to pressure the Cavalcade organisers to refuse our entry for the last five years. Although the current Organiser has not given in to the Consulate’s demands, we have not been allowed to hand out leaflets with information about the persecution of Falun Gong for the last two years. Also the Edinburgh Chinese Community, which is backed by the Chinese Consulate, has taken part in the Cavalcade this year and last year.
  • Believe in Teacher and the Principles Taught in Falun Gong

    At this point, a French practitioner said to me “Don’t change your mind. Don’t back down. They are thinking only of themselves. Light the torch. Don’t wait.” This gave me so much more confidence and determination for lighting the torch. When the torches were lit in the dark, all the media was focused on the torches. So many people there were in tears. The police didn’t cut off the electricity either.
  • Two Stories of Seemingly Miraculous Recoveries from Practising Falun Dafa

    One day, one of my colleagues, who is a Falun Gong practitioner, came to see me. He saw how sick I was, so he told me the truth of Falun Gong. He gave himself as an example, and said that he became healthy after practising Falun Gong. He suggested that I also learn Falun Gong. I thought maybe there was this one last hope. So with a heart of doubt and curiosity, I accepted the book Zhuan Falun.
  • Are You Concerned?

    Tonight, during the Mid-autumn Festival, the moon is whole and round. Yet, how many deservedly whole families have been fragmented? Under the moonlight, how many elderly are remembering children who have been persecuted to death and how many children are still waiting to be re-united with their imprisoned parents? People of the world, are you not concerned for them?
  • By Sincerely Reciting "Falun Dafa Is Great," Mr. Song's Broken Ligaments Make a Rapid Recovery

    Once home, he went to the hospital again for another examination. The doctor compared the previous CT film with the current one and exclaimed, "This is simply a miracle!"
  • Escaping from my Handcuffs and Foot Shackles With Ease -- Let's End the Persecution Immediately, Starting with Myself

    This evil persecution against Falun Gong should have never begun. But there hasn't been a day that has gone by in the past eight years that Falun Gong practitioners have not been persecuted to death. To this day we are paying a dear price to resist the wicked persecution of Falun Gong. It has been eight long years. Each of us should ask ourselves, "Why? What have I done to completely end this persecution? What have I been doing?"
  • Family of New Practitioners Send Greetings to the Founder of Falun Gong on the Occasion of the Moon Festival

    At first I could only recite, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness- Compassion- Tolerance is good," due to my paralyzed condition. Every day I would sincerely recite these words, and soon I was able to sit crossed legged in the lotus position and then I was able to stretch out my previously immobile arms. I could conjoin my hands and then after just one week I began to walk! My daughter-in-law and grandsons were overjoyed having seen such a massive improvement in such a short period of time.
  • The Truth Spreads Widely; People in Mainland China Enthusiastically Quit the Chinese Communist Party

    A middle-aged man named Zhe Yu in Qinghai Province wrote, "I live in a corrupt environment, and I couldn't help but witness and participate in many things that go against my conscience. After I read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, my mind was awakened by the ongoing historic change."
  • Thoughts From Children Complaining to Their Mothers

    On the surface, I am able to endure hardships when doing truth-clarification projects. Sometimes when fellow practitioners treated me unfairly, I controlled myself well. But after digging deeper, I realized that whenever I had disagreements with our local coordinator, I always thought of complaining about it to Teacher. Isn't this thought of mine the same as that of the kids complaining to their mother?
  • A Young American Woman's Predestined Relationship with Falun Gong

    Lisa said that she was very curious about Falun Gong and kept asking Andrew about the practice, so he lent the book to her. In two days, Lisa finished reading the book. "I was amazed by the book. More importantly, I felt I had found what I had been looking for all my life."
  • Malignant Tumour Disappears After Practising Falun Gong for Just Two Months

    Xiaoming, a villager from Daling Township of Jilin Province in China had developed a malignant growth in his chest. In an attempt to find a cure for his illness he spent ten thousand yuan on medical expenses. However, the malicious growth disappeared after he started to practise Falun Gong for only two months and his health also improved in many other areas. News of this incident spread far and wide across his village.
  • Police Officers In China Don't Wish to be Involved in the Persecution

    The police officer smiled at Lao Tian and said, "Lao Tian, we all know that you learn and practise this belief, and we don't care. Also, you are allowed to pay your respects to your Master's photo. When you read the book, you display your Master's photo, but when you do not read the book, could you hide your Master's photo? Would this be ok?" Lao Tian did not say anything, and the police ceased their requests.
  • Declaration of Withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party by an Agent of the Chinese '610 Office'

    I am a 610 Office agent (working on the Falun Gong issue) at the Shengli Oil Field in Heilongjiang Province, China. Through my contact with Falun Gong practitioners who persist in their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance", as well as my experience in attempting to "transform"1 practitioners, I have made the decision to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and all of its affiliated associations.
  • A Chinese Nurses Experiences of Practising Falun Gong Under the Persecution

    Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Di is a nurse from Dehui City of Jilin Province in China. Several years of ruthless persecution has left her paralysed, but she persevered in her cultivation and was once again able to walk. The following is her experience.