Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • A Teenage Girl Comes to Support Falun Dafa and Notices Many Improvements in Her Life

    I am fourteen years old and so I am attending middle school. My father is a Falun Dafa practitioner and so he often tells me of the miraculous qualities and facts of the practice. Gradually I am beginning to understand that things are not as simple as people imagine - things like judging between right and wrong - you have to think through issues rationally with your own mind and not listen to other people's nonsense.
  • After Continued Persecution of his Family and Himself, Human Rights Attorney, Mr. Gao Zhisheng Solemnly Declares He Does Not Acknowledge Government-Forced "Confession"

    "...we have devised many ways to deal with you, including bringing your older brother here, forcing him to kneel in front of you until you have lowered your head. We will use all possible means and take as long as we need." Facing such inhuman tortures to my family members, I was forced to "agree" to admit that I was guilty, and "agree" to write a declaration that I would stop human rights activities. Finally, the police compiled--and I copied--the "regret letter" people saw later.
  • The Best Thing to Do is to Simply Follow What Teacher Says

    Previously, I did not work as hard and yet no one found fault with me. Funnily enough it was when I began to make changes in myself that people started to find fault with me. As the conflicts escalated, I remembered that Teacher told us to look inward. I wondered if I needed to let go of my strong attachments to competitiveness. Amazingly as soon as I enlightened to this, the people who had problems with me seemed to have forgotten what happened and started to act nicely toward me
  • My Experiences Translating and Polishing Articles

    I have been translating and polishing articles for about two years, and during that period have been able to make some real advancements in my cultivation. At first I did not realise it but much later I recognised the fact that most of the articles I received contained something that directly related to my attachments or the current issues I had been dealing with.
  • I Witnessed The Wonderfulness of Falun Gong From My Father's Experience

    After repeatedly talking to my father about Falun Gong and the lies that the Chinese Communist Party have used to try and vilicate Falun Gong, he finally came to see the facts. Once his mind has changed he decided that he also wanted to practice Falun Gong. Thus, he made a vow to the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li Hongzhi. He vowed that he would cultivate sincerely, and he asked Master to help him. After just a short time he felt a great relief, his breathing returned to a normal state, and he felt an unprecedented lightness.
  • Investigation Leads: China's Director of the Medical and Administrative Department of the Health Ministry of China, Discloses a Large Number of Organ Transplants (and other leads)

    Before this happened, the labour camp officials regularly made us undergo strict physical examinations. Looking back, Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp has probably participated in the illegal organ-harvesting for transplant scheme. At that time we did not know that the Chinese Communist Party was committing organ-harvesting crimes.
  • Chinese Communist Party Officials Who Persecute Falun Gong Meet Retribution for their Misdeeds

    A police officer who mistreated Falun Dafa practitioners under his command also received karmic retribution when he fell from a motorcycle, splitting open his head and nearly losing his life. After his recovery, he awakened to his wrongdoings and chose to leave the detention centre where Falun Dafa practitioner were mistreated. In fact, he left the police force entirely. He now lives a very fulfilling life.
  • Led by my Mother's Example I Came to Practise Falun Gong

    After cultivating for one year, I came to truly understand the founder of the practice and also my Master, Mr. Li Hongzhi's benevolent care for us, which helped me to overcome difficulty after difficulty. I started to studiously read the precious book Zhuan Falun, and I was convinced by the principles laid out in the book. I saw how attached I was to ordinary people's fame, self-interest and emotions and also how lucky I am to have come to understand Teacher's great benevolence at a deeper level.
  • A Miraculous Recovery from Cancer Helps My Family to Believe in Falun Dafa

    After several days, his face began to glow with a fair and rosy complexion. He actually started to slightly believe in Falun Dafa, However, he still wouldn't let go of his notions. He decided to have a second operation. Before the operation, my son and daughter said, "We should start to practise Falun Gong with Mom."
  • Udumbara Flowers Found in California

    According to Buddhist scriptures, "Udumbara" is a Sanskrit word, meaning "an auspicious flower from heaven." Volume 8 of the Huilin Phonetics and Interpretation, a Buddhist scripture, says: "Udumbara is the product of ominous and supernatural phenomena; it is a celestial flower and does not exist in the mundane world."
  • Using Facts and Sound Reasoning to Resist Forceful Brainwashing in China

    In order to defile Falun Gong, the guards publicized the six criteria of a cult in the detention centre. Ms. Zhang wrote them down one by one. Then she matched the characteristics of Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party to each of the criteria. What she did was clear and logical. The guards were so fearful of her actions that they were sweating beads.
  • "It's Miraculous! We All Want to Learn Falun Gong!"

    Today, more than 24 million Chinese people have resigned from the CCP and its affiliated organizations--the Youth League and the Young Pioneers. According to the Global Service Center for Quitting the Party, volunteers with the service centers have received many calls, faxes, and emails from Chinese people wanting to quit, along with many inquiries asking for details about how to quit the Party and its Youth League and Young Pioneers. There have been many touching incidents.
  • The True Reason for the Heavy Sentencing of Reporter Zi Beijia for His Article "Cardboard Dumplings"

    Mr. Zi Beijia, a 28-year-old reporter for a Beijing TV Station, was recently charged with "fabricating a report" soon after his TV program "Cardboard Dumplings" was aired on "Transparency." The program revealed that certain dumpling makers in China used waste cardboard as dumpling filling. Zi Beijia was sentenced on August 12th, 2007 to one year behind bars at Beijing's No. 2 Intermediate People's Court and fined 1,000 Yuan. The incident has stirred up much controversy. Which one is fake - the "dumplings" or the report?
  • Speech by David Kilgour at the Torch Lighting Ceremony in Athens on August 9th, 2007

    The following speech was presented by former Canadian MP David Kilgour at the launching of the Human Rights Torch Relay in Athens, Greece on August 9th, 2007. In the coming year, the Human Rights Torch will be carried to cities all over the world in an attempt to raise awareness of the crimes against humanity being perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party in China.
  • Interview with a Skilled Vocalist: What is the True Meaning of Life? (Part One)

    "I was considered a successful musician in China's music circles. With the passage of time I simply lost interest in my success. In fact not only did I lose interest but I also felt disgusted when receiving high honours and large sums of money. I was no longer interested in all that I had gained through a struggle that I called 'Vanity Fair.' I felt devoid spiritually and asked myself frequently--When can I get out of this whirlpool that is 'life'? Is this all we are here for?