Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • How a Ukrainian Judean Family Came to Practise Falun Gong

    One could say that Irena’s character had always been special. On buses in Lviv, many undesirable and dirty farmers were avoided; however Irena always looked at them with kindness. She even had the desire to wash them. As a teenager, she used to follow old women with heavy bags. She would silently lift their burden to help them with the weight. Her mother often told her, “You are truly unique.”
  • People in China Are Looking For Information about Falun Dafa

    Those people who finished reading the Nine Commentaries waited several evenings to meet me. They kept telling me their feelings, such as realising how the Tiananmen Self-Immolation was faked and how those suicide and homicide cases were made up. They also said that the practitioners they knew were kind people and were totally different from how the TV propaganda portrayed them. They were very upset and angry over the Chinese Communist Party's deceit over the people of China.
  • The Truth Behind the Murder Case Reported in the Tianjin Daily

    A taxi driver who spoke on condition of anonymity said the murder had to do with Li Yanzhong being traumatised over his wife's affair, and that the only reason Li claimed to be a Falun Gong practitioner was because the government promised to exempt him from the death penalty if he did.
  • A Falun Dafa Bookmark Deflects a Burglar's Knife

    Seeing my distressed state after the attack, my friend dialled the emergency number 120 for help. Then I suddenly thought to check my stab wound. I examined my chest and found no injury. How could this happen? I clearly saw the knife piercing into my body, yet I was unhurt. Who saved me?
  • Letter from China: Stage Collapses at Chinese Communist Party Anniversary Celebration in Liaoning Province

    On the evening of June 25th, 2005, Hongshan Community was to perform an on-stage celebration of "July 1st" (the Chinese Communist Party anniversary) in Jianping County, Liaoning Province. The master of ceremonies announced that a choir would sing for the first performance. Before the music began, the whole stage collapsed suddenly with a "Boom!" All the choir members ran without singing a note. The audience was in shock as the rear portion of the stage rushed towards them like a huge wave. Pandemonium broke out as police and emergency vehicles began to arrive to treat the injured.
  • Switzerland: The Six Year Long Persecution Cannot Stop Falun Gong - Massive Support Reveals All

    On July 23rd, Falun Gong practitioners held an activity to raise awareness and gain support regarding the persecution taking place against those who practise Falun Gong in China. Those who went to Swan Square in Lucerne, Switzerland, to enjoy the natural carvings were astonished by what they saw. Such a scene attracted many people.
  • Stories of Those Who Quit the Chinese Communist Party

    Mr. Zhang was the party secretary at his workplace before he retired. The disabling effects of a stroke kept him from conducting his former daily activities, and he drooled all the time. He took up reciting, "Falun Dafa is Good" and quit the CCP. Since then he stopped drooling and regained the ability to walk. Whenever anyone asks him what miraculous medicines he has taken, he always says loudly, "It's because Falun Dafa practitioners told me to recite "Falun Dafa is Good" and quit the CCP.
  • My Hometown

    In this strange land, the locals have shown their kind hearts. They have not turned me in for a promotion, a bonus, or a meal ticket. Perhaps they have read me through their wrinkled faces. Again and again, they hid me and protected me, so that the police have not captured me. Again and again, they helped me return to safety. They observed my thoughts and my actions, and knew that I was not like what the official news said. They welcomed me, just like I cherished them. Though from the same country, our people can take such disparate paths.
  • Latest "Falun Gong Murder" Is Another Chinese Communist Party Smear Campaign

    A resident in China who wishes to remain anonymous said, "Falun Gong is practised by people in dozens of countries. Why is it only in China that we hear about so-called Falun Gong killings? The homicides we hear about in the news are all committed by people with mental illness, yet they were used to incriminate Falun Gong. If a student becomes mentally insane, does it mean the school the student attends is bad? Also, many of these killers had never practised Falun Gong. The government is trying to give Falun Gong all the blame. Nobody believes such news."
  • "Stewing the Eagle", Brainwashing Classes and Resignations from the Chinese Communist Party (Part 1)

    When people see the eagle again, it is squatting on the hunter's shoulder, following the hunter's instruction to hunt. Although there are no shackles on its legs, its spirit has been locked forever and it will never leave the hunter. Each time it captures something, the hunter will throw the entrails to it, and it will be even more grateful to the hunter's "generosity". It completely forgets that it used to shoot into the clouds like a sharp arrow and soar in the sky freely. That free soul has died.
  • A Practitioner's Family Member Expresses His Sincerest Gratitude towards Falun Dafa

    I am an ordinary citizen from Dezhou District of Shandong Province in China. My wife is a Falun Dafa practitioner. Before the evil persecution against Falun Dafa began on July 20th, 1999, my wife managed our family quite well. She hoped that I could learn Falun Dafa. However, I disliked enduring hardship, so I didn't give it a go. The barbaric persecution against Falun Dafa and those who practise Falun Dafa disciples has been going on for six years, to which my family is no exception. Although I do not practise Falun Dafa, I have benefited a lot from it.
  • My Cancer Cells Completely Disappeared after I Genuinely Started to Practise Falun Dafa for Just Three Months

    A year ago, I was fortunate to come across Falun Dafa. But, because of my laziness at that time, I didn't study the Falun Gong teachings or practise the Falun Dafa exercises seriously and so I couldn't fully understand the principles taught in Falun Dafa. Six months ago, I was suddenly diagnosed with bone cancer. I couldn't get up and was in great pain. Some doctors believed that there was little hope for my survival and that I only had about one month to live.
  • Persecution Loses Momentum - Justice and Courage Prevail in People's Hearts

    Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party clearly did not possess moral authority and leadership, yet they were jealous of any other group that did. They colluded with each other and used violence, lies and financial incentives to uncover people's weaknesses. They took advantage of people's weaknesses to eliminate their faith and their conscience. On the one hand, they forced cultivators to give up their belief. On the other hand, they menaced the public into accepting and even participating in the persecution.
  • Now He Believes that Gods Exist

    People at the scene of the accident all agreed that the motorcyclist definitely would not survive. Indeed, the motorcyclist was not able to stand up and was in and out of consciousness. The driver of the car and the police officer sent him to a hospital. His wife rushed to the hospital and told him to recite, "Falun Dafa is good." He nodded his head. It turned out that he recovered after one and a half hours. He left the hospital and went home on the afternoon of the next day. The doctor, the police officer, and the driver who was responsible for the accident could not believe that he was all right.
  • I Keep Reading Grievous News

    Jiang Zemin worried about Falun Gong's "disunity" with the CCP because they did not give up their belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance", principles which violate the hideous nature of the CCP. The former head of the CCP, Jiang Zemin, grew envious upon seeing so many people practising Falun Gong, he could not stand that something so popular was not controlled or initiated by him. Hatred made him adopt the policy of "defaming their reputations, bankrupting them financially, and destroying them physically" towards those who practise Falun Gong.