Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • The Kind Deeds of a Bridge Owner in China and Two Other Stories

    After learning the facts, the director was no longer influenced by the propaganda against Falun Gong that is so prevalent in China and so he decided to stand up for the truth no matter what. Soon, he took down the portrait of the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Jiang Zemin and smashed it to pieces. Also, he no longer forces his students to carry out the orders issued by the CCP.
  • Advancing Through Studying and Cultivating with Others

    Then, I saw her entire body, all the cells, and her thoughts all focused on the word "eliminated." And the sound of the word "eliminated" broke through the roof reaching the sky. I was enthralled by her righteous thoughts, and my mind was a total blank. Suddenly, paper on the machine fed through smoothly the very moment she recited the second "eliminated." Wow! It really expanded my mind, and I really believe the effect of righteous thoughts now.
  • Step Out of the Tribulation

    I don't know why I had always felt I had encountered more tribulations than others. I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong four times, was sentenced to forced labour once, detained twice, and was abducted during the Chinese Communist Party's 16th National Congress. Though each time I broke out with the power of righteous thoughts, the tribulations kept coming, one after another.
  • Declarations of Withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party Appear in Many Places in Jilin City - Part 1

    The declaration states, "If the CCP is not eliminated, people will have no way out, and the nation's revival will have no hope. My joining the CCP was the biggest mistake in my life. After I declared my resignation from the CCP, I was so relieved! I'm happy to have removed myself from the evil!" "Withdraw from all malevolent organisations of the CCP, so that we will have a beautiful future."
  • An Elderly Practitioners Experience In Learning to Use the Computer

    I asked a fellow practitioner to teach me how to use the computer and the printer. Surprisingly, after only four lessons, I was able to surf the web, read articles and download and print materials. Afterwards, through practice and with the help of the fellow practitioner, I learnt to do paper-loading, speed printing, toner adding, and fixing a clogged printing head. From then on, I was able to print pamphlets containing Falun Dafa facts, Minghui Weekly, Teacher's lectures, and even the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Watching flyers print out page after page, my tears kept falling. I never imagined that I would learn how to use the computer.
  • A Fellow Practitioner Awakens and Holds Up a Piece of the Sky

    Finally, I decided to cross the creek. The fellow practitioner desperately needed to read Teacher's article. Through reading this article perhaps the fellow practitioner could really step forward and help in activities to let more people know the truth. So in my mind I recited Teacher's article, "Tathagata," and dashed into the icy cold water on my motorcycle. My motorcycle's engine stopped in the middle of the water and I fell into the water with my motorcycle. I crossed the creek and went to the practitioner's home. He looked at my wet clothes with surprise and asked why I still came when I had to cross the water. I told him, "Teacher's new article arrived. Even if there were a bigger obstacle I would still deliver it."
  • The Lives of Two Landlords In Communist China

    As he lay on the bed dying, he would often call out to his parents in Shanghai dialect. He hadn’t dared to say their names for 30 year because they were landlords. Now he finally dared to express his longing for them. Sometimes he would be conscious and point to the ceiling with a sneer, saying, "Landlord, landlord, so what?! Damn it! ”Suddenly he would start sobbing and complain tearfully to the daughter, "Suppressed for thirty years;" scratching his stomach, "My heart.... is suffocated..."
  • The Wonder of Falun Dafa: My Grandson's Fractured Bone Heals Instantly

    The orthopaedist was very surprised after he looked at the film. He said that he had done many orthopaedic jobs in his life and he had never seen such a severe injury healed automatically. And it was hard to believe that it didn't cause any pain or swelling, but the iron-clad evidence was right there. The head of the orthopaedics department then said: "Since every thing is normal, there is no need to take any medicine or to stay in the hospital. You can just go home."
  • Coming Through Six Year of Trials and Tribulations Shows the Glory of Falun Gong

    Mark Palmer, Vice-chairman of the human rights organisation Freedom House in the USA said, "I want to say in all seriousness that I believe your movement, the Falun Gong, is the movement which will define our time at the beginning of the 21st Century. I think when people look back they will say, "Oh yes, there was Gandhi, there was the American Civil Rights movement, there was Solidarity, and then there was Falun Gong. There was a movement that came out of China that defined its era, and ultimately it was successful."
  • Falun Gong Leads to Improvements In Health

    Ailian had been ill for 18 years before she began to practise Falun Dafa. After the persecution started in 1999, however, she stopped practising because of fear. When the painful conditions recurred, she felt hopeless. "Accidentally" Ailian watched a videotape revealing the truth about Faun Gong and the persecution allowing her to see through the evil Communist Party lies. Once again she started to study Zhuan Falun. The magnificence of Falun Dafa was manifested again.
  • Making a Clean Break from Superficiality

    I have realised that I have to break away from the surface level which means that I have to do whatever I am doing not simply because it is my duty but from a righteous understanding, participating in the projects for the right reason. This is often easy to say but may be difficult to put into practice. From my own experience, I know that it is easy to slide into a downward spiral and to simply continue the same way we did before the start of our cultivation. Only when we understand the principles taught in Falun Gong can we do everything from the heart and behave as true practitioners.
  • Voices from People All Around the World Condemning the Persecution of Falun Gong

    I just want to thank my good friend Mitchy for bringing this information to me. We hear so much of the atrocities of Darfur and other places in Africa through Amnesty, but the persecution of those practicing Falun Gong I had never heard of. My friend and I are going to work to bring light to this, and hopefully bring about change, letting those that were like me know that these things are happening in places outside of Africa and the Middle East.
  • Four Examples of People Supporting Falun Gong in China

    The Town Secretary from Henan Province took a walk in Tiananmen Square. As soon as he reached into his pocket for some tissues to blow his nose, a plainclothes police officer patrolling the area immediately seized him. The policeman twisted his arms behind his back and shoved him onto the ground. Afterwards, the secretary exclaimed, "They assumed that I was a Falun Gong practitioner and almost arrested me. Now, I know how they treat Falun Gong practitioners."
  • Removing My Fundamental Attachments

    With the help of an acquaintance of mine, I was able to recognise what I had done especially to my child and the burden I had put on her. She does not know anything about life yet and is longing for security, a role model, someone that tells her what is right from wrong. I recognised that I had to take charge and at last become a role model for her. I asked myself, what kind of role model had I been up to now and realised that I should not be surprised at all when Gloria cried a lot and was restless. She was my mirror image and showed me my innermost feelings, my restlessness, my chaos!
  • London Bombings and Hate Crimes

    We have seen in history that crimes resulting from hatred can be very severe. Hate propaganda can instigate and instill a sense of hatred in people, therefore acting as an unseen motive to attack. Terrorists release articles and videos with just such a purpose--to beget hatred in the readers. This instigates those who follow the terrorists to commit unpardonable acts.