Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • The Story of Kai Ming from Li County, China

    Kai Ming (alias) is a villager from Xiaocheng Village, Li County, Hebei Province, China. He was blessed with good returns on three separate occasions because of his kindhearted support towards Falun Dafa. His story is as follows.
  • The Chinese Communist Party is the Source of Social Disharmony

    He was so worried that he started running back to report to the shop owner. While he was running he shouted to warn people, "The Communist Party is coming! The Communist Party is coming!" It is such a statement of ridicule that the masses of people are intensely scared of the violent dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It is a real mockery of the so-called "harmonious society" created by the CCP.
  • If "Getting Political" Can Do Away With "Party's Politics," Why Not?

    The Chinese phrase "zhengzhi" (politics) was created by the Japanese people when they translated the English word "politics" into Chinese characters, which was then indiscriminately copied into the Chinese language. Dr. Sun Yet-Sen held the following view: "The word 'zheng' means public affairs, and the word 'zhi' refers to management; therefore 'zhengzhi' [politics] means managing public affairs."
  • Several Stories of People in China Seeing through The Party's Lies

    One day, Falun Dafa practitioners pointed out to him the slanderous contents in the 4th grade text book instigated and compiled by the CCP. The text book maliciously vilified Falun Gong with distorted information. After reading it, the principal stated in no mistakable terms that the text book was wrongfully slandering Falun Gong. He and the principal from another school all agreed to allow the students to tear out these pages of the book.
  • An American Practitioner's Story of Encountering Falun Gong

    I occasionally went back to the library to pick up The 100... to read again about the Buddha. I had a hunger for this information. However, I did not understand or see how I could live my life according to those beliefs. Thus, my life (which was a mild version of the "rat race") and beliefs were not cohesively one. I encountered many Eastern practises (such as Mahayana Buddhism) and spiritual figures, but I clearly knew each was not what I was looking for. That is, until I found Falun Gong. A Chinese coworker told me about it.
  • Sydney Car Tour--Young Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong to People in the Suburbs

    Earlier this year, Sydney's young practitioners spontaneously organised a car tour to Adelaide and various urban suburbs to clarify the truth. The temperatures were as high as 47 degrees centigrade (about 117 degrees Fahrenheit). The youngest of the 14 youths was five years old. They clarified the truth about Falun Gong and exposed the terrible persecution that is currently taking place against the practice by the Chinese Communist Party to the local people, despite the baking sun.
  • Based on a Passerby's Experience, One Can See How Much the Chinese Communist Party is Scared of Falun Gong Practitioners

    I found a pavilion with benches, so I went in to avoid getting soaked by the rain. All of a sudden, several people ran out of the 3-story building across the street, which was surrounded by a barbed wire fence. They interrogated me and called the police emergency hotline for officers to arrest me. They took me to the police station, and that afternoon, I was able to leave the police station. Afterwards, I heard that this building was the Yangyuan brainwashing centre, a place for holding Falun Gong practitioners. The following describes what happened that day.
  • Compassion Moves People

    A Western couple sitting to my left in the row ahead of me took off their glasses and wiped away tears as they heard this amazing music. The woman handed her husband a tissue. The husband couldn't stop crying, and his wife kept handing him tissues. The husband was a little embarrassed and smiled at his wife, who nodded understandingly and held his left hand in her right hand until the end of the show.
  • People in China Awaken to the Truth

    She said to them, "If it were not for Falun Dafa, I probably would have been bedridden for the rest of my life. Before, I never believed anyone who said that Falun Dafa is good, because China Central Television said that Falun Gong is not good, and my kids said the same thing after watching the television, so I believed what they said was true. This time I experienced it and confirmed it myself. Falun Dafa is truly good.
  • Remembering a Falun Gong Seminar in Yanbian, China

    Teacher gave lectures at the Yanbian Auditorium during the period of August 20th-28th, 1994. The scale of the lecture was huge, with approximately three thousands people from about ten provinces around China. Among those people, there were veteran practitioners who followed Teacher from lecture to lecture and also staff members of the Falun Dafa Research Association. They were all very friendly and kind.
  • Investigation Leads: Deceased Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Peng Min Had Large Hole in His Lower Back, and Other Leads

    After the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners was exposed, the Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui/Clearwisdom website launched the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" on April 4th, 2006, collecting evidence on a large scale. Below is some recently received evidence from 2001. We hope that people who know the truth will continue to help us to expose the persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Now I Understand the Truth About Falun Gong

    I gradually started to develop an interest in Falun Gong. I wondered why people could not stop reading this book. What exactly is it? Why is it that some people hate it? With curiosity and some fear, I opened the book Zhuan Falun. After reading a few pages, my fears disappeared.
  • The CCP Has Special Agents Secretly Read and Destroy Mail from Around the World

    They use a special device to read the contents of the letters without opening them. Even if a letter is folded, the computer is able to display the letter as though it was never folded. Should the agents find the content of a letter conflicting with the interest of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), they pass the case to the Public Security Bureau. The Public Security Bureau, which oversees all the law enforcement agencies in China including the police stations, will have the recipient of the letter followed. The agents destroy banned books, such as the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, when they find them in the mail.
  • Cultivating Away the Heart of "Validating Myself"

    I always wanted to tell fellow practitioners near me, "Look, another of my articles has been published." Once I showed a fellow practitioner a published article of mine. He told me that he had already read it, and he also advised me to spend more time studying the Falun Gong teachings and to study with a calm heart. I noticed that when I heard his words, I felt somewhat disappointed. In fact I had been waiting to hear some words of praise from him! This exposed my show off mentality and the impure heart of wanting to validate myself.
  • My Recent Experience in Calmly Studying the Falun Gong Teachings

    In order to become diligent in studying the Falun Gong teachings, the Fa, I decided to memorise the book Zhuan Falun. It has been over one month and I am into the third lecture. I feel a rapid improvement. Through memorising the Fa, I have seen the following benefits of calmly studying the Fa: