Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • How the Chinese Communist Regime Instigates Chinese Student Associations to Persecute Falun Gong

    According to You Yunqing, the CCP consulate controls over 60 student associations and directly assigns them political tasks to "fight against Falun Gong." They instigate students who oppose Falun Gong to be CSSA presidents, sending CCP agents to take root in US universities; they also put money into the private accounts of these student leaders, telling them to use the money to hire students to participate in welcoming activities when Chinese leaders come to visit the US.
  • Seeing Others Benefit More People Come to Practise Falun Gong

    She envied my good health and said that she had wanted to learn Falun Gong from me but was always too embarrassed. I told her to recite "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance is good" every day, and that "true belief will work." I gave her some CDs detailing the facts of the practise. When I saw her the second time, she eagerly walked up to me and said, "I feel much better now; Falun Dafa is so good."
  • Seize the Last Opportunities to Immediately Rectify Past Mistakes

    People all have a benevolent side and a evil side. The atheism propagated by the Chinese Communist Party over the last several decades and their so-called policies or orders that are above the law all serve to destroy benevolence in human nature and stimulate and encourage evilness. The beast-like behavior of He Xuejian was a typical manifestation of such evil.
  • "The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Persuaded Me to Quit The CCP!"

    I replied, "This is one of the obvious benefits you can see; there are many more benefits that you cannot see. But I am not going to list them today. I need to talk to you about quitting something, though." He asked, "By 'quit,' you mean to quit the Party and any of its organizations, right?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. He continued, "You are too late: an old classmate of mine has told me about this, and I have already quit."
  • The Corruption Behind the Illegal Brick Kiln Scandal

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) now admits that problems come from dereliction of duty by local government offices and the collusion of local powers such as the local police units, creating a protective umbrella for the corrupt officials. Of course, "a few people breaking the law" are always blamed for the crimes while the Party is still referred to as "great, glorious, and correct." This is one of the tactics the CCP has been using for decades.
  • A Tragedy to be Repeated?

    The biggest value of historical tragedies lies in their potential to help avoid repetition. The forthcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games raises the important question to the international community: to repeat the tragedy or to choose a better future?
  • Questions and Answers from a Legal Consultation Reveal the True Situation of Legal Community in China

    n order to persecute practitioners, the police force people to answer their questions. Otherwise, the people are beaten. The wife of a practitioner went to her local police station and requested that the police release her innocent husband. The policemen in the station not only rejected her request, but also beat her. We raised several questions for the lawyer, hoping he could help and use this information to start a lawsuit against the policemen and related government officials.
  • Belief in the Goodness of Dafa Cures an Illness That Would Have Defied Treatment at the Best Medical Facilities in the World

    Anxious to see what had happened, her son quickly applied for a passport and went to Korea. Indeed, his mother was fine. Shaking his head, the doctor exclaimed, "Unbelievable! Even with the best medical facilities and the best drugs in the world, such an illness could not be cured."
  • Deccan Chronicle (India): Office Goers Beat Stress with Falun Gong

    People who have attended the Falun Gong workshops have noticed a difference. "As far as Falun Gong is concerned this is my first experience. I fee it is quite stress buster for hypertension especially," says N. Natarajan, a HR Consultant.
  • Chinese Citizens Call for Leaders Hu And Wen to Judge the Time, Size Up the Situation and Make the Right Decision as Soon as Possible

    We are common Chinese citizens. Among our acquaintances and family members are many Falun Gong practitioners. We know them well, including their daily conduct and we know about the brutal persecution to which they are subjected. We are the best observers and witnesses of Falun Gong practitioners' efforts to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion -Forbearance, to become good people. They are not at all what the government and media have described them to be.
  • Condemning Singdao Daily's Slanderous Report about Falun Gong

    This report spreads shocking slander by saying that the killer is a Falun Gong practitioner, yet it failed to point out that when the killer was examined by the Psychological Institute under the Bureau of Justice for psychiatric health, they found that he is schizophrenic and chronically paranoid. According to an accepted rule in psychiatric health, this kind of tragedy should not be correlated with a person's spiritual or religious beliefs.
  • Understanding the Nature of the Chinese Communist Party from its Economic Legislation

    Falun Gong, following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, teaches people to be good, and improves social moral levels. This has been widely recognised by the majority of the kind-hearted people around the world. However, the CCP deceives people with lies and opposes truth. It destroys people by cutting off their path to return.
  • A High School Teacher's Serious Illness is Healed and Twenty of Her Family Members Also begin to Practise Falun Dafa

    After practising Falun Gong, Ms. Wu tried to harmonise her family life. She started treating her sister-in-laws nicely and served her mother-in-law. She stopped complaining about the house work. Gradually, the relationship between she and her in-laws became better and better. Her in-laws also started practising Falun Gong.
  • How Falun Dafa Helped My Sister and I

    I tried acupuncture treatments combined with long-distance walks for 60 days. I used to purchase a lot of medicine as well. If western medicine did not work, I would try Chinese medicine. If Chinese medicine did not work, I would look for folk prescriptions. Whereas, I went with a great hope and came back with great disappointment every time. I looked for doctors everywhere. Therefore, I spent a lot and suffered a lot with little effect.
  • The Chinese Communist Party's Use of "Personal Monitors" and "Reformation" as Forms of Torture

    I recently read a copy of the Handbook for Personal Monitors that describes the methods the Xinhua Labour Camp in Mianyang, Sichuan Province uses to "strictly control" Falun Gong practitioners. It's not a new concept, as there have been many reports on how guards in many labour camps use inmates as personal monitors to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.