Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Chinese Communist Party Officials Withdraw from the Party

    According to reliable sources, some Chinese Communist Party (CCP) provincial level officials recently discussed withdrawing from the Party. Five of them openly applied to withdraw, and three of these five officials formally withdrew and even went through "educating work." Two of these three are officials working for the CCP Provincial Disciplinary and Inspection Committee. Many CCP members are using the excuse of temporarily disassociating from the CCP, which means they do not join CCP activities, do not pay membership fees, etc.
  • The Chief of Police Asks, "Why Is It That You Are yet to Inform me of the Facts about Falun Gong?"

    As a result of their efforts to inform them of the facts, the head of the police station, the instructor, the policemen and their families all understand the truth about Falun Gong. Some families also helped to inform him of the facts. Now when the head of the police station and the instructor get phone calls reporting Falun Gong, they tell the reporters, "Don't call us again. We no longer take care of Falun Gong matters."
  • Cases of Police Meeting with Karmic Retribution

    The death of Meng Qingyan is a warning to all those who have persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners. We advise you to immediately stop your evil acts before it's too late. Do not continue to commit such evils acts and harm others and yourself just for temporary profit. You must make a clear choice between good and evil, draw a clear distinction between right and wrong, and be responsible for your own life.
  • Police Come to Support Falun Gong in Hunan Province, China

    During the "October 1st" National Holiday, a police station in a city of Hunan Province received an order from higher ranks to ransack every Falun Gong practitioner's home. If any Falun Gong materials or the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party1 were found, the practitioner was to be detained. However, many police officers who knew the truth treated Falun Gong practitioners reasonably during their visits. Even though they found Falun Gong materials or the Nine Commentaries, they just pretended to not see them.
  • The Power of Falun Dafa Manifests in the Transformation of My Family Members' Health

    After four months of practise, my wife recovered from her arthritis. She used to have trouble sleeping at night because of pain but now she sleeps very soundly. Her gastritis is now under control as well. Her face glows with health as she tells everyone how amazing Falun Dafa is.
  • How Cultivating in Falun Dafa Transformed Myself and My Family for the Better

    I realised that it is the field of righteous energy and righteous thoughts of a Falun Dafa practitioner. This also awakened some of my attachments so I thought that I had cultivated well. That is when my dad started to swear again. I gave it a second thought and my father restrained himself. I told him several times that he is causing himself big damage when he swears. My father also said that Falun Dafa must be something splendid since it made me quit smoking and drinking, speak the truth and value my job in his office.
  • A Lotus Flower Helps a Lady to Break from the Chinese Communist Party

    I told her that 5 million people have resigned from the CCP and its related organisations. Some high-ranking Chinese officials also hurried to quit the party. I told her about how the communist Soviet Union collapsed overnight. She said that she was aware if this. I also mentioned the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and she said that she was aware of it as well.
  • An Open Letter to the Fifth Asia Pacific Cities Summit

    Welcome to China! Welcome to Chongqing, an ancient land, to attend the Asia Pacific Cities Summit. The people of the Asia Pacific region held this grand conference to promote mutual understanding and the harmonious development between man and nature. However, behind the flowers and smiles, few people know that the persecution of universal belief and the violation of basic human rights continue. These violations have even increased just before the Asia Pacific Cities Summit.
  • The Effect of Overseas Lawsuits Against High-Ranking Chinese Communist Party Officials

    However, with the lawsuits for torture, genocide, and crimes against humanity, these officials don't dare to leave China anymore. Their political futures are limited. Even though they are protected for now by Jiang Zemin and his gang, the situation is bound to change. For the officials facing lawsuits, their political future is failing, and they won't be able to move their wealth overseas. This is the best warning for the officials who participated in the persecution to gain political capital.
  • Whoever Slanders Falun Dafa Will Encounter Retribution - Two Cases in China

    The medical treatment cost him a lot of money and he suffered a lot of pain. All of these incidents forced him to look inward to see what was wrong. He said, "Actually, all Falun Dafa practitioners are very capable and work very hard. Their work colleagues all agree that they are good people. The authorities who persecute them are committing crimes. From the many examples we have, it seems that all deeds, whether kind or evil, really do generate rewards or retribution.
  • Police in Heilongjiang Province Resist Orders From Above With Regard to Persecuting Those Who Practise Falun Gong

    This act of terror has been resisted in some areas. Rank and file police in Harbin, Daqing and some other areas complained openly. One police chief said, "Aren't they running out of things to do? Why arrest those who practise Falun Gong?" One residential police officer condemned, "What's this arrest targeting Falun Gong about? What good does it serve?"
  • Solemn Declarations From Those who Don't Practise Falun Gong

    During the period from 2002 to 2003, when my parents were severely persecuted by the malicious Chinese Communist Party, we turned in all my parents' Falun Dafa books, Master's pictures and their Falun Dafa lecture tapes to the evil people persecuting us. We committed a big sin. We hereby declare that everything we did against Falun Dafa is null and void. We will use every means to tell people that Falun Dafa is good so as to make up for all the damage we have brought to Falun Dafa.
  • Some Experiences from the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Art Exhibition in Sweden

    The work of guiding the paintings was an unforgettable experience. I learnt to forget about myself and turn all my focus on the person to be saved. Sometimes both the visitor and I would both have tears in our eyes. It was about meeting another human being heart to heart, and to give the visitor the best gift he or she could ever receive.
  • Do Not Look at What is Not in Accordance with Decorum; Do Not Listen to What is Not in Accordance with Decorum

    "Northerners or southerners, when they were first born, they cried in the same way, and they all desired to drink milk. As they have grown up, however, they have learnt different customs, formed different habits, and started to speak different languages. The dialects they speak often differ so much that they cannot understand each other even with an interpreter. Some people vow that they would rather die than live in the other region. Such a tremendous difference comes entirely from education and habit.
  • Village Officials in China Refuse to Cooperate with the Police

    Police officers from the 610 Office arrived in police vehicles at the home of the director of a women's association to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners. The director told them, "Our entire village believes in Falun Gong. If you think you can, take everybody away with you." When the officers brought up specific names of practitioners, the director said, "They are the best people in our village. You can't take a single one of them." The officers were discouraged and left.