Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Tens of Thousands in Medical Expenses Saved -- Femur Necrosis Cured by Falun Dafa

    I'm a peasant in Li County, Hebei Province, and am now in my seventies. I previously had many illnesses, including stomach problems, dizziness, and a bad heart. In particular, I had femur necrosis, which made it difficult for me to move around, sit, or lie down. When I slept, I had to slowly sit up in order to turn. I was in excruciating pain. I felt like I would rather die than live. I suffered a lot.
  • "I Can Immediately Guess That She Practises Falun Gong"

    One day, Ms. Liu found an item containing an ID card, 316 yuan in cash, a bankcard, and a swimming admission card. She found the owner from the address on the ID card and returned the lost items. The owner was very happy and touched. Ms. Liu said, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner. Our Teacher taught us to behave this way. You should thank our Teacher." The family said, "We could have guessed you must be a Falun Gong practitioner. An ordinary person won't have such high moral standards."
  • Collectively Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Improved our Prison Environment

    When we talked to one another, the criminals no longer interfered. Once the practitioners saw the powerful effect of sending forth righteous thoughts, the other practitioners also took it upon themselves to report the time at the top of every hour. After a few days, we could talk openly with one another. Even when the police were around we also talked to one another, and they saw but did not interfere.
  • A Lady in China Recovers from Late Stage Cancer after Listening to the Principles Taught in Falun Gong

    On the next day, I went to her house to read Zhuan Falun to her. I worried about whether or not she could grasp the teachings, and with much interference, I only read twenty pages the first time. I was surprised when I went to see her after that day. She excitedly told me, "After you read the book to me last night, I slept very well, and I feel very good today." I could see her face beaming with joy. From then on, I went to read Zhuan Falun to her every day.
  • Thousands in Shanxi Province Withdraw from All Levels of the Chinese Communist Party

    Falun Dafa practitioners from Shanxi Province in China went from house to house to talk to the residents about Falun Dafa and the true facts about the persecution. After these practitioners' efforts nearly ten thousand people in villages all across the province came to know the truth about Falun Dafa. In addition, among those who learnt the truth, thousands who had joined the Chinese Communist Party or the Communist Youth League have quit those organisations at all levels.
  • Photos Bearing Witness to History: Falun Gong Practitioners' Group Practice in 1999 in the Yucheng Area, Shanxi Province

  • Thanks to Falun Dafa My Brother-in-Law's Gallstones Disappeared

    The doctor said, "It's impossible, there is no such kind of medicine in the whole world that could remove the gallstones. Medication could only diminish the inflammation and reduce the pain and suffering. If you want to remove the gallstones, you have to go through surgery, but your gallstones are in a very dangerous position, and surgery can't usually be performed under these conditions. The only thing we can do is keep you under observation." Upon hearing that, my brother-in-law understood that Falun Dafa is the most sophisticated and profound science. He admired Falun Dafa from the bottom of his heart.
  • The Path of an Acupuncturist in Seeking the Truth

    Through his own experience, Mr. Liu came to understand that everything said in Zhuan Falun is true. He also understood that one needed to be dedicated to one cultivation system when cultivating at high levels. Therefore, he even more cherished the precious opportunity. He said, "Shortly after I began to practise, all my illnesses were gone. If I had not practised, it's highly likely that I would now just be bones and ashes. The feeling of being free of illness is so good!"
  • Facts in Reports for Exposing the Persecution Should be Verified and Used Carefully

    Looking at the influence of the elimination of Party culture in revealing the facts of the persecution, it is also very important. While online, I often see practitioners' articles reminding fellow practitioners that the news they spread needs to be matter of fact and unexaggerated. I agree very much with this reminder. I feel that only through eliminating old Party culture in our minds and actions can we achieve that form of unexaggerated reporting. Furthermore, if we do not pay attention to eliminating it, there will be negative effects in our efforts to let people know about the persecution.
  • After Learning the Truth About Falun Gong, the Supervisor of my Workplace Resists the Persecution

    Several officers from the public security department came to my house to search for me and found nobody, so they went to my workplace to find me. My supervisor did not want to see them and found some excuses to avoid them. These officers then stayed in the reception room and showed no intention of leaving. They asked the receptionist for water to drink because they were very thirsty. But the receptionist did not pay attention to them at all and said: "You deserve to die of thirst. Why do you always arrest good people?" The officers then had no choice but to leave.
  • Exposing the Lies of the Communist Media in China

    For instance, at that time, all the media outlets in the country were broadcasting a story about the so-called extravagance of the founder of Falun Gong's house. Suddenly, the station at which the practitioner worked received an order to stop broadcasting the story. From that moment, this propaganda video was immediately withdrawn and never seen again. We know that all those so-called "news investigations" were never anything other than schemes to slander and persecute Falun Gong.
  • The Embassy (Canada): Falun Gong Practitioners Face Torture with Electric Batons, says Communist Defector

    After experiencing the lengthy and painful process of being completely loyal to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), then being suspicious and disappointed, and in total despair, I defected and resigned from all posts, internal and external, that I held to the CCP in September of 2001. Recently, I went public to expose the evilness of the CCP. What I would like to share with you today is why I have broken away from and exposed the current state of the CCP. I hope my speech can help you gain a clearer understanding of the CCP.
  • What is the Cause of the Disasters Taking Place in China?

    The weather forecast is something people can now understand, but the deeper reason behind all disasters is actually that which people cannot understand. These reasons have a close relationship with humanity's intentions, behaviour, morality, and integrity. The ancient people said, "God's eyes are like electricity." They believed "Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be met by evil," and believed that disasters are warnings caused by man himself.
  • The Relationship Between Falun Gong Practitioner Auntie Zhao and CCP Defector Chen Yonglin

    Aunt Zhao felt that aside from being a Consulate official, Chen Yonglin was a fine young man, and that he should not be led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to do bad things. Aunt Zhao found an opportunity to speak with him and said, "Young man, no matter where you are, no matter how high-ranking an official you are, you need to have a conscience and truly serve the people, and not abuse the people. The government stays but officials will come and go. Can you guarantee that you will always be an official? Who will vouch for you when you are not an official anymore?" Chen Yonglin replied that he knew this.
  • Stories From China: Only One Greenhouse Remains Standing After a Fierce Storm

    Last June a fierce storm hit a village in China's Hebei Province, smashing most of the large greenhouses in the area. As a result, vegetable growers suffered great losses in their crops, with but one exception. It just so happens that the unharmed greenhouse belongs to a Falun Dafa practitioner. Although the plastic covers were old and the storm pulled the shed's bamboo posts more than one meter above the ground, the greenhouse remained standing. Therefore, the tomatoes in the shed were not damaged at all and the yield was the highest in the village. The villagers were all shocked and envious. They said, "Look! Falun Gong practitioners are better off after all."