Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • The Worry For My Brother Has Turned To Respect

    The downfall of morality-- the jealousy and suspicion among the people, and the cheating has destroyed the Chinese nation. From this viewpoint, Falun Gong really is a monument. Truth, Compassion and Forbearance: these three valuable words have created innumerable sober lives. For the sake of Truth, they are not afraid of violence. They dare to defend the truth and dare to lift up a cry for truth.
  • Non-practitioner from China: Friend, Let Me Tell You From My Heart

    In spite of everything, practitioners still persevere and retain their integrity. Such spirit should warrant everyone's admiration--especially as this spirit, which is based on being considerate of others when doing anything motivates the behaviour of every Falun Gong practitioner. My family member (who practises Falun Gong) uses his own funds to support poor students and spends his time working with and tutoring students. His strong belief in "Truth Compassion Tolerance" is more worth than all of our education.
  • An Open Letter to the Chinese Minister for Justice, who is currently visiting Finland

    "Although Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted so severely for four years now, Falun Gong practitioners both inside and outside China have resisted peacefully, thanks to our belief in truthfulness, compassion and tolerance. More and more people know about the facts about Falun Gong. Falun Gong has now spread to more than sixty countries worldwide and has received over a thousand proclamations."
  • How a Hong Kong Businessman Came to Understand the Facts

    "No one was in charge and no one had to distribute food. Everyone was self–restrained, taking the food in an orderly way. Some voluntarily collected the garbage, and the empty boxes and bottles just disappeared without a trace. Everything was going on quietly just like a family. The ground was clean and everyone still sat on the ground; it manifested the harmony and tacit understanding among the several thousand people. From the bottom of my heart, I was shocked and deeply moved."
  • A Well-Known Fast-Food Shop

    I came to know a Falun Gong practitioner Wang Yu (alias name), who opened up a take-out food shop. During his dealings, he has made an example of himself to help people understand the truth of Falun Gong. He strictly requires that the quality and price of the products are reasonable, and treats others with compassion. By his actions, he personifies and demonstrates the upright and dignified nature of Falun Dafa.
  • Completely Getting Rid of Selfishness

    "Selfishness" penetrated my whole cultivation practice; recently I could see my selfishness in a lot of areas. When encountering problems, I knew to look inside myself, but a lot of times I always stopped at blaming myself and still found an excuse for holding on to the remaining human attachments. Sometimes a word from other people or an event touched my remaining attachments and shook my heart, causing me to become angry.
  • Clearly Recognize the Evil, Use Righteous Thoughts to Support Legal Initiatives Against Jiang Zemin and Bring the Historic Trial to a Just Conclusion

    For most practitioners, although we aren't directly involved in specific details of the legal work, our understanding of the lawsuit and the overall Fa-rectification process truly plays a decisive role. This is because our lawsuit is not an ordinary case. Its real driving force comes from our righteous thoughts. The judge's ruling is only a true reflection of Dafa practitioners' overall state.
  • UK: Dafa Practitioners in Scotland and Northern England got together to Study the Fa

    Practitioners have become more and more conscious of not waiting, not relying on others and getting rid of more ordinary concepts that constrain one’s capability. Instead, practitioners now believe that they should take the initiative. As long as it is beneficial to Fa-Rectification, they will learn how to do it.
  • The Trial of Jiang Zemin, the Architect of the Persecution, Is in Progress

    Not long ago, the public security system in China issued documents regarding the lawsuits brought against Jiang by Falun Gong practitioners in various countries. These documents explicitly forbid providing evidence for the lawsuits while at the same time completely leaving out the details of the lawsuits. This intentional cover-up backfired, and the fact that Jiang is being sued overseas has gradually leaked out to the public from internal sources.
  • How I became a better person

    I was born in Prague 51 years ago in communist Czechoslovakia. In my childhood and throughout my life I was always searching for the spiritual meaning of life. I had many masters and teachers. Deep inside, in a place I was afraid to enter, above anything else I always wanted to be a good person. Just to be a good person. Just to have that chance. Just once, in this lifetime.
  • Trying to Understand the Animosity of Overseas Chinese Toward Falun Gong

    The Chinese government has purchased and controls a large percentage of Chinese-language media, not only in China but in virtually all countries around the world. The CCTV and Xinhua Party mouthpieces now have a direct channel into the living rooms of Chinese speakers living in a multitude of foreign countries. Falun Gong-slandering programs that were published and aired in Mainland China have appeared in all corners of the world at almost the same time.
  • Why I am Suing Jiang Zemin

    I deeply believe in the ancient principle, that "The vicious can not surpass the righteous!" Never in history has someone who persecuted those with upright faiths ever succeeded. Jiang can never escape the trial of history, and in the end the people will denounce him. Since Jiang persecutes people trying to be good according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance", this genocide is an unforgivable sin.
  • My Understanding of the Establishment of the UK Minghui School

    There is an old saying in Chinese: “children are the future.” Jiang Zemin has spread lies to slander Dafa in China’s schools. When he heard that Minghui School had been established in foreign countries, he was so angry that he shivered from head to toe. Why is the evil so afraid of Minghui Schools? It is because they teach people to be good.
  • Internet in China Widely Spreads Lawsuit Against Jiang, Who Cannot Escape Being Brought to Justice

    The media in China intentionally overlooks the lawsuits against Jiang overseas, they habitually deceive people, and deprive people of their right to know. After the judge in the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Illinois dismissed the case, the Foreign Relations speaker and the media that Jiang controls jumped at the chance to slander the lawsuit, totally forgetting that the global effort to bring Jiang to justice is still in full swing.
  • What Falun Dafa Has Given Me

    In 1995 I came in touch with Falun Dafa through an acquaintance. Just a short while after I have practised Falun Dafa, my physical body became indeed purified from all illness. Today at the age of 49, I am free from all illnesses. I do not need any tablets, any therapy or any ordinary physical training. Like a miracle, my body feels fantastic and it is healthy.