Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • My Personal Experience of Benefiting From Dafa's Amazing Effects

    I started practicing Falun Dafa on October 1, 1998. I practiced and studied the Fa, adhering to the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance. My xinxing (heart or mind nature, moral character) was improving while my physical health was changing for the better: my neck became normal and the black spots on my face disappeared, the skin all over my body became smooth and delicate. I started to look youthful and felt energetic. The hospitals confirmed that all the illnesses I originally suffered from were cured.
  • Genuinely Looking at Myself, Taking Steady Steps in The Final Part of My Path of Cultivation (Irish Fa Conference 2003)

    In recent times, a series of xinxing problems arose, and I didn’t conduct my character well. Because I hadn’t upgraded my character, the tribulations became bigger and bigger. I indulged myself in small things, gradually they developed into bigger problems. For several times, I didn’t pass the tests. I lost my rationality, hence I indulged myself in demon nature; only then did I became gradually vigilant and start to examine myself deeply and look inward deeply.
  • Falun Dafa Cured the Life Threatening Blood Condition I Had for Over 20 Years

    In the beginning, I was just thinking to try it out, but after reading Teacher's book and listening to his lectures on video tape, I understood the purpose of life, why people live and how they should live. After continuing to study the Fa, I changed my thoughts a lot. On the subject of dealing with people and doing things, I did my best to follow Dafa's teachings and standard. My illness became better every passing day and I gradually stopped taking medicine. My illness is now cured and I do not take medicine any more.
  • Assimilating to Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance (Irish Fa-Conference 2003)

    I knew that Falun Gong was being persecuted when I was in China and my parents do know that Falun Dafa is good. However, Jiang’s regime persecutes Falun Gong, and has also spread slanderous rumours throughout the world. Under this pressure from the Chinese government, I didn’t get a chance to learn more about what Falun Gong was. Then I got a visa to come to Ireland. I knew a lady when I was in China and her daughter was in Ireland, so she asked her daughter to look after me when I arrived. I was moved by her warm-heartedness, I think she really is a good person. When I arrived in Ireland, she came to collect me from the airport. Since that second I felt I had a special predestined relationship with Ireland and didn’t feel lonely at all. Both this lady and her daughter are Dafa practitioners.
  • The Changes in My Mind and Body Since I Began To Practice Falun Dafa

    After I obtained Dafa, I eagerly read Teacher's books, like crops absorbing fine rain. I tried my best to follow the requirements of Teacher's books and kept studying Dafa and practicing the exercises. My body was purified and all the illnesses I had before disappeared. My mind also improved, and I didn't feel any pressure anymore. I could also take everything lightly and not allow things to disturb me. My colleagues and I were then like family members and we had a harmonious relationship. My outlook on the world changed completely. I understood why people should not do bad things, because evil will be met with evil.
  • My Sharing on Studying the Fa and Fa Rectification (Irish Fa-Conference 2003)

    I remember at the beginning of my entering the college, most of the Chinese classmates had never met with Dafa disciples. When I wore my Dafa clothes on entering the classroom for the first time, everyone went dead silent, quietly looking at me. I knew I needed to use my concrete actions to validate Dafa in the near future. Everyday I arrived the classroom a couple of minutes early, cleaned the blackboard and tidied up the desks and chairs in the room. I always warmly greeted my classmates first upon meeting them. I never got cross with them even if they did not respond to me.
  • Taiwan: Some Thoughts on the Rescue Petition Drive at National Chung Cheng University

    With the extensive media coverage, Hsiao-kai Lin, who was illegally detained by China, was eventually released. However, many mainland wives of Taiwanese citizens are still being illegally detained in mainland China. They are just good people striving to live up to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. It is unbelievable that these people are being treated as criminals.
  • A Veteran Physician's Personal Experience of Being Free from the Torment of Numerous Illnesses and Obtaining Health in Mind and Body

    After cultivating for half a year, I basically had no more illnesses. I went out to do the exercises every morning from four to five o'clock. My husband feared that I might catch a cold and tried to stop me, "You will definitely catch cold this winter!" but not only had I not fallen ill that winter, all of my chronic illnesses vanished completely in the years following my cultivation. In the past, I had to be hospitalized once or twice each year and had to take medications every single day. Since practicing the exercises I have not been hospitalized once nor have taken one tablet to this day.
  • Falun Dafa Saved My Life: Recovery from a Malignant Brain Tumor

    Compared to veterans working as long as I had, my rank was two grades lower. Before practicing Falun Dafa, I complained a lot about that because I felt my contribution and my reward were disproportionate. Since I became a practitioner, I have tried to take fame and interest lightly, and truly be a good person. I told the supervisor, " I am not qualified for the title of outstanding worker. I have been on sick leave for a year and a half. The work unit has paid so much money for my medical expenses. I have already received so much. Please give this opportunity to someone else."
  • Revealing the Truth of the Tiananmen "Self-Immolation" Incident from My Personal Experience

    Yang Hua was arrested again by policemen at Qianmen. She was sent back to our local detention center on Jan 20, 2001 and detained in the same prison with me. Once in the prison she said: "I heard some policemen from the Beijing Police Department say 'A group of Falun Gong practitioners will set themselves on fire on New Years Eve.' Another policeman immediately spoke with a meaningful glance: 'It hasn't happened yet. Don't talk about it.'" Obviously the first policeman unintentionally divulged a secret.
  • Bearing Witness to History: Experiencing July 20, 1999

    On July 19, 1999, police arrested the people in charge of the original Falun Dafa Association in all areas of China concurrently. Facing this persecution, and with trust in the central government, on July 20, we appealed at the Appeals Office of the central government and State Council to express our desire to have these people released. At that time, the situation was very grave. We didn't know the consequences for appealing in person, but honor permitted no turning back. We stepped forward in order to let people know the truth. We wanted to verify that Falun Dafa is good with our own personal actions.
  • The Reflections of a Prison Supervisory Section Chief

    In the beginning, I too was supportive of the warden's objectives. I believed that those people should be punished because they were anti-government. Later, however, after a period of observing and coming to understand them, I found that Falun Gong practitioners were a special group of people. While chatting together, we police officers generally agreed that these were good people in every aspect except that they refused to admit they were anti-government dissidents. Why wouldn't they admit to being dissidents? I thought I should research this question...
  • An Overseas Chinese Comments: "I Feel Relieved When I Hire Falun Gong Practitioners"

    A while ago, in order to help a fellow practitioner find a job, I called an acquaintance of mine who worked in a travel agency and asked her: "When you are very busy, would it be possible to hire my friend to help?" I also told her that my friend is a Falun Gong practitioner and that she never did things that cheated people or were dishonest. My acquaintance said: "Ok, no problem. I would love to hire your friends who are Falun Gong practitioners. It makes me feel relieved to hire your Falun Gong practitioner friends. You guys do not do any crooked dealings regarding money or the accounts."
  • Without the Jiang Regime's Persecution, There Would Not Be Any Need to Tap Into Television Broadcasts in China

    Falun Gong practitioners follow the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." In the past four years of persecution, many overseas Falun Gong practitioners have stepped forward to clarify the truth and appeal for Falun Gong, displaying a quiet yet powerful inner strength in their persistent efforts. In a normal environment, we believe that appealing through legal channels and face-to-face discussions are the right way to resolve matters, not tapping into television networks. However, we cannot pass judgment on the act of tapping into television broadcasts without examining the overriding situation in China.
  • Bearing Witness to History: April 25, 1999 -- The Appeal to the State Council Appeals Office in Beijing

    Some of them were Beijing residents, while others came from outside Beijing. They were of different ages, profession, and academic background. The majority had not met before, yet, they shared a common bond: They cultivated in Falun Dafa and came to visit the State Council Appeals Office. Their hearts were pure and kind. They only wanted to explain to the Chinese Central Government the truth about Falun Dafa. They wanted to tell their personal experiences and how they benefited from cultivating Falun Dafa. It was a display of the trust and hope they had in their government.