Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Practitioners in North America Suggest Taking Action to Clarify the Truth to Four European Countries

    Some practitioners in North America who are unable to go in person to protest are suggesting that more fellow practitioners take action, using various ways such as telephone, fax, and email to clarify the truth to the European countries' media, government, police, etc. Their hope is that these actions will expose Luo Gan's crimes and the cruel persecution against Falun Gong in general, and call attention to the lawsuits against Luo.
  • Who Planted Hatred Against Falun Gong in People's Hearts?

    Jiang controls the biggest media system, where the Party's newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, and computer systems can cover the whole world. Jiang's lies about Falun Gong can be spread to the entire world almost instantaneously. From the so-called "Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation Incident," to "The Murderer Fu Yibin," to "The Killing of Beggars in Zhejiang Province," nobody missed all these fabricated stories, including people in China, America, and even Taiwan.
  • Reference Material: The CCP's "Show of Sympathy"

    "If an official does not sympathize with his own fellow countrymen, or a dead child, he is in no position to sympathize with a little inconvenience across the ocean! As the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Kong Quan should express regret and sorrow for Li Siyi in the name of the Party and the government. ...If one has no shame, how can one have sympathy? I want to further ask Mr. Kong Quan, why not sympathize with those who lost family members during the Tiananmen Massacre over ten years ago?"
  • What has the Communist Party has Brought to the Chinese People?

    I was born during the Great Cultural Revolution, and when I started my elementary school education, the Great Cultural Revolution was just over. My parents often said that we were the luckiest generation since we were born after implementation of the policies of reform and openness, in which people were better off and could go to school normally. Besides, after the relaxation of policies, we were able to make money according to our capabilities, and even go abroad for further studies. I also thought that we were lucky generation.
  • Remembering an Old Landlord Who Was a Falun Gong Practitioner

    About one year ago, I stayed in the house of an old lady for more than half a year as a tenant. Since the old lady was a Falun Gong practitioner, I had an opportunity to understand closely the lives of Falun Gong practitioners and their thoughts. Although I have moved out, I still keep in contact with them. During that period of time, I was really impressed by the perseverance and compassion of the old landlord.
  • My Experience in Making Phone Calls to China to Clarify the Truth About Falun Dafa

    To make the phone calls is actually to face the evil directly. It requires a lot of courage and very good communication skills to make a good call. Whatever practitioners say, it conveys our way of thinking and will directly reflect our state of cultivation. When our state of cultivation is not good, what we say is not strong, and it is not easy to touch or hold people's interest. Sometimes, it may even arouse our attachment of competition.
  • Minimize The Losses Resulting From Following Our Everyday Notions

    Over the past four years many practitioners in China have been illegally imprisoned, brainwashed, and forced into homelessness to different extents. Some practitioners are continually being arrested, beaten, detained, and closely monitored by their local police unit. Other practitioners have heard the stories or have witnessed incidents of practitioners being persecuted. The torment and suffering caused by all this have led to the situation of "enlightening along an evil path" and betrayal of Dafa.
  • France: Clarifying the Facts to Tourists in Paris (Part 1)

    During the summer holidays, there are many Chinese tourists in Paris, and I have felt that in recent times their perception of Falun Gong has been changing a lot. Before, anyone who misunderstood us would avoid us, but now they come to chat with us and ask questions. Here are several of my experiences talking to these Chinese tourists.
  • Find the Gaps and Close Them, Follow Fa-rectification Closely, Save Sentient Beings and Fulfill Our Great Wish (UK Fa Conference 2003)

    When I began reading the book Zhuan Falun, which I had downloaded from the Internet,what was shocking for me was, though I could not understand what was said in the book, I found with surprise that tears kept flowing down my face. I was extremely shocked. I had seldom cried before in my life. But why was I crying in such a way just from reading a book? It was incredible!
  • The Path My Mother and I Have Gone Through ( UK Fa Conference 2003)

    After a while, I heard an announcement that the Central Committee would ban Falun Gong. I was shocked and immediately sat in front of the screen to watch carefully. In the evening, my parents got home. We talked about this and I told them, “It is not necessary to watch any more. It is all false. I watched it earlier today.” I also proudly told my mum that “Even if the whole world was against Falun Gong, I would still believe in Master.”
  • My Trip to Beijing to Clarify the Truth (UK Fa Conference 2003)

    During February of last year I had the chance to go to China and reveal the true facts about Falun Gong to the people of China and the Chinese government. My mind contained no qualms about going and I knew deep in my heart that it was the right thing to do. The plan was for practitioners from all over the world to meet on Tiananmen Square and protest as a group against the wicked regime’s persecution against Falun Gong.
  • Join the Grand Global Trial from the Heart (UK Fa Conference 2003)

    In the process of suing Jiang, has every practitioner truly joined the global grand trial from the heart and clarified the truth on this subject? If we have, the whole situation will make an enormous leap forward. Every practitioner is a plaintiff. Therefore, how to bring Jiang to justice in the court of conscience, in the court of morality and in the court of law is every practitioners’ concern.
  • History Has Already Told Us the Ending of Jiang and His Followers

    History serves as a lesson to warn people of the principle of good and evil meeting just reward and retribution. From the tyranny of Jiang’s evil regime, we can clearly see the final ending of Jiang and his followers. Any evil person who has ever persecuted Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners will surely be severely punished by Heaven. Sentient beings, wake up and stop helping the tyrant in his persecution.
  • One of my Experiences of Validating the Fa

    They read the materials and asked me questions at the same time. I gave them my answers one by one. I said, “You guys need to read carefully to understand the truth and to analyse correctly the current situation. Those of us who practise Falun Gong do not get involved in politics. We cultivate to be good people based upon the standard of “Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance.” What was reported on TV about Falun Gong is fake. Do not believe in one-sided statements."
  • Intercepting TV Signals and Citizens' Appeals

    Without any other alternatives, Falun Gong practitioners chose a way that does not harm anyone, yet can help them spread the truth to people on a large scale. This is TV signal interception. Their goal is simple: to let more Chinese people come to know the truth, which in turn will stop people from helping tyrants do evil, either directly or indirectly. Intercepting the TV signals is an attempt to break through the media blockade in China.