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Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance Live in Our Hearts Forever - A Record of 1,000 Practitioners from Benxi City Appealing in Beijing on June 19, 1999
2003-07-09Practitioners who took the trip to Beijing got through all kinds of obstacles. Among them there were workers, farmers, teachers, students, self-employed and government personnel. There were also housewives, elderly people and children. Some practitioners came out as whole families. It was truly from their hearts that they wanted to tell the government what they had experienced from practising Falun Dafa and Falun Dafa's enormously positive impact. It was a dark night, and what was awaiting this group of fearless people was a fierce storm soon to come.
Persecutors of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China Continue to Receive Karmic Retribution for their Evil Deeds
2003-07-09In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.
English Translations of Los Angeles and Vancouver Lectures Updated
2003-07-08The translations of the following lectures have been updated and finalised; Draft versions have been replaced. Please let other English speakers know about this and get the revised ones.
Dafa Practitioners Should Not Rely on Everyday People to Validate the Fa
2003-07-08The current lawsuit against dictator Jiang provides a good opportunity for us to draw lessons from the past, to cultivate and improve ourselves and to validate the Fa. We must not allow the old forces to take advantage of our gaps anymore. When we are able to clarify the truth with pure hearts, and when people have righteous hearts, everyday people will naturally do things with justice; otherwise it won't work and will bring about the opposite result.
Righteous Thoughts Helped Me Walk Through Danger Many Times
2003-07-06One day after supper, I thought I should escape from this hell on earth. That night at 1:00 a.m., it was raining lightly outside, and the guards were sleeping. I went to the second floor and jumped out. At that moment, fear appeared in my mind, which caused a problem that should not have happened. My cervical vertebra jammed into my neck and my head could not move. My lumbar vertebra was broken and out of place, and I could not move my body. In that situation, a miracle happened, my head became moveable and I stood up by supporting my body with my hands. Walking and crawling, I escaped from that place.
An Account of the Righteous Thoughts and Actions of Falun Dafa Practitioners Detained in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp
2003-07-06Although Chen Mingxian's term in the labour camp had been illegally extended for half a year, he finally walked out of the labour camp with a righteous and dignified smile on his face. The Head of the "Education Through Labour Division," Chen Kaiyi admitted: "People like Chen Mingxian and Zou Xiangyang would not be reformed even if you detained them for ten more years. This is because they do not have doubts about Falun Dafa and just firmly believe in it!"
Purifying oneself and Concentration
2003-07-05After reading two books written by advocates of democracy, I was unable to calm my mind down when sending forth righteous thoughts. If we want to spread the Fa or clarify the truth in ordinary people’s form, we need to study the Fa more attentively with a peaceful mind every day and purify ourselves with Dafa.
The Yardstick in One's Heart
2003-07-05Why do people reach different conclusions for the same event? It is because people lack benevolence. They always see other peoples' bad side and seldom see their good side. But Dafa practitioners, who cultivate benevolence, always have compassion in their hearts, and always use their eyes of wisdom and heart of benevolence to discover other peoples' good sides. So they arrive at different conclusions.
"Letters to Editors" - An Effective And Feasible Way to Quickly and Completely Clarify the Truth Overseas
2003-06-29"Letters to Editors" undoubtedly supply a very effective and feasible way for overseas practitioners to clarify the truth...We should make full use of this ready-made channel, which is free, saves time, and is widespread for minimal efforts. Additionally, those who read the "Letters to Editors", are often concerned with some issues, and would really like to know more or even play some role, making "Letters to Editors" highly effective.
Paying attention to Clarifying the Truth while Collecting Signatures
2003-06-26We cannot do things with the heart of seeking some achievement, and only emphasis the result of signature collecting. If we cannot clarify the truth with a pure hearts, we will do so in vain and lose the chance. A person who knows the truth is a seed of knowledge and will spread the truth to more people.
630 Days and Nights of 24 hour Peaceful Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate (Shared at 2003 Canada Falun Dafa Conference)
2003-06-26The solemn and benevolent Falun Gong appeal of that winter moved the hearts of those who passed by. Many of them pulled over on purpose to approach us for the truth of Falun Gong. Among them there was a Western girl who came on a cold winter night with 9 large red apples for the elderly practitioner on site, those who showed great concerns for us, a mayor's candidate who brought a bowl of hot noodles, those who brought us hot coffee, university students who came for a survey, mainstream journalists, and countless people who simply beeped the horn to show their support.
Web Chat: "Even If I Risk Being Caught, I Will Post This Article to the Website"
2003-06-24In such a grieved society and nation, where evil overcomes justice, please forgive me for the fact that I can only give you my moral support; I will forever be with you (Falun Gong). There are also many students and friends who share my feelings, I think that they are on your side in their hearts too. For justice to be served it is just a matter of time; those evil forces will eventually be punished.
A Detention Centre Policewoman Becomes a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-06-23She started to think better of Falun Dafa practitioners. When she was on duty, she helped Falun Dafa practitioners as much as she could. Later on, she spent her own money to buy foods for detained practitioners. She also often made use of her convenient work condition to pass Falun Dafa articles and books, etc. to practitioners. Later, she borrowed Falun Dafa books from practitioners and read repeatedly. She started to practice Falun Gong this way.
Remember to "Do But Pursue Not, Constantly Dwelling In the Dao"
2003-06-22In relation to the lawsuit against the evil head and "610 Office," we have yet to meet the requirement for a "large-scale, comprehensive, and detailed clarification of the truth." At the same time, there are many other things in Fa rectification that need to be completed in an orderly fashion, and which can only be carried out by Dafa practitioners. Let us all keep Teacher's words in mind: "Do but pursue not, constantly dwelling in the Dao" (Hongyin -- in the Dao).
There Is No Anger in the Dignity of an Enlightened Being
2003-06-22In an article published on the Clearwisdom website, a policeman who beat people fiercely was interrogating an elderly Dafa practitioner who went to peacefully appeal in Beijing. The policeman, who had become so accustomed to beating people, was about to beat up the old lady. But the compassionate and dignified manner of this old lady made him check himself subconsciously. His fierce and brutal manner disappeared. He even forgot to curse...