Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Why is it Very Important for Everyone to be Involved in the Lawsuit Against Jiang?

    Until recently I did not pay much attention to the process of lawsuits as I was not aware of it being an area in need of Fa-rectification. Of course, it is an activity for ordinary people and very meaningful for them. People can see Jiang’s evil more thoroughly in this, build up a sense of justice, and have a further understanding of Dafa. Now, I realise that the present lawsuit against Jiang is very important.
  • Understand the Seriousness of Cultivation and Fa-rectification from the Perspective of Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciples

    At times, our understanding of Fa-rectification has also mixed in many human notions, thinking that the three things Master has repeatedly told us to do well only means how many times we have read the book, how many times a day we have sent forth righteous thoughts and how many materials we have distributed. Of course, we should meet the requirements in doing these things.
  • It Is Not Doing Things -- It Is Fa-Rectification Cultivation

    June 12 report: suing Jiang through legal means is undoubtedly a significant milestone in the Fa-rectification period prior to the arrival of Fa-rectification in the human world. At the same time as we try to hold a trial of justice in court, we also clarify the truth to people of the world to enable them to try him for the atrocities he committed before the court of justice and in the court of conscience.
  • Is the Purpose of Clarifying the Truth about Dafa to Protect Our Individual Cultivation from Interruptions?

    Some problems look simple, yet we encounter barriers on our cultivation path that cannot be surmounted for a long time. If we look inward with calm hearts, however, we find that our own cultivation is not pure in light of the requirements of Fa-rectification where those problematic issues are concerned; we have not achieved the realm of complete selflessness.
  • A Few Thoughts on Determination

    Our determination in cultivation is not something which can be subject to what happens on our path of cultivation – no matter how much we stumble and fall, no matter how tough things are, we should not hesitate in our resolve. We cannot allow any notions about falling and stumbling to influence our resolve. True determination does not mean that we are determined to succeed without falling on the way, nor does it mean that we will succeed at once. It means that whatever happens and however much we stumble, that we never loose faith in our ability to succeed, and our fundamental resolve to succeed.
  • A Practitioner's Pure and Benevolent Behaviour Helps People Understand the Truth About Falun Dafa

    Another time, his son was driving a small truck, and crashed into a giant Dongfeng Truck [a well-known large-sized truck made in China]. The smaller vehicle was damaged and his son was hurt. Everyone around said that the driver of the large truck should pay a fine for this. When the police chief arrived, the practitioner said, "That person didn't cause this accident on purpose. Just repair the truck. My son will be all right and their is no need to pay a fine." The driver was very thankful. When the police chief saw this touching scene, he said: "This man is a very kind man, only thinking of others without even a bit of selfishness." The practitioner told the crowd: "Everyone who practises Falun Gong does such things, thanks to the Dafa that Teacher has taught us."
  • Clearharmony and Europe as one body

    Although we may feel that a piece of news is not big and not worth writing an article about, I think we should look at in terms of how we can help achieve an overall effect. For a daily website, we need news every day. Each contribution is truly valuable, no matter how small, and will contribute to making the site strong that day. Even though an activity or letter is not major on its own, if you write an article about it, then when it appears alongside another 7 or 8 articles that day from different places in Europe, then the effect is really great, and the readers will really feel - Falun Dafa is so wide-spread and accepted across Europe - look what is happening every day!. So, we really should consider the importance of writing articles as part of a larger picture, rather than worrying that something isn't such strong news on its own.
  • Put Aside Pre-conceived Notions - Study the Fa and Cultivate with a Pure Heart

    I suddenly discovered that the inner meaning contained in Zhuan Falun is truly boundless. It all depends on how pure your heart is...The more we study the Fa the purer our minds and thoughts will be. We will be more assimilated with Dafa, and be more capable of distinguishing the righteous from evil.
  • My Experience of Calling People in China to Clarify the Truth

    The most important thing, from my experience, is studying the Fa. Whenever I study the Fa well, it will go smoothly when I call China. While making calls, I can feel my righteous thoughts are very strong, my heart is completely for the well being of others and I only think in my heart how to save others.
  • Only on my Visit to Russia can I Come to Learn the True Facts About Falun Gong

    On the train during a recent trip to Russia, I met a woman who runs a business in Russia. She told me that she had read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong, and found it to be a very good book. She said this book reveals the true principles of the universe--Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, and asks the readers to become good people. That was the first time I had heard positive comments about Falun Gong. Her comments were different from what I had found in the Chinese media...why was it totally different from the propaganda in China?
  • Silence vs. Deceit

    The CCP has applied the same type of propaganda used in the June 4 student movement to suppress Falun Gong. The CCP utilised every television station, every newspaper, every radio network, as well as various other media in China, to take advantage of the gullibility of kindhearted Chinese citizens and to propagate these deliberate deceits all over China and all over the world.
  • An Open Letter to the Persecutors of Falun Dafa in China

    Can you ever succeed in breaking a person’s will that is truly steadfast and as solid as a diamond or be able to diminish a faith that is forged stronger than steel? How can you attempt to change the heart or mind of even one practitioner who has assimilated their life to the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" the essential qualities of a righteous and boundless cosmos!
  • My Understanding of Using the Lawsuit against Jiang to Clarify the Truth

    I haven't done very well in cooperating to use the lawsuit against Jiang as a tool in clarifying the truth. I have discovered that the reason deep in my heart is that my understanding of the Fa is not in harmony with the current status of the Fa-rectification, and accordingly, I haven't paid enough attention to this issue.
  • Dr. Charles Li Only Wants to Expose a Worse Plague

    What Dr. Charles Li wanted to do was expose the Jiang regime's crimes to the light of day. Usually, evil forces hide themselves and are afraid of sunlight. Exposing their crimes is the most effective way of stopping the spread of crimes. If the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners are widely exposed in China, the rights of Falun Gong practitioners will be vindicated, and the Chinese people's rights will also be vindicated. All Chinese people would benefit from this.
  • This Rampant Tyranny Is a Plague to All Chinese People

    The CCP orchestrated a legal cover-up of the tragic death of Mr. Sun Zhigang. One would hope that these facts about the CCP’s brutality and the lessons learned from these people’s blood and lives will help the Chinese people become aware that the rampant tyranny is a plague for all people in the nation, not merely Falun Gong practitioners. A Chinese saying expresses it this way, “When the lips are gone, the teeth will feel the chill.”