Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Revealing the Facts of the Persecution at a Half Marathon Race in the United Kingdom

    Good day! My name is Ben and I am from the United Kingdom, I have practised cultivation for about eight months and in this time I have had many interesting experiences. Today I am going to talk about a very good experience of informing people about Falun Gong and the persecution that is taking place by running a half marathon in a town called Reading in the UK.
  • Studying the Falun Gong Teachings Whilst Working as a Team To Help Stop the Persecution

    I had organised with two German practitioners to pick up ten large waist drums and one small waist drum for Germany. Instead, at the conference I was given a mountain of items to take back to Europe and had almost no one to help me out. There were enough items for about fifteen people to carry and bring back to Europe. I only had the help of two others at the end of the conference. On top of that I had less than 24 hours to find a solution to this interesting problem.
  • Hao Fengjun: Why I Escaped from China (Part II)

    Almost everyday I heard Sun asked about her daughter's whereabouts and told us how Falun Gong practitioners are good people. My heart was shattered into pieces. I knew Falun Gong practitioners are good people and I cared about her daughter even more. A 13-year-old girl who lost her parents and couldn't even go to her relatives (all her relatives were monitored), how could she find food and a place to sleep? I regretted I didn't stop this from happening. My heart became anxious and heavy and I cried.
  • Chinese Official: "I Think What I'm Reading Is All True"

    During the tour, the young guide pointed to a painting, showing a scene of Jesus being persecuted, and said, "No one in history who persecuted deities met with a good end. Those who are persecuting Falun Gong in China will definitely get retribution too!" The official said, "Be careful when you speak. It would be the best if you can find a job overseas after graduation and don't go back to China. If you cannot get a job, then go back to China and I will help you!"
  • Little Girl Fully Recovers from Leukaemia

    After examinations in the county hospital and the Linyi City Tumours Hospital, she was diagnosed with leukaemia. Her family and relatives were all worried. Within six months, Xiaoyu was hospitalised eight times and it cost her family over 20,000 yuan (Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China). Her parents could not afford such medical expenses and had to borrow from relatives and friends each time
  • The Epoch Times: Exclusive Interview with Chinese Diplomatic Defector Chen Yonglin

    Chen Yonglin, a diplomat at the Chinese consulate in Sydney, who defected recently, has for the first time revealed to the public the Chinese Communist Party's extensive espionage network overseas. His actions inspired two other former CCP officials, who disclosed more facts about the CCP's persecution of overseas dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Morality and Longevity

    Research projects by Yale University and the University of California followed 7,000 citizens in Alameda County, California. Another research project by the University of Michigan Investigation and Research Centre tracked over 2,700 people for fourteen years. They came to the same conclusions, that a person's longevity is greatly affected by his or her morality.
  • Benefits from Practising Falun Gong

    I suddenly enlightened that cultivation practise is the path I should follow and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" is the criteria I should abide by. My heart has been lightened. I do not complain over the personal loss and gain anymore, I am no longer indignant over the wickedness around me, and I do not struggle for fame and profit anymore. Instead I strive to be a good person in society. Bit by bit, I tried to be more and more forbearing, and I became positive and extroverted again.
  • Former Chinese Consulate Official Speaks Out on the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong

    There is very little religious freedom in China. I know many people like to keep fit with qigong exercise or seek beliefs for spiritual support. As for those so-called suicide or self-immolation incidents, such as the propaganda reported as "Falun Gong 1700 Deaths," I can tell you most of these 1700 people probably had mental diseases or were suicidal to begin with. We should see the true facts, that many practitioners obtained spiritual hope due to practising Falun Gong, felt peace, and would not want to commit suicide any longer.
  • A Former Thief: "I Witnessed the Might of Falun Dafa Practitioners and the Evil Nature of the Police"

    One time, a doctor from the detention centre came to observe Mr. Cui's condition. Looking at Mr. Cui's drawn face, the doctor grinned fiendishly and then stomped on Mr. Cui's wrist with his boots. He even twisted his boots on Mr. Cui's wrist. He was the Chinese Communist Party police doctor. While he tortured practitioners, he laughed contentedly. His appearance was really odd and he looked just like a ghost.
  • 85-Year-Old Lady with Lumbago Stands Straight Again

    Just a few days of reading "Falun Dafa is good!" and my lumbago was gone. The disease that had tortured me for over 20 years disappeared so simply. I'm so happy and feel so thankful to the Master of Falun Dafa. I continue to read every day. Gradually, my bent back has straightened out. It is so miraculous.
  • A College Student in China: "My Path Testifies to the Magnificence and Dignity of Falun Dafa"

    The police said indifferently, "We know you are good people, but there are orders from above to arrest Falun Gong practitioners." A chief of the Political Security office in a Beijing police station said, "We are the dogs of the Communist Party." They brutally beat the kind and courageous cultivators who dared to speak the truth. Despite this, we still treated them sincerely. I told the police, "I have come all the way to Beijing to say just three sentences: Falun Dafa is righteous; my Master is innocent; and release all detained Falun Dafa disciples unconditionally."
  • Experiencing Teacher's Mercy Again and Again

    At that point, I had no fear at all. The cell was very quiet. The "Big Brother" [the head of the criminal inmates] in the cell asked me, "Why are you here?" I told him that I practised Falun Gong and that I was arrested because I went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Then I told them what Falun Gong is and why we felt that we had to appeal. After that, the young man who hit me apologised to me. Everybody supported me in doing the Falun Gong exercises inside the cell, and would look out for me.
  • New Falun Gong Practitioner in China: Modern Medicine Did Not Help, But Falun Gong Gave Me Good Health

    Blood tests failed to show any clue. When I was feeling scared and desperate, I visited a relative who had practised Falun Gong for several years. When I saw that this once weak and pale woman now looked healthy, with a rosy complexion, I asked her to teach me Falun Gong. She gladly agreed. She gave me some books and other related readings. She also explained to me some important points in doing Falun Gong exercises and practising cultivation. I listened to her attentively.
  • Banners Hang in Support of Falun Dafa in Tiayuan City, China

    When we came back after 7 a.m., the banners were still there. The red characters on the yellow cloth were very eye-catching. Many people walked by and read, "Falun Dafa is good!" Some people stopped and talked in small groups of two or three and said, "Falun Gong is stronger than the police." I took a few photos of the scenes.