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Precious Memories - In the Days of July 20th
2003-07-20"In our hometown we heard that Falun Dafa practitioners came to Beijing without food and water, staying on the streets...We felt very uneasy and anxious in our hearts. After some discussion, we collected all the apples in the family garden and bought instant noodles with all the money we had...We were on the train for many days thinking that you all have nothing to eat and drink in Beijing. We wished we could arrive in Beijing immediately. Right after we got off the train today, we stored two of our backpacks of noodles and apples in the storage department of the train station and carried the rest here."
A Talk about "Using Compassion to Assimilate Everything"
2003-07-20An enlightened being's heart can assimilate everything and encompasses everything. This is the Fa's requirement and standard for all beings. When we completely want to treat someone well from the bottom of our heart, words cannot describe how happy and fortunate we are; that is the state of pureness and clarity and it is also the state of eternity and unselfishness; it is the intelligence that can understand everything and also the capacity of being able to accept all living beings.
Do Not be Misled by Superficial Phenomena; Continue to Resist Article 23 with Righteous Thoughts
2003-07-20For Dafa practitioners who are determined to save more people, there is nothing to fear about Article 23. On the other hand, this is a great opportunity to clarify the truth on a worldwide scale. When there are changes on the surface, we should settle down and see that it is Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts and righteous acts that are making efforts.
Looking Back: The Operation of the "610 Office" Reveals Jiang Group's Evil Nature
2003-07-19People must by now be familiar with the name "610 Office." It has received condemnation and disdain from just people and media because of the atrocities it has committed. What people know, however, is only the tip of the iceberg.
Article Review: History Will Have No Patience for Jiang Zemin's Crimes
2003-07-19The people of China, the world, and humankind are at a momentous turning point in history. It is of the utmost importance to every person, every race, and every nation that we understand that Jiang Zemins persecution of Falun Gong is harming China and threatening the world.
Some Thoughts About the Seriousness of Cultivation Practise
2003-07-19In fact, when we encounter conflicts in our cultivation practice, it is the best opportunity for us to study the Fa more diligently and to look within ourselves. This will help us to get rid of our bad thoughts, and human attachments. If we can truly understand the Fa from the perspective of the Fa, and regard the Fa as Teacher, we can upgrade ourselves and do well in our cultivation practice.
Evil Meets With Karmic Retribution -- Policeman in the Nanqiao Substation of Henan Province Suffers a Stroke
2003-07-18In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.
Standing Upright like a Human Being
2003-07-16What makes human beings human is their moral standard. If humans do not observe the human moral standard, there is no difference between humans and animals. We often refer to wicked people as a wolf in sheeps clothing. We do not mean that their appearance is not human, but rather that they are morally degenerated, or they have done what humans are not supposed to do. If they do something offensive to God and reason, they would even be inferior to animals. Thus they would be referred to as the most evil beings, and what is ahead of them is absolute destruction.
The Lesson Learned from the UN Human Rights Convention
2003-07-16My recent comprehension is that we should not indulge ourselves in doing things. We should remain capable of putting down Dafas work so that our mind and body are in a good cultivation state. Every time when my Fa study is insufficient, I can distinctly feel my body becomes heavy, lazy, short of energy, and gets tired very easily. As soon as I calm down and study a lecture of Zhuan Falun, I will feel my body is full of dense energy, and my mind becomes awakened.
Two Years Ago the Hospital Told Me to Prepare for My Funeral - Now I am Healthy and Free of Illnesses Because I Listened to Falun Dafa Lectures
2003-07-15Dafa has saved my life. I firmly believe in Dafa. No one can move my firm belief in Dafa. I obtained the Fa at the critical moment of life and death. I am really very fortunate. I want to advise those who have not yet listened to Dafa and who still have kind thoughts, please take the time and read the invaluable book Zhuan Falun.
The Essence of Cultivation
2003-07-14Therefore, for practitioners in UK to do things as one body, every practitioner has the responsibility to think about one question before acting: whether our act is beneficial for UK as one body to help Fa-rectification? This should be the starting point for all of our missions. We should always put being one body in the first place.
Some Comments on Treasuring Minghui Net
2003-07-14No matter whether it is from the viewpoints of everyday people or from the viewpoints of Dafa practitioners who are validating the Fa, what we do has nothing that can be blamed. The methods we use are peaceful, legal and kind. We just want to have basic human rights. But in China, the citizens there are forced to become obedient through all political campaigns; in their minds they have neither ideas nor wishes to ask for human rights. The most stupid are those who are still ignorant enough to identify with the governments violations of human rights.
Dafa Heals People With Surprising Results
2003-07-12Since I began practicing, I started to cultivate my inner nature, my body was purified, and the blood clots are all gone. It has now been 7 years since I started practicing, and I have not taken Warfarin for such a long time, yet I am not only alive, I also have a healthy body. This sufficiently proves that Falun Dafa is not "superstition." It is an advanced science. As long as you conduct yourself by the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," you will achieve the effect of healing.
Wind and Rain Should Also Conform to Practitioners Validating Dafa
2003-07-11'I arrived in Ottawa early in the morning. While I stood in the pouring rain with my fellow practitioners holding a poster board on Parliament Hill, my heart was particularly calm and steadfast. I knew that no matter how the wind and clouds changed and no matter how inclement the weather, the evils was lingering on in a steady decline, with no roots.'
My Understanding of Teacher's Words, "I Ignore Superficial Formalities And Only Look at One's Heart"
2003-07-11Regardless if it is during individual cultivation or cultivation within Fa-rectification, it is not always easy to see one's true state of mind by looking at superficial appearances, and a person's superficial appearance can often mislead others.