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Video: Swedish Practitioners Hold a Press Conference at Gothenburg Airport
2003-06-10The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Ambassador in Thailand delivered an official note, requesting an immediate explanation from the Thai authorities. As of May 30th, the Thai government still had not provided an explanation as to why Mrs. Svensson had been detained.
Austria: Falun Gong Information Day and SOS Parade in Graz
2003-06-09People happily accepted materials about the inhuman persecution of Falun Gong in China and the genocide lawsuit against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin. Many people were touched by the stark contrasts between the beautiful and peaceful Falun Gong exercises, and the horrific persecution of Falun Gong instigated by Jiang Zemin in China.
Sweden: To Support the Lawsuit against Jiang, Practitioners Send Righteous Thoughts at the Chinese Embassy
2003-06-09Since the 7th of June, some Swedish Falun Gong practitioners in Stockholm have sent forth righteous thoughts every hour in front of the Chinese embassy in Stockholm. The appeal is to coincide with Fa-rectification activities happening around the world to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
Netherlands: Dutch and German Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the Asian Festival in Mondo Verde Park
2003-06-08On the day before the Mondo Verde Asian Festival, the organizer received a fax from the Chinese Consulate asking him to cancel the Falun Gong demonstration. He rejected this irrational request and this incident was extensively reported by Dutch media; it became a talking point throughout the whole of the southern part of the Netherlands.
Germany: Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Munich for the Release of Dr. Charles Li
2003-06-08Practitioners felt that they could not merely sit by and watch with Charles Li on his 7th day of a hunger strike. He is currently in a critical condition and so practitioners understood that they must exert great efforts to do their best to tell people about this matter.
UK: Dafa Practitioners Hold a Press Conference in Front of the London Chinese Embassy
2003-06-08This day was the 1st anniversary of the permanent 24-hour peaceful vigil in front of the Embassy. The reasons for the press conference were to celebrate this historical day, to support the lawsuit against Jiang that has been filed in Chicago, and to call for the release of Dr. Charles Li, an American who is on hunger strike in a Chinese prison.
Germany: Clarifying the Facts on World Religion Day in Berlin
2003-06-08More than two hundred thousand people from Germany and the neighbouring countries participated in the activities. Dafa practitioners from Berlin utilised the opportunity to clarify the facts, and collect signatures to rescue Ms. Xiong Wei, a Dafa practitioner who lived in Germany and is currently being detained in a Chinese labour camp for distributing Falun Gong flyers.
UK: Dafa Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Appeal for the Immediate Release of Charles Li
2003-06-07According to sources in the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai, Charles Li has experienced beatings and force-feedings while in custody. UK Falun Gong practitioners are seriously concerned about the safety of his life, as more than 10% of the Falun Gong practitioners who have died in Chinese custody have died from force-feeding.
Sweden: How Students and Teachers at my School Learnt about Falun Gong
2003-06-07I had to teach a cultural studies class on society. I told them about Chinas history and culture and how freedom of expression and belief differs greatly between different countries. The students stayed after class to ask more questions. One assistant teacher, who was accompanying me, told me that it was the most interesting class she had ever attended.
Germany: Local TV Stations Broadcast Falun Gong Videos
2003-06-07In recent months, various local TV stations in Germany have broadcast truth clarification videos about Falun Gong one after another, enabling the general public to realise the facts about the persecution happening in China. The broadcasting of the video generated very good results as people can quickly realise the truth of a situation. Some of the TV stations agreed to repeat the broadcast at practitioners and many other viewers requests.
Slovakia: Practitioners Appeal at Chinese Embassy in Bratislava and Visit a Foreign Ministry Representative
2003-06-06Practitioners from Slovakia and Austria met in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava to send forth righteous thoughts and appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Many passers-by read the leaflets we handed out, looked at the banners and watched the peaceful exercises.
Germany: Falun Dafa Information Day in Frankfurt
2003-06-06Using an exhibition and an information booth, practitioners will provide an opportunity for Frankfurts citizens to understand the peaceful nature of Falun Gong over the next few weekends. They will clarify the facts about the persecution in China and detail the crimes committed by the Jiang regime against Falun Gong practitioners. People will also be informed about how practitioners in different countries are bringing lawsuits against Chinese dictator and instigator of the persecution against Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin.
Austria: Practitioners from Different Countries Expose the Persecution of Falun Gong during the Eastern European Summit
2003-06-05The summit was attended by leaders from various countries and media outlets. Information about Falun Dafa and the persecution instigated by Jiang Zemin was quickly distributed. A photographer told practitioners that a local TV station would broadcast a report about Falun Gong that evening.
Finland: Practitioners asked to Return to a School and let Students Know More about Falun Gong
2003-06-05The Dafa practitioner briefly introduced the practice, and told the students about the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong and the terrible human rights abuses in China. After the introduction, everyone practised the exercises together. The reactions were very positive and the effects were apparent. Very soon, there was a serene atmosphere in the classroom and nothing seemed to trouble the students. The students were very grateful, and the teacher was excited when she discovered that she could learn more about the Falun Gong exercises for free at the local practice site.
European Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05The European Falun Dafa Association sends congratulations on the establishment of the Bulgarian Dafa Association. This is particularly encouraging for all practitioners in Europe. Our one-body is again getting stronger and stronger.