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German Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations to the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05The German Falun Dafa Association sends congratulations, on behalf of all practitioners in Germany, on the founding of the Bulgarian Dafa Association. This will certainly help the Fa-rectification in Europe.
Irish Falun Dafa Association Sends Congratulations on the Establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association
2003-06-05On behalf of all Dafa practitioners in Ireland, we congratulate the establishment of the Bulgarian Falun Dafa Association. During this sacred period, let us strive forward together as one body and fulfil our responsibilities as Fa-rectification Dafa disciples.
European Falun Dafa Associations Write to US President Appealing for Urgent Rescue of Dr. Charles Li
2003-06-04"We are writing to draw your attention to the arrest and detention in China of a completely peaceful and law-abiding American Falun Dafa practitioner, Dr Charles Li. Dr Li is currently on hunger strike in a Chinese jail and we believe that his life is in danger. We believe that Jiang Zemin could use the SARS epidemic to hide his possible murder. We ask you to use your influence with the Jiang regime to help rescue him urgently."
Norway: Celebrating Norwegian National Day in Oslo
2003-06-04People from all over Oslo came to join in the festivities. Practitioners thought that this would be an excellent chance to meet a lot of people to tell them about Falun Gong and show them the beauty of the exercises. Practitioners also talked about the cruel persecution in Mainland China, which has already resulted in over 700 innocent deaths.
Ireland: Practitioners Hold a Two-Day National Fa Study
2003-06-04County Laois is situated in the heart of rural Ireland and here Irish practitioners held their 2003 national spring Fa study. Most of the practitioners arrived on Sunday June 1st. Soon after arriving, practitioners participated in the 11am global sending forth righteous thoughts, which lasted for five extra minutes as part of the worldwide efforts to assist the lawsuit against Jiang launched in Chicago, after which the Fa study began.
Sweden: Practitioners Clarify the Facts and Collect Signatures for the Release of Pirjo Svensson (Part 6)
2003-06-03One passer-by asked about Pirjos detention, signed his name on a petition to call for her release and expressed a wish to help. He returned later with family members and a schoolmate, who also signed the petition. Practitioners upright words and righteous actions are touching more and more people.
Germany: Practitioners Hold Activities to Free Xiong Wei and Rescue Friends and Family Members in China
2003-06-03Many people expressed their desire to support Falun Gong after viewing the photo exhibition and relevant information. Some said, We must help this matter. A teacher from a language school said she would discuss Falun Gong with the Chinese students in her class. Freiburg practitioners will deliver the petition signatures to the International Human Rights Organization in Germany.
Sweden: Practitioners Collect Signatures to Appeal for the Release of Pirjo Svensson (Part 5)
2003-06-03Swedish practitioners have called on people from all walks of life to show concern for Pirjos situation. Through this activity, practitioners have exposed the crimes committed by the Jiang regime in brutally persecuting Falun Gong and have also let people know more about the genocide lawsuit against Jiang that has been launched in Chicago.
Swedish Government Plans to Adopt a Stronger Stance Regarding the Swedish Falun Gong Practitioner Detained in Thailand
2003-06-02Swedish officials sent a note about this incident to the Thailand officials, filing an official Swedish protest, requesting the release of Mrs. Pirjo Svensson from detention in Thailand, and demanding an immediate explanation. Several major Swedish media outlets reported immediately on the incident and emphasised Mrs. Svenssons innocence. Members of the European Parliament, Human Rights organisations in different countries and Swedish citizens wrote letters to the King of Thailand and the Thai Premier to appeal for the immediate release Mrs. Svensson.
Belgium: Spreading Falun Gong at the Himalayan Culture Expo
2003-06-02Amnesty employees stated that the Internet in China is being strictly controlled and monitored and this has led to the internet police in China brutally persecuting people who express their opinions online. The basic human rights of freedom of speech and freedom of information are being trampled on. They said that this is no different from what is happening to Falun Gong practitioners who are still being cruelly persecuted. Amnesty are also doing their best to appeal for Falun Gong practitioners and to provide help to them.
Sweden: Clarifying the Facts and Collecting Signatures to Appeal for the Rescue of Pirjo Svensson (Part V)
2003-06-02Practitioners set up a stall so that people could come and learn the facts of the persecution and sign their names to appeal for Mrs. Svenssons release. Practitioners also distributed materials about SARS and the genocide lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. All of the practitioners were surrounded by people who were listening to the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Croatia: Practitioners Present Falun Gong at a Congress Sponsored by the Ministry of Health in Zagreb
2003-06-01We had 15 minutes to briefly introduce Falun Gong and demonstrate the exercises. At the end, we told the audience about the brutal persecution in China and the peaceful activities of practitioners around the world who are kindly appealing for help to stop the persecution. The audience responded with warm. A detailed article describing Falun Gong also appeared in the official congress book.
Germany: The People of Siegen City Learn the Truth about Dafa
2003-06-01Dafa practitioners held activities in Siegen to help people learn more about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution in China. A lot of passers-by signed their names to help rescue Xiong Wei, a Falun Gong practitioner who was living in Germany but is currently illegally imprisoned in China. Many people showed an interest in learning the exercises.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Wonderful performance at the Lord Mayor's Parade in Oxford
2003-06-01UK Dafa practitioners won an award for their performance and a certificate was read out and presented to them by the Mayor of Oxford. This performance attracted many peoples attention and encouraged them to come to the Falun Gong stand to find out more about the practice, and sign their names in a signature book appealing for the rescue of practitioners family members.
UK: Strong Support for the Human Rights of Dafa Practitioners Suffering in China at the Kingston Spring Fair
2003-05-31A group of practitioners set up an information table to let people know more about the persecution in China and about Falun Gong. The public offered a lot of strong support for the worldwide efforts to bring the persecution and human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners in China to an end and many people signed a petition.