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Ireland: Telling the Facts of the Persecution to Journalists Attending the 56th World Newspaper Congress
2003-06-15When the media and VIPs, including the Prime Minister of Ireland and human rights activist Bono from the band U2, arrived to make speeches we realised that this was an unmissable golden opportunity to let people learn more about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. It was an exceptionally important occasion. We met mid-week and decided to focus on clarifying the truth to people there. At this point, only one day was left until the end of the Congress...
Germany: Practitioners Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and the Efforts to Rescue their Imprisoned Relatives and Friends in China (Part II)
2003-06-15Two German cyclists also stopped to investigate the activities. One of them said, I support your actions. Such a person (Jiang) should be taken to trial. He signed his name immediately. In an emotional tone, the other one said, Your suffering is our suffering. I support your activity for justice. I would like to give my signature, too.
Pirjo Svensson Writes to the U.S. Ambassador to Sweden Appealing for Charles Li
2003-06-15"Dr. Charles Li was imprisoned in China after being ushered through a "show trial" in April. His refusal to co-operate with his persecutors exemplifies the spirit of freedom that Americans are known to have cherished and defended for hundreds of years...The circumstances surrounding Dr. Lis arrest and subsequent ill-treatment are further proof of the atrocities of this persecution. I beg you to look into the case of Dr. Li immediately. His life is in danger."
Belgium: Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-06-14 -
Ireland: Spreading the Fa Across the Country
2003-06-13Recently Irish practitioners have been travelling to different parts of the country every weekend to spread the Fa and clarify the facts of the persecution to areas where there are little or no Dafa practitioners. The response has been positive and encouraging.
Germany: Practitioners Hold an Information Day in Berlin to Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-12There was a continual flow of Chinese people coming to the Information desk to ask for materials revealing the truth about Jiangs crimes and about the practice of Falun Gong. One Chinese person said, All those who practise Falun Gong are very good people.
Denmark: Dalai Lama Receives the Most Precious Gift!
2003-06-12As I stepped forward to hand him the book, he asked me what kind of book it was. I told him that it was a very unique and precious gift not an ordinary book. He looked very intensively at the book and asked me if it was a Korean book. I said it was an ancient Chinese book called Zhuan Falun, and that it was very special. He looked at me, nodded, then looked at the book again and took it. I felt compassion in my heart, and felt very righteous and calm at that moment.
Germany: Practitioners Perform in a Parade to Celebrat the 1000th Birthday of the Ancient Town of Kronach
2003-06-12 -
UK: Supporting the Lawsuit Against Jiang at the Chinese Embassy in London
2003-06-11UK practitioners met opposite the Chinese Embassy in London to send forth righteous thoughts in support of the lawsuit against Jiang launched in Chicago, and the rescue efforts for US practitioner Charles Li who is illegally detained in China. Practitioners hoped to tell people the facts about the global efforts to bring Jiang to justice and the horrific crimes that he has instigated.
Germany: Practitioners Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang and the Rescue Efforts for Xiong Wei and Other Practitioners in China (Part I)
2003-06-11After reading the information boards and talking with practitioners, many people immediately offered their support. Some said, We will definitely help you! One school teacher said that she will discuss the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong in China more often with her students.
Netherlands: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike in front of Chinese Embassy to Support Bringing Jiang to Justice and Rescuing Charles Li
2003-06-11 -
Norway: Practitioners Attend Festival of Peace in Drammen
2003-06-11Practitioners introduced people to the Falun Gong exercises and many learned eagerly. The atmosphere was very serene for the entire day and outside, there was warm and sunny weather. Practitioners also talked with many people. Some expressed an interest in learning the exercises and asked about the nearest Falun Gong class.
Ukraine: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Part in the Folklorama Festival in Kiev
2003-06-11Practitioners took part in a concert, performing the Fan Dance and the Lotus Dance, while the five Falun Gong exercises were being demonstrated in the background. As well as an exercise demonstration and the dance performances, all of the practitioners who were present sang a song that they had composed entitled Way Home.
Denmark: Practitioners Support the Global Lawsuit Against Jiang and Rescue Efforts for Charles Li
2003-06-10Falun Gong practitioners from Denmark and Sweden gathered in front of the Chinese embassy in Copenhagen to support the global lawsuit against dictator Jiang Zemin for his crime of genocide in his brutal persecution of Falun Gong, and to support US practitioner Dr. Charles Li, who is illegally imprisoned in China.
France : Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Activity in Front of Chinese Embassy to Support Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-10The sounds of the practitioners reading aloud Jiang's crimes during the persecution of Falun Gong were loud and clear, drawing some consular officials' attention. A member of Amnesty International happened to pass by. After he listened to the introduction of the global lawsuit against Jiang, he was very interested.