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UK: Teaching Falun Gong to a Local Group of Asian Ladies
2002-09-17I was recently contacted by the co-ordinator of a local group of Asian ladies. She had picked up a Falun Gong leaflet in the library and invited me to teach the exercises to her group. After I spoke to her on the phone, she immediately asked me to do an introductory session, followed by 5 consecutive weekly sessions.
Letter to Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2002-09-15"If we go along with Jiang Zemins leadership approach we are guilty of helping to create a dangerous situation for the future of the democratic countries. As you are aware of, Chinese officials are already pressing European governments to infringe upon the rights of Falun Gong practitioners in Europe. There are many such examples. This situation is extremely serious."
Croatia: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong at the Meeting of Conventional and Frontier Medicines (photos)
2002-09-14On June 29, 2002, Swedish and Austrian Dafa practitioners were invited to introduce Falun Gong at the collaboration meeting of Croatian conventional and frontier medicines. This meeting was held in Zagreb. Many medical doctors and physicians attended the meeting.
UK: Video of Falun Dafa at the Edinburgh Festival
2002-09-12Click to View onlineClick to Download:
UK: Falun Dafa At the Birmingham Arts Festival
2002-09-11Cameras were flashing throughout the performances; photographers from the Birmingham Evening Mail and a cameraman from the BBC asked the group to pose for them.
Finland: Falun Dafa is Spreading Throughout The Country
2002-09-11Practitioners have spread information leaflets and demonstrated the exercises in the centres of the cities, towns and villages, contacted local officials to inform them of the situation in China, or have arranged a weekend-long Falun Gong exercise class.
UK: Letter to Members of the Ukrainian Government from the Falun Gong Association
2002-09-09On behalf of the Falun Gong Association of the United Kingdom I am writing to respectfully request your assistance in serious matters of utmost importance for the future of the people of Ukraine. I call on you to use the executive powers bestowed on you by the virtue your ministry to stop what appears to be a two-year history of persecution of the practitioners of Falun Dafa in Ukraine.
UK: Falun Dafa Reaches the Town of Doncaster
2002-09-08A group of practitioners came to Doncaster to demonstrate the practice of Falun Gong and reveal the facts of the persecution in China. Although this was the first time the practice was shown there, many people told practitioners that they had heard of Falun Gong and the brutal persecution in China.
Germany: SOS -- Bicycle Journey from Heidelberg to Bonn: Strive Together to Rescue Xiong Wei (Part III)
2002-09-08A Chinese girl who just came to Germany was shocked upon learning about the persecution and immediately read our materials. How poisonous the Jiang regimes vicious propaganda is! We learned how important it is to clarify the truth to the Chinese people.
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at the Riverfestival in Drammen
2002-09-08On Sunday 25th August, practitioners from Oslo went to Drammen, a big Norwegian city. They joined the River festival to promote Falun Gong in the very sunny and warm weather.
Belgian Practitioner Writes to Cambodian Embassy
2002-09-08 -
Sweden: "Internal Peace Exhibition must have the participation of Falun Gong"
2002-09-07The Nordic Falun Dafa Association received the invitation by the phone from the members of the organization of the Internal Peace Exhibition: "We will provide the exhibiting stands and spaces for you for free"
Germany: SOS -- Bicycle Journey from Heidelberg to Bonn: Strive Together to Rescue Xiong Wei (Part II) (Photos)
2002-09-07 -
Practitioners Visit Cambodian Consulate In Berlin, Germany
2002-09-06The three practitioners asked the officials to urge the Cambodian government to admit their mistakes, help free the two Falun Gong practitioners in China, and ensure that this would never occur again. The officials expressed their total agreement with what the practitioners said and replied that they fully understood why the practitioners had such concerns and requests. They promised that they would convey the practitioners' concerns to their government.
Germany: SOS Bicycle Journey from Heidelberg to Bonn: Strive Together to Rescue Xiong Wei (Part I)
2002-09-04We told people we met on our journey about the plight of Xiong Wei, requesting them to extend their support to secure her release from the forced labour camp. We wanted to directly visit mayors of cities we passed by, or maybe politicians, but first we should visit the newsrooms of newspapers.