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Sweden: Demonstrating Falun Gong Exercises during the Gothenburg Culture Festival
2007-09-01On August 14th 2007, the week-long Cultural Festival began in Sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg. Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the five sets of exercises and taught them for free in the Botanical Gardens, where most of the celebration activities were held. The exercise teachings attracted a lot of adults and children alike.
Shocked at the CCP's Atrocities, a German Man Writes to the International Olympic Committee
2007-09-01On August 25th 2007, a German couple, the Nehrings, travelled from Ruhrgebiet to Munich to attend the Human Rights Torch Relay ceremony. Mr. Nehring had written to the International Olympic Committee prior to this event, expressing his indignation about the human rights violations happening in China, particularly the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Finland: Falun Dafa Introduced at the "Night of Art" in Helsinki
2007-09-01On the evening of August 24th 2007, invited by the organizers of the "Night of Art" in Helsinki, Falun Gong practitioners participated in an activity held in the Kannelmakeen Library. Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, performed a dance called "Lotus Flower" and distributed Falun Gong materials and beautiful paper lotus flowers to the audience.
Germany: People of Freiburg Condemn the Vicious Persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party
2007-09-01In order to let more people learn about the beauty of Falun Gong and the brutality of the persecution happening in China, Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in Freiburg. After they found out how innocent Falun Gong practitioners are cruelly persecuted, many people signed the petition to condemn the atrocities.
Bulgaria: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition Opens in Sofia
2007-08-31All who saw the exhibition shared the same feelings: they were strongly impressed by the beautiful art and condemned the persecution. Many people signed the petition calling for end to the persecution in China and thanked the practitioners for having the courage to organise such a remarkable exhibition. They said they would recommend it to their friends.
Hungary: Exposing the Persecution during a Chinese Dance Performance
2007-08-31Practitioners handed out fliers and newspapers to on-lookers. People were very keen to read the information. Because it happened during the performance, they looked at the performers with a great sense of pity when they learnt about the Chinese communist regime’s inhumane torture and organ harvesting against their fellow Chinese people, practitioners of Falun Gong.
Speech by David Kilgour at the Human Rights Torch Lighting Ceremony in Athens
2007-08-31"David Matas and I completed the revised edition of an independent study earlier this year, which concluded to our horror that since 1999 the government of China and its agencies in numerous regions of the country have put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience (The investigation report is available in seventeen languages at Their vital organs, including kidneys, livers and corneas, were seized involuntarily for sale at high prices and to foreigners, who normally face long waits for voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries. This is absolutely not what we expect from any government hosting the Olympics."
United Kingdom: 2007 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held
2007-08-30On August 26th 2007, the UK Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held in London. Practitioners from all parts of the country attended the meeting. Heartfelt words of self criticism were well received. Many shed tears and applauded enthusiastically. The atmosphere of the conference was solemn and peaceful.
Austria: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Dafa during the Salzburg Art Festival
2007-08-30In August every year, Austrians celebrate the Salzburg Festival, which is the most famous artistic festival in Europe. Practitioners held a Falun Dafa Information Day activity to expose the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of practitioners over the past eight years and introduce the magnificence of Falun Dafa.
Russia: Many Chinese People Are Quitting the CCP
2007-08-30Russian Falun Gong practitioners distributed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and the blank form for the Chinese people to declare their withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated organizations to almost every Chinese person in the urban areas and farm villages as well as those in tourist attractions and paddy fields.
Italy: Exposing the Persecution to the People of Florence
2007-08-30Every Saturday during July and August, practitioners in Florence gathered at the Piazza S. Croce and Piazza Repubblica to tell local people and tourists about Falun Gong and the brutal organ harvesting campaign being waged against practitioners by the Chinese communist regime.
Germany: People Sign the Petition to Support the Human Rights Torch Relay during the Wagner Opera Festival
2007-08-29Several people asked the same question: “Don’t you think that holding the Olympics could change the human rights situation in China?” But as soon as they heard that the organ harvesting on living Falun Gong practitioners is still happening, although it was revealed one year ago, people changed their minds and signed the petition immediately.
Austria: National TV Station Introduces Falun Dafa to Viewers
2007-08-29Austrian practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and were interviewed on a nationwide news programme broadcast on August 17th. TV station ORF (NOE) carried the broadcast, which was a great introduction to Falun Dafa.
Germany: The Spirit of "Never Again" at the Human Rights Torch Relay in Munich
2007-08-28At 11am on August 25th, the Human Rights Torch Relay arrived at the main stadium of the Olympic Centre in Munich for its opening ceremony. The event focused on China's human rights atrocities and demands to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and other groups. The relay started in Athens and passed through Berlin before coming to Munich. Mr. Nehring from west Germany had an opportunity to lead the Torch Relay, running with the torch in hand. He said, "The International Olympic Committee is obligated to select a host country safeguarding human rights and should treat China in the same way. If Chinese people are tortured and killed, and their organs are being harvested against their will, the Games should not be held in Beijing.
Sweden: Demonstrating Falun Gong Exercises during the Gothenburg Cultural Festival
2007-08-28On August 14th 2007, the annual six-day Cultural Festival kicked off in Gothenburg. The demonstration of the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and free exercise teaching were held in the Botanical Garden, where most of the celebration activities were held. They attracted the attention of many adults and children alike.