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France: Media Coverage of Jiang's Persecution Exported from China to Paris
2004-02-03On January 22nd 2004, a journalist working for Yahoo France conducted a long interview with two French Falun Gong practitioners about the pressure exerted by the Chinese regime on French authorities, forcing them to exclude Falun Gong from the Chinese New Year Parade in Paris. The journalist took the opportunity to say that Falun Gong is a peaceful method, and that the main person responsible for the persecution in China is former leader Jiang Zemin, who is now being sued for genocide in several European countries.
"European Friends of Falun Gong" Letter Asks for Public Apology from French Authorities
2004-02-03"We believe therefore that the French authorities should make a public apology to the Falun Gong practitioners for an episode which contravenes the basic democratic right of all citizens to demonstrate peacefully. It is totally unacceptable that the French authorities should allow the same sort of human rights abuse currently taking place in China to be transferred to the streets of one of the largest democracies in the western world."
France: Many Chinese and French People Happy to Receive Falun Gong Materials at New Year Parade in Paris
2004-02-03Many French people already knew about Falun Gong and expressed their support to us immediately. Chinese people also accepted our material in a kind-hearted way. When they saw it was about Falun Gong, they nodded their heads, smiled, and said cheerfully, “Oh, it’s Falun Gong." They immediately concentrated on reading the booklet and put the VCD into their pockets gratefully.
Jiang's Group Extends Persecution to Paris; French Government Criticised for Sacrificing Spirit of Democracy
2004-02-03Regarding the French government caving in before the Jiang regime's pressure, Marco Cappato, a member of the European Parliament said, "France should have stayed true to European democratic and egalitarian principles by standing up to the pressure from China. China suppresses its own people and now France is allowing China to suppress the citizens of France from expressing their beliefs!" "Will France, a land of freedom, allow a foreign regime to dictate rules on its own territory?"
Testimony: A UK Practitioners' Account of Arrest in Paris as Jiang Exports Persecution to France
2004-02-03"At first, the policeman told us that we had been arrested for distributing flyers and it was illegal to distribute flyers. I asked him, "We did not distribute any flyers, why were we arrested? Was it only because we wore yellow scarves embroidered with the words 'Falun Dafa'?" He said that it was because some Falun Gong practitioners wearing yellow scarves had distributed flyers, so other practitioners wearing yellow scarves were arrested as well. Then I asked, "What about me? I am not even wearing a yellow scarf." He said that they were in a hurry to make the arrests so it was understandable that they made a small mistake."
MEP: “Extending the persecution to France is not acceptable."
2004-02-02Member of the European Parliament Roger Helmer wrote a letter on January 23rd to the Ambassador of the French Embassy in England regarding the incident in which Falun Gong practitioners were stopped from joining the Chinese New Year celebration parade in Paris. He pointed out that the attempt to extend such a persecution to member countries of the European Union is completely unacceptable. “Although most of us will never practise Falun Gong ourselves, the very democratic principles of the French Republic are there to protect peaceful minority lifestyle choices."
Press Conference At International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era’ in Stockholm
2004-02-02The International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era’, which was jointly held by the ‘International Advocates for Justice’ and ‘Friends of Falun Gong’, convened in Stockholm, Sweden, on January the 26th 2004. The conference was attended by eighteen international human rights groups, many famous human rights lawyers and a few social activists.
French Falun Gong Association Invited to the Senate for a Press Conference with NGOs and VIPs
2004-02-02On January the 14th, the French Falun Gong Association was invited to the Senate in Paris for a press conference on human rights in China. Among the guests were Former Minister of Education Jack Lang, Amnesty International, Reporters Without Borders, ECPM (Together Against Capital Punishment), France Tibet and Chinese dissidents.
European Falun Dafa Association Writes to the President of France
2004-02-02"We were shocked to learn that a Western, democratic country founded on the principles of “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” so blatantly violated the human rights of peaceful, non-political citizens and visitors. It has been widely reported that during Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to France, excessive and unreasonable measures were used to intimidate and harass practitioners of Falun Gong. Both Chinese and Western practitioners were arrested, simply because they wore yellow scarves or yellow sweaters with the words of "Falun Gong" or "Zhen Shan Ren"."
French National Paper Liberation Reports on Lawsuit Filed Against Chinese Minister
2004-02-02On January the 28th 2004, the French national newspaper Libération reported on Falun Gong practitioners' legal actions against Chinese Culture Minister Sun Jiazheng. The lawsuit filed by practitioners in France accuses him of the crime of Torture in his involvement in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Mr. Sun was accompanying President Hu Jintao on a state visit to France when the case was filed.
France: Practitioners Hold a Press Conference and Prepare to Sue the Authorities Responsible for Unreasonably Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-01On the morning of January the 28th 2004, the French Falun Dafa Association held a press conference outside the Supreme Court in Paris. They announced that the Falun Gong practitioners who were badly treated and arrested during Hu Jintao’s Chinese New Year visit are preparing to sue the responsible French authorities.
“We should perform on the Champs Elysees, not be detained in the police station!" - Statement of 7 UK Falun Gong Practitioners who were Unjustly Detained by the French Police
2004-02-01"We recognise that these acts of repression were not the wish of the French people and government and that they were the result of pressure from the Chinese government and its spreading of fabricated lies about Falun Gong. As a democratic country, France should have stood up for liberty and human rights under the evil pressure. Faced with political and economic interest, the French government, through these acts of repression, has not only sent a wrong message to China, but also violated basic principles of civil and human rights."
Delegates Attending the Stockholm Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" Hold a Press Conference with Dafa Practitioners
2004-02-01On January the 28th, some delegates attending the international conference on ‘Genocide in the New Era’, together with practitioners from Europe, North America and Asia held a press conference at the Swedish Parliament, regarding the French Government’s treatment of Falun Gong and their kowtowing to Beijing. During the period of the Chinese New Year Parade and Hu Jintao’s visit to France, the Paris police unreasonably arrested several Falun Gong practitioners who did not do anything wrong.
Article Published in Three Belgian Newspapers: “Thanks to Falun Gong I am a different person!”
2004-02-01'“When your boss wrongfully scolds you, it is already quite a skill to remain calm. It’s even stronger if you really are calm inside. And that is something I can achieve since I started practising Falun Gong," says Matthias Slaats, who is a fervent adherent of this Chinese teaching.'
The Jiang Regime Attempts to Poison Overseas Chinese Students
2004-02-01I discovered that the Chinese Embassy has been spreading newspapers that slander Falun Gong in my college. They also said that freedom of speech is for foreigners, and Chinese are not allowed to talk about freedom. In other ways, when overseas Chinese students obtain newspapers in the college, they are still being poisoned by the fake news from the Chinese media. I think the behaviour of the Chinese Embassy should be exposed because what they have done is sinister and it degrades the Chinese people. In addition, to expose the efforts of the Chinese media in controlling the people can eliminate the poison spread by Jiang’s lies.