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Belgium: Dafa Practitioners Appeal Outside the Chinese Embassy for Jiang Zemin to be Brought to Justice
2003-12-31On December the 16th, Dafa practitioners in Belgium held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy to call for a public trial of Jiang Zemin, the main culprit in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In July 1999, Jiang issued orders to mobilise the Chinese state resources to suppress and persecute Falun Gong.
Radio France Internationale: Mr. Chengjun Liu, Who Exposed the Atrocities Against Falun Gong over China's State-run Television, has been Tortured to Death on the 26th of December 2003 in Changchun
2003-12-31Radio France Internationale news, December 29th 2003: A report from Falun Gong stated that Mr. Chengjun Liu, one of the practitioners responsible for tapping into a local television network to broadcast the facts of the persecution against Falun Gong on March 5th, 2002, has passed away in Changchun city on December 26, 2003. The news from Falun Gong stated that, on the same day, the Jilin Prison cremated the body without an autopsy and against the family's wishes.
EFGIC (European Falun Gong Information Centre): Man Who Exposed Atrocities Against Falun Gong over China’s State-run Television Tortured to Death
2003-12-30Mr. Chengjun Liu had spent more than two years working to let his fellow countrymen know about the torture and killings of Falun Gong practitioners throughout China - crimes former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin had kept hidden under a veil of misinformation and with full control over the state-run media. After repeated attempts by Liu’s family to secure his medical parole were denied by Chinese authorities, Liu died at 4 a.m. on December 26. Liu’s body was cremated seven hours after his death with neither an autopsy nor the family’s consent.
Article from German Website A Parcel Filled with Hope is On Its Way to China
2003-12-30'Xiong Wei studied at the Berlin Technical University for six years. During that time she began to practise Falun Gong, an ancient and traditional Chinese cultivation practice. She was arrested on February the 5th 2002, on her return to China after she had completed her studies, for distributing flyers and criticising the Chinese government. She was sent, without legal proceedings, to the infamous Xinan camp near Beijing, a camp which is notorious for torturing its inmates.'
Germany: Many Politicians and People in the Legal Community are Concerned about the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-12-29In October of 2003, German Dafa practitioners wrote letters to 3,246 German judges, 2,400 criminal lawyers, 192 professors of criminal law, and some members of Parliament in order to tell them about Jiang Zemin and the government officials who, together with policemen, have persecuted Falun Gong in China and are to be charged with crimes of Genocide and Torture.
Greece: Introducing Falun Dafa and Clarifying the Facts at the Finnish Embassy in Athens
2003-12-29Over the Christmas holidays, Falun Gong practitioners from Finland and Sweden visited Athens in Greece to introduce Falun Gong to the Greek people, and to let people know about the enormous abuses of human rights that are taking place against Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Germany: Dafa Practitioners Hold a Series of Information Day Activities in Hamburg
2003-12-29Practitioners took this opportunity to help the Chinese tourists learn about something they may never hear about in Mainland China due to the tight information blockade: many lawsuits have been filed around the world against Jiang Zemin and other cheif persecutors of Falun Gong. Practitioners particularly focused on the lawsuit that was recently filed in Germany charging Jiang with crimes of Genocide, Torture and Crimes Against Humanity.
Reply from the Chairman of the Swedish Foreign Office: “Your letter provides us with valuable information.”
2003-12-28"For the human rights status in China, we in the Swedish Diplomacy Committee have constantly paid attention to and raised the issue that concerns you. Our international representative has stated our point of view on this. When we meet with Chinese government representatives, we will speak to them about their actions against human rights, among which the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is included."
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold their First Information Day in Cuxhaven
2003-12-28On the first weekend of the Christmas holidays, Dafa practitioners from Bremen and Hamburg held their first information day at Cuxhaven. The purpose of the activity was to clarify the facts to people and to secure the rescue of practitioners in China, such as Xiong Wei.
MEP Condemns Human Rights Violations Initiated by the Former President of China
2003-12-27"Jiang Zemin should be held responsible for the human rights violations that occurred during his time in power. Jiang's case has also become a clear message to the present leader of China, which is China must make an immediate correction of its policy of persecuting Falun Gong in order to fulfil the requirements of the International Human Rights criterion."
Germany: Peacefully Appealing In Front of the Chinese Consulate in on Xiong Wei’s Birthday
2003-12-27On the 8th of December 2003, Hamburg’s Falun Gong practitioners arrived at the Chinese consulate today to peacefully protest for Xiong Wei’s release. She was a Berlin Industrial University student who was arrested for handing out leaflets about Falun Gong and the facts about the persecution on a street in Beijing.
Germany: Falun Gong Activities on World Human Rights Day in Darmstadt
2003-12-27On the 10th of December, which is World Human Rights Day, Falun Gong practitioners from Germany held activities in Darmstadt. The activities lasted from late afternoon until the early evening and focused on telling people in Darmstadt about the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in Germany.
Falun Gong Practitioners are launching a Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in the European Court Of Human Rights
2003-12-26Belgian Falun Gong practitioners recently appealed to the European court of human rights to launch a lawsuit against the former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin. Practitioners also raised the issue of the Jiang regime’s persecution of Belgian practitioners in China.
Sweden: Promoting Falun Gong and Clarifying the Facts in Uddevalla
2003-12-25At the time of the activities, there were a lot of people doing their Christmas shopping so many Falun Gong practitioners walked around the city centre to distribute leaflets about Falun Gong and the persecution in China. Practitioners also collected petition signatures. Many people showed an interest in the activities and practitioners distributed a lot of information.
Ka-news (German media): Genocide Complaint Filed Against Jiang Zemin With the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office
2003-12-25'The twenty-four-year old Hubert disclosed that, “we wish to help the seventy million Falun Gong practitioners in China who have no rights.” Because of this, he and thirty others in Germany have decided to file a lawsuit. Wolfgang Kaleck, a lawyer from Berlin, will represent them. The best possible outcome hoped for is that the federal prosecutor’s office will take a serious look at the human rights violations in China.'