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  • Non-Governmental Organisations from Different Countries Gathered in Stockholm for the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" (Part 1)

    The international conference on “Genocide in the New Era”, organised by “Friends of Falun Gong Europe” and “International Advocates for Justice”, commenced in Stockholm on January 26th 2004. The agenda for the first day covered two topics: “Human Rights Violations in China” and “Development and Law”. Lord Francis Thurlow made the opening address.
  • UK: Practitioners held a Press Conference outside the French Embassy in London

    UK practitioners called upon the embassy staff to pass on the following message to the French government: During the official visit by Hu Jintao on January 28th, French police were poisoned by the Jiang regime’s relentless spread of its fabricated lies against Falun Gong and used excessive force to arrest and detain seven UK Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from other countries.
  • An Open Letter to the French President from Swedish Dafa Practitioners

    "We love France because she has been a country, which prides itself on its independence of thought and will and does not easily bow to the demands of others. However, this incident clearly shows the very integrity and self-will of the French nation have been violated and compromised. We are deeply concerned that the Paris police, at the behest of your government and due to pressure from the Chinese government, has actively helped in the persecution of Falun Gong."
  • Austrian Faun Dafa Association Writes to the President of France

    "We have deep respect to your great nation for its wonderful culture and its principles, therefore we urge you to apologise for and to take action to rectify this unjust behaviour, so that something like this can never occur again in France. We hope you can also make efforts together with other countries and people to help the millions of people in China who are right now suffering the persecution of Falun Dafa. Please help to end this persecution."
  • Lord Hylton Writes to the Editor of The Times: "Chinese policies 'bring suffering'"

    After reading an article about "the lavish reception and maximum security afforded to the President of China during his visit to Paris", Lord Hylton wrote to the Editor of The Times (London) on February 2nd 2004. In his letter, Lord Hylton suggested that the persecution "of Falun Gong practitioners and the continued existence of labour camps all might have recommended a more modest welcome" to the Chinese President. He went on to say that he trusts the President of France "will place a higher value on upholding freedom of belief and worship, together with other human rights, wherever these are threatened."
  • French National Newspaper L'Humanité Denounces the Attempt by Chinese Officials to Extend Their Persecution Abroad

    On January 24th, in an article entitled "What's hidden behind the economic miracle?", national French newspaper L'Humanité exposed the painful burden imposed on the Chinese people by the Jiang regime. It mentioned the "very violent" repression of Falun Gong in China. The article concluded that the absence of Falun Gong from the official parade in Paris displayed once again how hard the Chinese regime strives to hide its crimes and show foreigners a flawless image of the country.
  • EFGIC: U.S. Wigs Made by Falun Gong Practitioners Turned Slaves

    'Hair product giant Henan Rebecca Inc. is in cahoots with notorious Chinese labour camps that are buying Falun Gong practitioners as slave labour, sources in China say. Labour camps such as Shibalihe and Xuchang buy these people for 800 RMB each (almost $100 US), force them to work day and night, and torture them to death as part of the “reeducation” program.'
  • Delegates Attending the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era" Support and Highly Praise Practitioners’ Peaceful Protests

    After listening to the truth about practitioners peacefully resisting four years of brutal persecution, the delegate from the Kenyan Embassy in Sweden said, “I admire your spirit of ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.’ You have brought hope of world peace. I am very glad to have this opportunity to participate in this meeting and to know Falun Gong practitioners.”
  • Denmark Falun Dafa Association Writes to the Ambassador of France about Human Rights in Paris

    "As you may be well aware of by now the French authorities displayed a very discriminating and harsh stance towards Falun Gong practitioners in regard to the French Association of Falun Gong’s participation in the New Year parade. However, the discrimination against us was not limited to the exclusion from the festivities; much more serious than that was the implemented policy of eliminating the physical presence of Falun Gong practitioners in areas visited by the Chinese authorities."
  • French National TV reports on Falun Gong's Peaceful Appeal during Chinese Official’s Visit

    On January 27th 2004, French national television station TV 5 reported on a Falun Gong appeal held in front of the French National Assembly, while Chinese president was giving a speech to half of the country’s MPs, as the others had boycotted him. The journalists emphasised the severity of the persecution against Falun Gong in China.
  • France: Persecution of Falun Gong on the Agenda at Human Rights Conference for Lawyers in Caen

    On January 25th 2004, at the Human Rights Conference in Caen, Dafa practitioner and lawyer, Mr. Carlos Iglesias, gave a speech to an audience of over 2,000 people. He explained the situation of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and the evilness of what he himself classified as a true genocide. He clearly explained the roots of this genocide and the direct and personal responsibility of Jiang Zemin and the repressive genocidal organisation known as the 610 Office, headed by Luo Gan.
  • French National Newspaper Reports How Chinese Leaders’ Dislike of Seeing Falun Gong Caused Paris Traffic Jam

    On January 30th, 2004, Major National newspaper Le Figaro published an article entitled "Monstrous Traffic Jam during Hu Jintao's visit". The article revealed how Chinese Officials were so afraid to see brochures on persecution in China that they demanded that several major roads in Paris be closed during their official visit. During the few days of the President's visit, the majority of Parisioners felt that it was overly-extreme of the French authorities to enforce extra and extreme security measures to meet the demands of the Chinese president.
  • UK: European Friends of Falun Gong Speech at French Embassy in London

    "We as European Friends of Falun Gong would like to express our deep concern at the treatment of certain Falun Gong practitioners by the French police during the recent Chinese New Year celebrations in Paris...It is deeply disturbing that a group of peaceful, law-abiding citizens should be treated in this way in a country which claims to be one of the largest democracies in the western world."
  • France: Tourist Groups from Mainland China Visit the Louvre

    The visitors to the Louvre on Monday included many Chinese, outnumbering westerners many times over. Especially in the hall of the main entrance leading to the Louvre’s three other display areas, frequently one could see Chinese tourist groups assembling there. Foreign travellers who did not know what was going on thought that Monday was Louvres’ Chinese Day. Today the focus of most Mainland visitors was that everywhere in the Louvre there appeared pale blue jackets and yellow scarves displaying the words Falun Dafa.
  • French National Radio Attends Falun Gong Press Conference

    On January 29th 2004, France’s national Radio station RTL attended a Falun Gong Press Conference. After listening and asking questions to Falun Gong spokespersons for one hour, the journalist interviewed Mrs. Chen Ying who was persecuted and brainwashed in China for refusing to renounce her practice of Falun Gong.