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Sweden: First Attaché of the French Embassy Apologises to Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-11The First Attaché expressed deep regret and said, “I cannot say why the French Government did this. Here, I express my deep regret to you. I will send your letter to the French President immediately, and I think all Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested in Paris should go to France and ask the French Government for a reason.”
Speech from the Stockholm International Conference on 'Genocide in the New Era' by a Former 'Prisoner of Conscience'
2004-02-11"As a Falun Gong practitioner I was persecuted in a Chinese labour camp for nearly two years. Due to the diligent efforts of many kind-hearted people, human rights organisations and the Irish government, I was released in March 2002. I am lucky to have been rescued and freed. Today I am speaking here not on behalf of myself but on behalf of millions of Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China."
Norway: Practitioners Appeal in front of the French Embassy
2004-02-11On Friday 6th February, they assembled outside the French Embassy in Oslo to distribute flyers, perform the Falun Gong exercises and deliver a letter to the embassy. A Norwegian practitioner was among those unjustly arrested in Paris, so she delivered a statement about her arrest. On the following day, the practitioners distributed flyers in front of Stortinget (the Parliament).
Press Statement Regarding Illicit Detainment of Falun Gong Practitioners in France Surrounding Chinese State Visit
2004-02-10'On January 24th and 26th 2004 during China-sponsored cultural activities in Paris as well as Hu Jingtao's visit to the French capital, over 70 Falun Gong practitioners were detained by French police as they stood on the street or were walking near the Champ Elysées. A preliminary statement jointly issued by the Falun Dafa Association and a Boston-based NGO investigating the matter says the detainments were a result of Chinese officials luring a few individuals within the French government (with financial incentives) to order the illicit police action.'
France: Falun Gong Practitioners Announce that they will File a Complaint Regarding the “Arbitrary Arrest and Illegal Violence” in Paris
2004-02-10Recently, China utilized economic interests to induce members of the French government to bribe the French police to unreasonably arrest and violently treat peaceful Falun Dafa practitioners. This behaviour violated Falun Gong practitioners’ legal rights and, in reality, it conspired to reinforce the Jiang’s regime’s inhuman persecution of Falun Gong.
Successful Chinese Art Exhibition was held during the Stockholm International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”
2004-02-10During the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era", renowned Chinese artist Zhang Cuiying held an exhibition of her paintings in a gallery near the conference venue. Conference participants from Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America visited the exhibition. A Swedish national TV station produced an interesting report on the painting exhibition.
Russia: Falun Gong practitioners Participate in the Moscow City Health Fair
2004-02-10In the lobby of the city hall, various forms of health care and recovery were exhibited. Falun Gong practitioners displayed information boards about Falun Dafa, and enthusiastically shared their personal experiences and the benefits they have received from practising with the visitors. They also answered questions and distributed Dafa leaflets, CDs and home-made calendars.
Sweden: Photo Report - Swedish Practitioners Appeal at the French Embassy and call on the French Government to Uphold Human Rights
2004-02-10On February the 6th 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners staged a peaceful demonstration at the French Embassy in Sweden, calling on the French government to immediately investigate the facts behind these unlawful arrests. They hope that the damage to human rights and the dignity of France can be undone.
Italy: A Letter from the Italian Falun Dafa Association to the French Consulate
2004-02-10"The Italian Falun Dafa Association is sorry to hear that Falun Gong practitioners were recently unreasonably arrested and imprisoned in Paris. We would like to let you know the offensive methods used by the French police. As far as we know, these Falun Gong practitioners are from different countries and did nothing against the law. They were detained merely because they wore clothes printed with the characters of Falun Dafa or because they were together with Falun Gong practitioners. We express our concern at such actions that go against human rights."
France: Large Scale Public Event in Paris Raises Much Support for Appeal to France not to Bow to Jiang (Photo Report)
2004-02-09On Sunday February 8th, 2004, approximately one hundred practitioners from around Europe gathered at the Place du Chatalet in Paris. The purpose was to raise public awareness of how the French Authorities had recently bowed to the Jiang Regime and arrested Falun Gong practitioners just for wearing yellow scarves during the Chinese New Year celebrations.
Dublin Councillors Nominate Resolution Demanding the End of the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China and the Release of all Illegally Held Prisoners
2004-02-09'On Monday February the 9th, councillors representing Fingal County Council and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council will vote whether to accept a motion to condemn the persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in China. The motion urges the Minister for Foreign Affairs Brian Cowen to demand that Dun Laoghaire students Liu Feng and Yang Fang are permitted to return to Ireland to continue their studies during the Human-Rights Dialogue with China held in Dublin on the 26th and 27th of February.'
French Judge Meets Practitioner to Discuss Lawsuit Against Leader of “Chinese Gestapo”
2004-02-09The Dafa practitioner was asked by the judge to explain why she had filed the lawsuit. She answered by explaining more about the persecution of Falun Gong, how widespread, systematic and criminal the brutal suppression of practitioners in China is, and how the ex-President and his regime try to impose this abuse of human rights on other countries. She conveyed that France and every other democratic country have a moral responsibility toward what can be officially described as “Genocide" and that this is not a Chinese issue, but an international question.
Series Report 3 from the Stockholm International Conference on “Genocide in the New Era”
2004-02-09Renowned Canadian attorney Mr. Clive Ansley’s speech entitled “A Chinese Court is not a Court” was warmly welcomed and respected by many of the participants. Mr. Ansley is accomplished in Chinese and Canadian law. During the speech, he used pictures and articles to analyse the current status of the Chinese legal system and the persecution of Falun Gong.
Agence France Presse (AFP): Falun Gong is going to File a Complaint after the Arrest of its Followers in Paris
2004-02-09'"We were arrested and detained with handcuffs for five hours at the police station, simply because we had yellow scarves on. The police were rough when they arrested us," stated British Falun Gong practitioner Yan Fullerton. "We did not think that this could happen outside of Mainland China. Especially not in France, the country where human rights originated," she added.'
A Swedish Student Wrote to the French Minister of Justice
2004-02-09"When did the yellow colour become illegal in France? Falun Gong practitioners wear yellow clothing on many occasions, in particular on the occasion of making peaceful appeals against the persecution. It is not illegal to do so. The French Falun Dafa Association is a legally registered organisation in France and has been supported by government agents and human rights organisations."