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RFI (Radio France Internationale): Hong Kong Branch of WOIPFG Established
2003-05-22'According to the Falun Dafa Information Centre, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong founded a branch in Hong Kong on the 16th of May. Today, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of a Chinese Embassy in the United States to protest about the unreasonable detention of Falun Gong practitioner Charles Li, a US citizen who has been arrested in China. They also appealed for his rescue.'
BBC: Chinese censor online chat
2003-05-22"Messages critical of the Chinese Government either never appear or are purged from popular chat rooms, a study by the free speech pressure group has revealed. The study also found that Chinese law enforcement agencies regularly track down and even jail the authors of the critical messages. Reporters Without Borders estimates that China employs 30,000 people to watch what its people are doing online."
A Letter from Lord Moyne to the Ambassador of Thailand
2003-05-21"There is widespread and increasing disgust in many countries of the world at the unprovoked and inhuman persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist authorities; and your Governments action in collaborating with this persecution is disappointing in that it appears to show that it is to curry favour with its large neighbour. Such action can only diminish the respect with which your country is regarded in the rest of the world and lead to doubts as to the genuineness of its sovereign independence."
A Letter to the King of Thailand from the Nordic Falun Dafa Association
2003-05-21"Jiang Zemin is extending his persecution to your country by spreading fabricated stories and lies about Falun Gong practitioners and pressuring Thailand to persecute innocent people. Currently, with the help of human rights lawyers and legal experts, Falun Gong practitioners in USA and Europe are suing Jiang Zemin and several top Chinese officials, for crimes ranging from torture to genocide. The crimes committed by Jiang Zemin and his Gestapo-like 610 offices are comparable to those committed by Milosevic and Pinochet."
UK: Photo Exhibition Held in Cambridge Library To Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2003-05-21After attending the exhibition, some people contacted the local practice site to learn the exercises. Practitioners have been invited to clubs and schools to deliver speeches. People from all walks of life have learnt more about the benefits of practising Falun Dafa and the evil nature of the Jiang regimes persecution of millions of practitioners who only want to be good people.
Letter of Support from a German Mayoress
2003-05-20A German practitioner wrote to a Mayoress, who swiftly penned a reply encouraging practitioners To have formidable courage, firm belief and brave hearts to advance the efforts of all those people who are working tirelessly to end the repression of Falun Gong in China.
Sweden: Collecting Signatures and Clarifying the Facts in Gothenburg
2003-05-20The local government of Biskopsgården declared May 16th 2003 as Biskopsgården Falun Dafa Day. To let more people know the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong and the illegal arrest and detention of Swedish Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Pirjo Svensson, practitioners in Gothenburg held activities in Biskopsgarden.
Austria: Photo Report - Practitioners Continue Clarifying the Truth in Vienna
2003-05-20 -
Letter from Swedish Practitioners to the King of Thailand Regarding the Detention of Pirjo Svensson
2003-05-20"Our kind-hearted friend Pirjo spends some of her spare time exposing the crimes commited during this persecution, hoping that kindhearted people will help Falun Gong practitioners in China. She is not against the Chinese government or anything related to China...We are hopeful that His Majesty, who once pledged to rule with righteousness, will help Mrs Pirjo Svensson be released and permitted to return to her anxious husband, family and friends."
Sweden: Bringing the Wonder of Dafa to Every School in the Country (Part II)
2003-05-19On May 5 2003, The Story of Lotus opened in Swedens third largest city, Malmo. The performance received a warm welcome from the schools in that area. The Story of Lotus is a drama performance that combines dance, music and poetry. The dance is also intended to expose the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by Jiangs regime in China.
Swedish Practitioners Write a Letter of Appeal to the Chinese Ambassador
2003-05-19"Currently, with the help of human rights lawyers and legal experts, Falun Gong practitioners in USA and Europe have sued Jiang Zemin and several top Chinese officials for crimes ranging from torture to genocide. In China Falun Gong practitioners have been met with illegal arrest and imprisonment often resulting in them being tortured to death, abused in mental hospitals, and receiving long jail and labour camp sentences without trial."
FDI: Fourth Annual World Falun Dafa Day Festivities Held in over 30 Cities around the World
2003-05-19Between May 11 and May 13, practitioners and supporters of Falun Gong joined their communities in over 30 cities around the world to celebrate the fourth annual World Falun Dafa Day an event marking the day Falun Dafa was first taught publicly by founder Mr. Li Hongzhi on May 13, 1992.
Russia: First Experience Sharing Conference Successfully held in Rostov-on-Don
2003-05-18The first Rostov Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was successfully held in Rostov-on-Don on May 10th 2003. Practitioners’ incessant studying of the Fa and diligent cultivation, strengthened by Master Li’s great compassion, have led to Falun Dafa blossoming throughout Rostov-on-Don.
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Produce a Programme for Local TV
2003-05-18The program outlined how 36 western practitioners appealed against the persecution of Falun Gong on Tiananmen Square. Practitioners hoped that this program could show Chinese people that Falun Gong is practised in many countries, contrary to the claims of Jiangs state-controlled media mouthpieces.
RFI (Radio France Internationale): The Self-immolation on Tiananmen Square was Plotted by a Chinese Official
2003-05-18On the morning of the May 15 2003, RFI broadcast the following report about the staged self-immolation incident on Tiananmen Square in 2001. The report outlines the irrefutable evidence that this event was actually planned by members of the Jiang regime in order to turn Chinese people against Falun Gong. This has already been veriied by the United Nations.