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Looking at the Credibility of China's Official Propaganda in Light of the SARS Outbreak
2003-04-19If the media had been allowed to cover the issue openly at the beginning of the outbreak, reveal the reality of the situation and the risk to the public and to people's lives, it would have resulted in the necessary precautions being instituted earlier. How many lives could have been saved in China and elsewhere?
Ming Bao (Hong Kong Chinese Newspaper): Falun Gong Sues Immigration for Discrimination
2003-04-19'In total more than eighty Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners were refused entry to Hong Kong including the four plaintiffs. They had planned to attend the "World Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference" on February 22 2003. When they arrived at Hong Kong on February 21, the Immigration Office rejected their entry without reasonable explanation and expelled them...Two of the plaintiffs were violently expelled, though they offered no resistance.'
Irish Practitioners Start Letter Writing Campaign to Rescue 2 Dublin Students Detained in China
2003-04-18Irish Falun Dafa Practitioners are appealing to all kind-hearted people to help their fellow practitioners who have been detained in China, by asking them to sign a petition letter and send it to the Chinese Embassy and the Irish Government. Here are some background details on their cases, and the petition letter.
Ireland: Activities to Rescue Students Liu Feng and Yang Fang at Dublin Morning Practice
2003-04-18TV stations, radio stations and newspapers all turned their attention to the practitioners who were meditating in the middle of Dublins busiest street. The news of the persecution spread once again to every corner of Ireland. The principles Truth, Compassion and Forbearance rang throughout the airwaves and newspapers.
Norway: Falun Gong at a Health Fair in the City of Tonsberg
2003-04-18The first thing that most people saw when they came into the exhibition hall was the practitioners exercise demonstration. This made them feel relaxed and at ease, and they were glad to receive information about Falun Gong. Most people took our flyers, and many asked questions. We told them more about Falun Dafa and also about the inhuman and evil persecution against Falun Gong in China and abroad.
Denmark: Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Outside the Chinese Embassy to Support the Just Lawsuit Against Dictator Jiang
2003-04-18On April 14 2003, the plaintiffs' attorney provided the US district court in Illinois with documents citing evidence of crimes committed by Jiang and the 610 Office and for the legal procedure of the lawsuit. At this important historical moment, practitioners from Denmark continued their activity of sending forth righteous thoughts at set hours outside the Chinese Embassy.
Ireland: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts Hourly in Support of the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-04-18On Sunday, we sent forth righteous thoughts every hour during our group Fa study in support of the lawsuit against the dictator Jiang Zemin in America. Jiang is guilty of the most heinous crimes, and is now becoming utterly isolated. His own followers and the people who are being forced to listen to his evils commands should immediately stop doing evil deeds.
France: Falun Gong Practitioners in France Support Fellow US Practitioners' Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-04-18According to Central News Agency's report from Paris on April 15, Falun Gong practitioners in France held group practise on April 14 in front of the Chinese Consulate in France to support the US Falun Gong practitioners' attorney to charge in a US district court in Illinois the former President of China, Jiang with genocide for his long period of brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.
France: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-04-17Many people asked about the purpose of this appeal. The practitioners told them that the Jiang regime has overthrown justice and gone against human nature in its treatment of Falun Gong. To uphold justice, Falun Gong practitioners have filed a lawsuit against Jiang for committing crimes against humanity, genocide and brutal torture.
Amnesty International Report: Minister Receives 5000 Amnesty Postcards (photos)
2003-04-17Minister Kitt said he hadn't seen such a large number of cards and signatures in many years. He assured the delegation that "such a significant statement from people in Ireland would be taken very seriously by the government." The Minister said the Irish government would do its utmost to ensure that the cases of the three practitioners highlighted by Amnesty were "raised at the highest possible level with the Chinese authorities."
Norway: Falun Gong Photo Exhibition at Lillehammer Public Library
2003-04-17Practitioners showed the librarian a beautiful red banner reading The World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. The librarian liked the banner a lot and asked if it could be hung from the ceiling for everyone to see, commenting, "That is exactly what we need now!" Through this exhibition, many people got the chance to learn more about the practice of Falun Dafa. They also got to see the truth behind the lies spread by the Jiang regime.
Letter to a Beijing Labour Camp Director from a German Member of Parliament
2003-04-17"As a member of the German Parliament and as Spokesman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, my attention has been drawn to the fate of Falun Gong practitioners in China in general, and to the case of Ms. Xiong Wei in particular. I am writing to you to express my deep concern about the imprisonment of more than 100,000 Falun Gong practitioners in forced labour camps and the confirmed death toll of more than 630."
The German Wuerzburg Post: Compassion and Brutal Persecution
2003-04-17'The Falun Gong photo exhibition held in the Wuerzburg Adult University portrays a vivid contrast between peaceful exercises and barbarous persecution...The Chairman of the Adult University in Wuerzburg emphasized that Looking for a path to peace is particularly important in the modern world. Falun Gong reveals to us a righteous path to internal and external peace.'
EFGIC: Cover-ups, Torture, Brainwashing and Death: News of 14 More Falun Gong Dead from Police Atrocities in China
2003-04-16Reports of the deaths of fourteen Falun Gong practitioners have recently been confirmed. Many of these cases repeat a chilling pattern: physical and psychological torture inflicted by corrupt police, followed by release of the practitioners from custody just days or even hours before they die from their injuries as the police attempt to shirk responsibility for the deaths.
Ireland: Practitioners in Dublin Appeal for the Rescue of Student Liu Feng
2003-04-16Over the weekend practitioners took to the streets of Dublin to tell the Irish people about the case of Mr Liu Feng. Many kind-hearted passers by took petition letters and expressed their dismay and horror at the Chinese regimes treatment of Falun Gong practitioners.