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Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Peacefully Appeal and Request the Trial of Jiang Zemin and Bo Xilai
2004-05-10The practitioners pointed out to the EU officials, the Belgian Government, the media and the public, that Bo Xilai, one of the Chinese delegation taking part in this visit is presently being sued in Germany and the US for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide and Crimes of Torture. While he was in office in Dalian and Liaoning province, he actively participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, resulting in Liaoning being one of the provinces where the persecution of practitioners is the most severe.
Radio France International: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice and Expel Bo Xilai
2004-05-10"During Wen Jiabao’s visit to Germany and other countries, Falun Gong practitioners unfurled banners reading, “Welcome Wen Jiabao”, “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice” and “Expel the Human Rights Criminal Bo Xilai”. According to the news from Falun Gong’s Minghui website, before the Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai visited Europe with the delegation led by Wen Jiabao, his name was not on the name list announced to the public."
Belgian Amnesty International Issues a Statement Regarding the Chinese Premier’s Visit to Belgium and the EU China Trade Forum
2004-05-10Belgian Amnesty International issued a statement on the Chinese premier’s visit to Belgium and the EU China trade forum. The statement especially pointed out that the International Amnesty requests the Chinese government to conduct a thorough, fair and independent investigation into the already verified deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in detention centres, reports on Falun Gong practitioners being subjected to torture during detention periods and brutally persecuted.
Radio Free Asia: Don't Forget Chinese Human Rights Problems When Conducting Economic Collaboration
2004-05-10Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao began his European trip in Germany. During the two day visit to Germany, there was an ardent atmosphere of economic collaboration. However, German human rights groups called for a reminder not forget the Chinese human rights problems when conducting economic collaboration talks.
UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Take Legal Action Against Bo Xilai
2004-05-09UK Falun Gong practitioners entrusted an attorney recently to file a lawsuit against Bo Xilai for the crimes of Torture against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Although the case was rejected on the grounds of diplomatic immunity, the significance of filing this legal complaint should not be overlooked. It is an opportunity for the relevant UK authorities and legal structures to become more familiar with the nature of the persecution of Falun Gong, and to raise the profile of a correct interpretation of diplomatic immunity. Regardless of the immediate outcome, all this serves to lay the foundation for future legal actions against those who persecute Falun Gong.
Radio Free Asia: Request from the Chinese Delegation Puzzles German Police
2004-05-09The Chinese Premier concluded his visit to Germany on May 5th, and headed for Brussels. During Wen Jiabao's stay in Berlin, the Chinese delegation pressured German police to confiscate the banners unfurled by Falun Gong practitioners and other demonstrators. It became a problem for the German police. Regarding this incident, Radio Free Asia’s correspondent interviewed a legal scholar, Ms. Zheng Zhihong, who was involved in this matter.
UK FGIC Press Release - Falun Gong Celebrations in Trafalgar Square as Visiting Chinese Minister is Accused of Human Rights Crimes
2004-05-08In sharp contrast to the happy celebrations in Trafalgar Square, Bo Xilai, China’s Minister of Commerce, who visits London this weekend, will find that legal proceedings have been initiated against him by UK Falun Gong practitioners for his crimes of torture against fellow Falun Gong practitioners in China. The Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard accepted the formal allegation made against Bo Xilai for serious crimes and a request for his arrest upon arrival in the UK by issuing a Crime Number.
Belgium: Dafa Practitioners Release a Statement regarding Wen Jiabao's Visit
2004-05-08"We hope that the Belgian Prime Minister will make use of this opportunity to express clearly to Mr. Wen Jiabao and the Chinese people, the great concern of the Belgian government and its people towards the persecution of Falun Gong in China. We hope Premier Wen Jiabao will treat bringing an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and the trial of the culprits in this persecution as the top mission in the Chinese Government's agenda."
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal Outside the Sheraton Hotel in Brussels
2004-05-08On the 5th of May, practitioners from Belgium, Holland, France and Germany came to the Sheraton Hotel in Brussels where Wen Jiabao and his entourage were staying. They carried out a peaceful appeal, calling for the “Prosecution of Jiang Zemin and Bo Xilai”. Practitioners displayed banners and practised the exercises.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Bring Peace and Harmony to a Conference of the International Federation of Professional Aroma-Therapists
2004-05-08On the afternoon of May the 1st, nearly forty pharmacists and alternative medicine experts, mainly from Germany, attentively watched Falun Gong practitioners demonstrating Falun Gong exercises at the front of the hall. They earnestly learned the slow-moving and gentle movements, while Falun Gong music gently resounded around the hall.
Interview with German Fashion Designer, Gao Meirong
2004-05-08Gao Meirong, from Taiwan, came to study in Germany in 1995. In 2001, she obtained the Fa in Belgium, during a stay there with her German husband. Her husband also began to cultivate Falun Dafa in 2002. Meirong used to be a professional fashion designer in Taiwan. To better understand her, I interviewed her over the telephone as follows...
MEP Matti Wuori writes to President Chirac: "I deeply regret that the French government bowed to Chinese pressure"
2004-05-07"For more than four years, in China, Falun Gong practitioners have been the target of a campaign of terror and genocide led by the ex-Party chief Jiang Zemin – more than 900 have been tortured to death, more than 100,000 incarcerated in forced labour camps without trial, thousands have been forced into psychiatric hospitals; women, children and the elderly are not spared. Jiang Zemin is being sued for torture, genocide and crimes against humanity in North America, Asia and Europe."
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners’ Banner Reading “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice” Draws Attention during Wen Jiabao’s Visit
2004-05-07During Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Berlin, Falun Gong practitioners unfurled banners that read, “Welcome Wen Jiabao” and “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice”. However the Chinese delegation requested to remove the banner reading “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice”, saying that to “bring Jiang to justice” is to sentence him to death. German psychiatrists said this indicated that those who participated in the persecution and those who protected the participants are very clear about the consequence of their actions in terms of international law.
Belgium: Photo Report - Wen Jiabao Arrives whilst Practitioners Appeal to Bring the Chief Persecutor against Falun Gong to Justice
2004-05-07The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited Belgium on May 5th. Falun Gong practitioners from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France appealed in the capital, Brussels. The practitioners unfurled banners while the Associated Press (AP), The Epoch Times, and Belgian media interviewed practitioners and reported on the activities.
Radio Free Asia: The German Police Department in Brandenburg City Acknowledge that Certain Behaviour Was Illegal and Promise to Communicate Better with Falun Gong Practitioners in Future
2004-05-07'Before the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited Germany, the police department in Germany acknowledged that during Jiang Zemin’s visit to Germany the year before last, certain police behaviour meted out to Falun Gong practitioners was illegal. They also promised from now on they will improve communications with Falun Gong practitioners when they engage in appeals and demonstrations during visits by Chinese officials.'