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Congratulations from the Austrian Falun Dafa Association to the Establishment of Falun Dafa Associations in the Philippines and Moscow
2003-03-14"It is great to hear about the establishment of Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines, Moscow, Reibinsk, Yaraslafli and St. Petersburg. Please all accept our sincerest congratulations from the Austrian Falun Dafa Association. Your establishment demonstrates that more and more people understand Dafa"
Congratulations from the French Dafa Association on the Establishment of the Philippines Dafa Association
2003-03-14"On behalf of all Dafa practitioners in France, the French Dafa Association offer the heartiest congratulations on the establishment of the Philippines Dafa Association...As Dafa practitioners in this special period, we should use our righteous thoughts and actions to diligently do everything.
Congratulations from the UK Falun Gong Association on the Establishment of the Moscow Dafa Association
2003-03-14"We are proud and pleased to hear of the establishment of the Dafa Association in Moscow, Reibinsk and Yaraslafli. UK Falun Gong Association offers our heartiest congratulations"
Ukraine Practitioners Ask U.S. President to Rescue Charles Li
2003-03-14"In Ukraine, we also commonly experience pressure and interference from the Chinese Government. The Chinese Embassy is spreading lies to all the entities of the Government and information media, it deceives people about the true nature of Falun Dafa as well as its founder Mr. Li Hongzhi, in order to justify the repression and the murder of innocent, peaceful, law-abiding citizens of its country."
FDI: Lawless Court Takes Aim at American
2003-03-14Charles' situation is dire. Choosing a lawyer for this trial would only validate a fundamentally impossible proposition: that any practitioner of Falun Gong could escape China's predetermined "verdict" of guilty. It's a farce to entertain the idea that justice could be served in a state where the top standing orders include "eliminate Falun Gong at all costs." In these courts there are no appeals and there are no observers.
A Chance Meeting with the German Foreign Affairs Minister
2003-03-13I greeted him and introduced myself as a Falun Gong practitioner and also as a member of the committee that organise the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China. He shook hands with me warmly after hearing this. I thanked him for his support and appeals for Falun Gong over the past few years. He said, I am glad to be of help to you and will continue appealing for Falun Gong.
Russia: Moscow Falun Dafa Association is Officially Established
2003-03-13After two years of efforts to register, the Federal Registration Administration of Russia has officially approved the founding of the Moscow Falun Dafa Association on February 6 2003. Dafa practitioners in Russia think this is the visible display of specific progress during this special period and of the efforts of Dafa practitioners in Russia.
Switzerland: Dafa Practitioners Promote Dafa at the Zurich Health Expo
2003-03-13During the four days, the Falun Gong display stand was the most popular. Over 15,000 visitors came to the stand and practitioners handed out around 8,000 leaflets and over 300 Video-CDs. Overall, throughout the activities practitioners introduced Dafa to more people and were delighted to see the audience understanding the truth.
Russia: Reibinsk Falun Dafa Association Established in Yaraslafli
2003-03-13On June 28, 2002, the Reibinsk Falun Dafa Association was registered with the local government in Yaraslafli, Russia. Moreover, the Reibinsk Falun Dafa Association also registered a branch association in St. Petersburg, Russia.
European Falun Dafa Association Warmly Congratulates the Founding of the Moscow Dafa Association
2003-03-13"The European Falun Dafa Association warmly congratulates the establishment of the Russian Moscow Dafa Association. The founding of the Moscow Dafa Association will not only benefit the spread of Dafa in Russia, but also play a positive role in everything we are doing in the whole of Europe. Let all European Dafa practitioners work together harmoniously."
Congratulations from the UK Falun Gong Association to the Establishment of the Philippines Dafa Association
2003-03-13"The establishment of a Dafa Association in the Philippines will surely help practitioners in the Philippines to elevate as a whole. In this process, lets keep working hard and elevated more significantly."
Italian Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines, Moscow and Other Cities in Russia
2003-03-13"All Italian Dafa practitioners sincerely express congratulations and delight in the founding of the Falun Dafa Associations in Moscow and Jaeaslav. All Italian Dafa practitioners congratulate the founding of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines."
Danish Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Moscow Falun Dafa Association
2003-03-13"We are sincerely delighted to know that Moscow Falun Dafa Association has been successfully registered and founded. This great news marks another further step of Dafas good standing in the world. In addition, this is another solid step that Moscow Dafa practitioners have advanced under great pressure."
German Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of Moscow Falun Dafa Association
2003-03-13"We are sincerely delighted to hear the good news of the founding of the Moscow Falun Dafa Association. The German Falun Dafa Association will work in co-ordination with the Moscow Falun Dafa Association as well as other Dafa associations in Europe to do everything we should do well."
Finland: Letter from the Falun Dafa Association to Hong Kong Officials
2003-03-13"Are you ready to let the people of Hong Kong face state terrorism against Falun Gong, as in Mainland China? Have you considered what the outside world will think of legislation, which can ruin their businesses, their financial investments or just their holidays in Hong Kong, because their ideology, thinking or religion is not in fit with that of the leadership in China?"