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Radio Free Asia: Report on the Annual General Meeting of the International Human Rights Association in Germany
2003-04-16On April 4th and 5th 2003, the International Human Rights Association in Germany held its Annual General Meeting. Two Falun Gong practitioners were invited to report on Chinas human rights situation. Two unanimous resolutions were reached which requested the German government to take any measure available to stop the Chinese regime from damaging human rights and persecuting Falun Gong.
Finnish Newspaper Reports on Falun Dafa Exercise Demonstration (picture)
2003-04-16On April 7 2003, Finnish newspaper Pohjolan Sanomat published an article entitled Cultivation of Mind and Body, which was about a Falun Dafa exercise demonstration. The article included a brief description of the practice and also talked about the persecution in China.
Ireland: Falun Dafa Association and Amnesty International Appeal to the Foreign Affairs Office to Support the Rescue of Liu Feng and Yang Fang
2003-04-15Representatives of the Irish Falun Dafa Association and the Irish branch of Amnesty International formally submitted five thousand postcards, with tens of thousands of signatures from Irish people, to Tom Kitt, Junior Minister of the Foreign Affairs Department. Mr. Kitt indicated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will highlight the cases of Liu Feng and Yang Fang in a joint meeting with China and also in the multilateral talks between the European Union and China.
Rescue the Illegally Detained Students Liu Feng and Yang Fang (pictures)
2003-04-15In 2002, Liu Feng was illegally kidnapped in China, prior to his return to Ireland. He was then sent to Yaojia Labour Camp in Dalian. His current whereabouts is unknown. In the same year, Yang Fang was illegally prevented from boarding a plane returning to Ireland. She was forcefully taken back to her hometown in Shenyang Province. At present, the Irish government is paying close attention to the situation of Liu Feng and Yang Fang.
Sweden: Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in Front of the Chinese Consulate to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-04-15To support the lawsuit against China's dictator Jiang Zemin, practitioners from Sweden gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm and the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg on April 13 and April 14. They sent forth righteous thoughts, and told passers by about the lawsuit against Jiang and the persecution against Dafa practitioners.
Finland: Practitioners Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Lawsuit against Dictator Jiang Zemin
2003-04-15On April 14 2003, practitioners from Helsinki in Finland appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy, calling for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts and revealed the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution to passers by.
Switzerland: University of Geneva Student Associations Act Against Article 23 Legislation in Hong Kong
2003-04-14In the University of Geneva, students, professors, and people from all walks of life were shocked to learn that a government could consider implementing a law that would seriously jeopardise the fundamental freedoms of its own people and threaten those of citizens worldwide.
Ireland: Dafa Practitioners Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy to Support the Lawsuit Against Dictator Jiang
2003-04-14On April 12 2003, Dafa practitioners from Ireland appealed in front of the Chinese Embassy in Dublin to support the lawsuit against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin. They also appealed for the release of 2 Chinese Dafa practitioners who are being persecuted in China and prevented from returning to Ireland to complete their studies.
Villabverne (Danish Newspaper): Daily Protest Against Chinese Oppression
2003-04-14'What Falun Gong lacks in numbers it makes up in sheer determination. Since 28 April 2002, Poul Andersen and his kindred spirits have been in front of the embassy virtually every day. Regardless of the rain, sleet, snow or wind, the banner has been unfolded, and between 10 and 11.15am, they have all tenaciously done what they can to create awareness of the monstrosities and persecution they believe is happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China.'
Germany: Righteousness will Always Succeed in the End
2003-04-13The whole audience was shocked by the practitioners' speeches. People were surprised and horrified by the state of human rights in China. A person is subjected to unimaginable and inhumane torture just because he or she wants to be a morally decent person: Isnt this genocide? Isnt this a crime against humanity? All those who attended the meeting were seriously moved by the practitioners personal accounts.
Sweden: School Children Paint "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" in the Classroom
2003-04-13Sometimes, when some of the pupils got restless and talked a lot, I would point at the blackboard where I had written "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" in Chinese characters, and say in a friendly tone: "Just try to have more tolerance". They then often became calmer and got more strength to continue their work.
EFGIC: European Parliament expresses "serious concern" that anti-subversion law in Hong Kong will curb civil liberties
2003-04-12'The E.U. assembly said it had "serious concern with regard to several aspects of the proposed...legislation," particularly the banning of organisations like the Falun Gong spiritual movement. It added that the bill "must not undermine existing human rights and civil and religious liberties."'
Bulgaria: Falun Gong Practitioner's Painting Exhibition is a Big Success
2003-04-12Zhang CuiYing's art exhibition officially opened in Sofia on April 7th and the Bulgarian media took a close interest. After interviewing the artist, one TV reporter said The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and so does everyone else. The TV station invited Zhang Cuiying to participate in a special feature programme on Falun Gong.
Germany: Press Conferences held in Many Cities Calling for Justice and Dignity
2003-04-12The German Falun Dafa Association and several Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and the USA formally announced to the public that, during the period of Jiang Zemins visit to Germany in April 2002, Falun Gong practitioners basic human rights endowed by the constitution were violated by the German Federal Police in Goslar. To expose the conduct of the police, the German Falun Dafa Association, several members of the German public and some American Falun Gong practitioners served lawsuits to the administrative courts of the areas where the incidents occurred.
UK: Weekly Report from Universitys Falun Dafa Radio Show
2003-04-12The listeners heard that this is not only a persecution of Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, but also a persecution of those who try to be good people. Thats why all good people around the world should stand up and try to end the human rights violations in China as soon as possible.