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Estonia: Zhang Cui Yings Art Exhibition in Tallinn
2003-03-11People who saw the paintings said that they felt that the exhibition had a vibrant spirit. Many people left their comments afterwards, like I am glad to see an ambassador of ancient Chinese culture in our country.. and It is excellent to see a brilliant oriental artist in Estonia, and it is a joy for us
RFI (Radio France Internationale): Practitioners Call On German Government to Press China to Release Lin Wenrong
2003-03-11We have just heard of the arrest of Lin Wenrong. We are very shocked by the news. She was arrested and sent to a forced brainwashing class just because she practises Falun Gong...There practitioners are subjected to mental persecution or even torturing. After hearing the news, practitioners in Germany and other countries around the world are urgently calling for her immediate release.
Third Swedish Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference held in Norrkoping
2003-03-11 -
Simon Murphy MEP Shows Concern for the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China and the Issue of Article 23 in Hong Kong
2003-03-11"I share your concerns over the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. I would like to inform you that the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office together with the global European Commission Delegations and the Diplomatic Missions of the European Union follow closely human rights issues around the world."
European Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishing of the Philippines Dafa Association
2003-03-10"Although we are many thousand miles apart from each other, Falun Dafa makes us close to each other. The tie between us is so strong that it will withstand any disturbances. Please accept the warmest congratulation from all Dafa practitioners in Europe."
German Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Founding of the Falun Dafa Association of the Philippines
2003-03-10"Congratulations fellow practitioners in the Philippines! All German Falun Dafa practitioners are very happy and encouraged to hear the news of the founding of the Falun Dafa Association of the Philippines. We wish you great progress in the Fa-rectification process. We are with you."
Swedish Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association of the Philippines
2003-03-10"The Swedish Falun Dafa Association congratulates the practitioners in the Philippines for having established their own association. More chances are now offered to the Filipino people to be able to benefit from the practice and teachings of Falun Dafa, guided by the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
UK: Revealing the Facts of the Persecution in Leicester on International Womens Day
2003-03-10As we came down from the stage, the MP thanked us and said she had found our exercise demonstration very interesting. We then went to the media room and asked if we could talk to the reporter from a local radio station. Although the radio reporter had a full schedule of people to interview, I was given an interview. The presenter was very sympathetic to Falun Gong and disturbed by the persecution. I was able to talk about the female family members of UK practitioners who are being persecuted in China.
Letter to Irish MP from Minister of Foreign Affairs
2003-03-10"Ireland will seek to ensure that the human rights situation in China, including that of followers of Falun Gong, is adequately addressed in any statement made by the EU at the forthcoming 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, to be held in Geneva in March/ April 2003."
Epoch Times: Repatriation Has Been Suspended; Lili Lin Will Soon Be Released
2003-03-10'It was verified that Mrs Lins lawyer has appealed on human rights grounds against the decision of the Home Office to repatriate her. Hence, the legal procedures of the case have now started and the repatriation procedure was terminated on the same day. It is expected that Mrs Lin will be released early this week.'
Irish Practitioner Tells Taiwan Mayor About Horrific Persecution he Suffered in China
2003-03-10Zhao Ming exposed the brutal persecution he suffered in China after he returned home for Christmas in 1999. Ming hoped his experiences could enable high-ranking officials in Taiwan to learn more about the persecution happening nearby in Mainland China.
Latvia: Dafa Practitioner Meets President During Art Exhibition in Riga
2003-03-09Local media, government officials, artists and art lovers in their hundreds attended the opening. The administrators of the gallery were so impressed with the the exhibition that they waived the usual fee for using the gallery, provided free advertising for the exhibition and presented Zhang Cui Ying with flowers.
EFGIC: Falun Gong Woman Dies from Force-Feeding Torture
2003-03-09Many detention centres and labour camps in China force-feed Falun Gong practitioners. More often used as a torture technique than a way of forcing nutrients into the detainee, the force-feeding procedure is often carried out by untrained police or common prisoners. Right: An artists rendering of the force-feeding torture.
UK: Minister for Foreign Affairs Meets With Falun Gong Association
2003-03-09On February 11 2003, UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Bill Rammell met with representatives of the U.K. Falun Gong Association. The topics discussed included the seriousness of Hong Kongs enactment of Article 23 and the approaching meeting of the U. N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva.
France: Appealing Opposite the Chinese Embassy for the Release of Charles Li and Lin Wenrong
2003-03-09Practitioners requested the unconditional and immediate release of American citizen Charles Li and German student Lin Wenrong. Both have been imprisoned whilst visiting family in China, solely because they practise Falun Gong.