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  • A Letter from the Spanish President's Office: “The main task of our foreign policy is to defend human rights”

    "I have received your letter to the President dated 9th Dec. 2002 regarding the legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong that has damaged basic human rights. We are very concerned about this and have studied it carefully."
  • Amnesty International Statement Regarding Dr. Charles Li

    "Amnesty International is investigating the recent detention of Dr. Charles Li, a U.S. citizen, by Chinese authorities...Amnesty International is also concerned about Dr. Li's health and is seeking assurances from the Chinese government that he is not being ill-treated."
  • Ukraine: An Israeli Practitioner’s Experiences During a Stay in Ukraine

    At the airport, when I was reading Zhuan Falun, someone approached me and asked, “What is this? Falun Dafa?” I replied that it was and showed him that it said Falun Dafa on my coat. He called his wife and told her with much excitement, “Look, look, Falun Dafa!”
  • China Post: MAC protests 'brutal' treatment of Falun Gong members in HK

    'The Mainland Affairs Council yesterday protested what it called the "brutal" treatment dozens of Falun Gong members from Taiwan received in Hong Kong as they were denied entry into the former British colony and sent back with six of them being tied up. "Some of the (ROC) nationals were even tied up and carried onto the plane. We strongly protest the brutal treatment by the Hong Kong government," the council said about the Friday incident at the Hong Kong airport.'
  • Letter from Friends of Falun Gong Europe to Beijing Law Firms calling for the Release of Charles Li

    "We appeal to you to allow Mr. Li the right to defend himself in a court of law, and to allow the correct judicial procedures to exonerate him from any wrongdoing, and to have him released immediately in the name of human rights."
  • French Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong during Chinese New Year on the Island of Martinique

    Martinique people showed great interest in Falun Gong and felt shocked to learn that Falun Gong practitioners in China are not allowed to practise the exercises, and are suffering inhuman persecution. The largest newspaper in Martinique, France Antilles published two announcements about Falun Gong activities (left).
  • Russia: Report on the Medical Effects of Falun Gong from Moscow City Business Committee

    A medical investigation and study on some Russian Falun Gong practitioners was conducted by an Investigation and Study Team, composed of Professor Guluoji (MD), a well known legal medical expert in the Legal and Medical Office of the Russian Federal Internal Affairs Department, and Mr. Simingtani, the Chief Examination Doctor in the Investigation Office of the Justice Department.
  • Apple Daily: Honesty and Credibility Go Bankrupt

    'The government of Hong Kong's Special Administrative Region ignores the objection of most of its citizens and insists on implementing Article 23 into the National Security Bill...this will cost the government the loss of its honesty, the bankruptcy of its credibility, and the loss of the public's trust in them.'
  • Switzerland: Practitioners Expose the Truth Behind the Persecution at the World Economic Forum in Davos

    A Swiss participant at the Forum said, “I have read all of your materials. What you’re doing is really important...It is incredible that Jiang Zemin is oppressing such kind-hearted people. I’ll bring up the issue of Falun Gong practitioners’ human rights to the Chinese delegation at the press conference later on.”
  • AFP (Agence France Presse): Free Press at Risk From Proposed Hong Kong Law, Journalists Warn

    'The US-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Friday warned that a proposed anti-subversion law poses a grave threat to freedom of expression in Hong Kong...Human rights and pro-democracy groups fear that China could use the new law to suppress freedoms including those of media, speech and religion, as well as to ban groups it considers a threat.'
  • UK: Falun Dafa at a University’s “Oneworld Week”

    On Friday, Falun Gong took centre stage at the “Peace and Tranquillity” event, which was a huge success. Many students watched and learnt the beautiful exercises and were amazed that no money was involved. One person commented that when she entered the room the Dafa music was incredibly powerful. The event organisers said that the atmosphere was so peaceful that they didn’t want to leave.
  • Citizens from the South of Sweden Appeal for the Release of Charles Li

    "[The] Chinese government simply ignores the truth and continues to persecute practitioners using beatings, torture, and even killing thousands of people, breaking up their families and rendering them homeless. Furthermore the persecution has spread overseas, with the illegal detention of a US practitioner. This is absolutely intolerable."
  • Letter from British Playwright to the BBC

    Tinch Minter is a Cambridge-based playwright. After learning about the Jiang regime’s brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, she chose to portray her sympathy and concern by composing a play for two relatives of UK Dafa practitioners who are currently being illegally detained in China.
  • The Washington Times: Proposed [anti-subversion] law sparks concern

    Many observers say they believe at the heart of this proposed legislation lies Beijing's continuing crackdown on the outlawed Falun Gong movement. [Falun Gong] is illegal on the mainland but under Hong Kong law members are free to practice. Falun Gong supporters and human rights activists fear the new laws will be used to shut down the movement in Hong Kong.
  • Ireland: Letter from a Practitioner to a Member of Parliament

    In this country I've heard people complain about our justice system. [...] But, at least we have a Justice System. In China, anyone who is a practitioner of Falun Dafa, or is suspected of being a practitioner, can be picked up from home, work, the street, at any time, with no warrant, no reason, no trial and no evidence, and simply disappear.