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UK: Practitioners from the North of England Act As One Body by Clarifying the Truth Together
2003-03-29After they practised the exercises in the afternoon sun, practitioners distributed leaflets and explained the truth about the persecution to the visitors in Heaton Park. Many visitors wanted to know the truth; one visitor from Sunderland advised the practitioners to start a new practice site in the area.
South China Morning Post: Europe urges HK to protect freedoms
2003-03-29'He stressed that the details of the Article 23 legislation were "something about which we wanted to express particular concern". The report said the anti-subversion legislation could undermine existing human rights and civil liberties in Hong Kong and could be used against anyone the central or Hong Kong government objected to, including political dissidents and religious or spiritual groups such as Falun Gong.'
German Ambassador to the United Nations Receives Nearly 1,000 Letters Calling for the Rescue of Xiong Wei and Lin Wenrong
2003-03-28Many German practitioners went to Geneva to urgently appeal to the German government and the governments of other countries to help rescue Falun Gong practitioners Xiong Wei and Lin Wenrong, who are being illegally detained in China.
UK: Falun Dafa at a Spring Fair in Cardiff
2003-03-28Most people who went to the fair couldn't help being attracted by the Falun Dafa stand. They looked at the exhibition materials in detail and were all astonished by the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Some people expressed great interest in Falun Dafa and several of them immediately started learning the exercises from the practitioners at the stand.
Norway: Alternative Health Fair in Haugesund
2003-03-28Some people from Amnesty International sat at the table next to us, so we used this chance to tell them about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. They were very happy and interested to learn more. We also used the opportunity to tell the facts about the persecution and how Falun Gong has spread to over sixty countries to a Chinese person who attended the exhibition.
UK: Weekly Report from a Universitys Falun Dafa Radio Show
2003-03-28The listeners heard that Falun Dafa is most accurately described as a cultivation practice: cultivation refers to the improvement of one's heart and mind through the careful study of Master Lis teachings and trying to live by the universal principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance, and practice means meditating and exercising to purify and energise the body.
Letter from a Greek Professor to the Chinese President
2003-03-28"A Greek who studied in China was also practising Falun Dafa and introduced me to many others who are really very nice, friendly, helpful and righteous. They do not belong to any Political Party or to any specific religion and they do not harm anybody in practising Falun Dafa. My opinion is that they are so fine and harmless that you, as the Leader of China, should be very proud of them."
German Practitioners Go to Geneva to Appeal for Lin Wenrongs Freedom
2003-03-27I am a Taiwanese citizen living in Germany. I am acquainted with Lin Wenrong and I know that she is a friendly person and is always happy to help others. We know that she was placed under house arrest in China and does not have the freedom to contact people outside. We sincerely hope that she can return to Germany as soon as possible and continue her studies.
24 Heures (Swiss newspaper): Criminal Lawsuit in Switzerland Against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-27The net is about to tighten around Mr Jiang Zemin and many others taking part in this vast machinery of repression. Global justice is slowly but surely finding its place, and one day will catch up with them the lawyer says, hoping to have a deterring effect on the torturers. The Swiss judicial authorities will be called upon the moment one of the known perpetrators sets foot on Swiss soil."
Letter from MEP Featuring Question Tabled to European Commission on Article 23
2003-03-27"The Commission will closely monitor further developments on this important issue, especially as regards eventual effects of future legislation in respect for human rights and civil liberties. The Commission will continue to exert pressure on the Chinese authorities for improvements regarding respect for freedom of expression, association and religion for all groups of the Chinese population including practitioners of Falun Gong."
Practitioners Reveal the Truth about Falun Dafa to the Consul General of India's Mission to the UN in Geneva
2003-03-27On the 14th March 2003, two practitioners from India met with the Consul General of Indias mission to Geneva to talk about Falun Dafa and the truth behind the lies spread by Jiang and his regime. The meeting lasted for about half an hour. The Consul General said that although he has met with practitioners before, this is the first time he has met Indian practitioners, so he was interested in learning more.
Radio Free Asia Reports on Geneva NGO Track Impunity Always Launching a Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2003-03-27'On Thursday, an RFA correspondent interviewed Ms. Zheng Zhihong, who rushed to Geneva from Germany simply because of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Zheng Zhihong graduated from Zhejiang University in China, and is now one of the leading figures of a German task force dedicated to the rescue of Falun Gong practitioners and their families. She outlined the situation inside and outside the U.N. building during the last two days...'
Greek Falun Dafa Association is Established
2003-03-26The Greek Falun Dafa Association has been established. This wonderful news is another milestone in the progress of the Fa-rectification in Europe and the world, and is a manifestation of Dafa's roots being established ever more strongly in the world and throughout society.
Germany: Large-Scale Appeal for the Return of Illegally Detained Practitioner Lin Wenrong to Germany
2003-03-26In the morning of March 22 2003, a large parade was held in the city of Dusseldorf. The parade was an appeal for help to rescue Lin Wenrong and other friends and relatives of German Falun Gong practitioners, who are being persecuted in China. Around one hundred Falun Gong practitioners from Germany, Holland, Sweden and Taiwan took part.
Speech from Peter Müller of the International Society for Human Rights, Given at a Falun Dafa Press Conference in Geneva
2003-03-26"It is totally unacceptable how your fellow practitioners are persecuted, tortured, maimed, killed, and their families and friends pressurised by the Chinese dictators and their willing helpers. A screaming injustice - a shame and disgrace for China and a disgrace for humanity."